The Rank and Rate Man of Steel thread

I'd give MOS a 9/10,

It was a great film, and how the 21st Superman should be, IMHO.

For comparison's sake, here are some other superhero films rating IMO.

10 = The Dark Knight and Iron Man, best superhero films ever, raised the genre to new heights, they weren't just great superhero movies, they were great movies, and they made superhero films legit, (btw The first and last Lord of the Rings films also get a 10)

9 = Man of Steel, Superman the Movie, The Crow, all these films I felt some personal connection to, great movies, always a thrill to see them, sometimes hard to watch because I love 'em so much.

8= Batman Begins, Dark Knight Rises, Batman 1989, and Raimi's first Spiderman film, great movies, loved 'em, seen em again and again.

7= Avengers, Thor the Dark World, Watchmen, good fun films, would watch them again.

6 = X Men Origins: Wolverine, Fantastic Four (both films), yeah fun to watch
and then forget.

5= Iron Man 2, Iron Man 3, Amazing Spider Man, okay to watch, I guess, but as much bad stuff as good.

4 = Green Lantern, you're watching it, waiting for it to get good, it almost does....and then doesn't.

3=Batman and Robin, you're hoping it will get good, doesn't even come close - it has delusions of mediocrity and fails to achieve them.

2= The Green Hornet, I saw this by accident because I was visiting friends and they were watching it. You never think for a moment it's going to get good, you're hanging out for the moment when it becomes average.

1= Catwoman. You're watching it, and you're like "What the F#$# is this ?" you either put the DVD in by accident or went to see it with a date, you walk out feeling cheated and wanting your money back..... for me this also describes Superman Returns (sorry, I just hated it, and nearly walked out ! Superman IV, The Quest for Peace is a 4 by comparison) .

But that's all just IMO. I bet there are some Catwoman fans out there right now going
"WTF ?"
Maybe a 6 if I'm being generous.
I went into it thinking that it would be Batman Begins for Superman, but couldn't have been more disappointed. I especially hated the tone. Apparently the film makers mistook "dark, mature, and gritty" with "cold, stiff, humorless and withdrawn". The movie took itself to seriously in an attempt to look like it was cut from the same cloth as Nolan's Batman but in the end it looked like the only way the film makers knew to do this was to take all the humor and fun out of the film and make it dour and bleak. This is mistaken by some for substance and maturity, but I found it to be severely lacking.
The plot was unimaginative but serviceable, if only the characters weren't paper thin and underdeveloped. Superman himself, the main character, pretty much felt like a complete stranger once the movie was over, as did the rest of the cast save Kevin Costner and Russell Crowe. Seriously could anyone tell me something about the personality of Clark Kent? All he did was react to things happening around him. You never really got a good glimpse into his head or his motivations. One of the biggest complaints about the superman character is how vanilla and boring he is (the big blue boy scout) and this movie did nothing to dispel that.
All in all I pretty much agree 100% with the critics. It had potential and was at least nice to look at, but overall I was severely disappointed. I have hope for the future, maybe they'll learn from their mistakes, but I'm not letting my expectations get to unrealistic.
I'm a self admitted Marvel fan, but I loved the TDKT and the old Burton batman films. I don't buy into any of this Marvel vs DC garbage. What's good for one company is good for both, a well made comic book film helps the genre as a whole. I see every superhero movie that comes out opening day, and I was extremely excited about MoS because I've always felt that Superman deserves a great movie, he is the superhero, and from the trailers I thought this for sure would be it.
That being said this isn't the movie I wanted it to be, and it does disappoint me.
However, from what I've seen on this thread it seems that most of the superman fans have more or less gotten what they wanted from this film and I'm glad to hear that :yay:
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I saw a different version that had as well developed characters as Batman begins but different people catch different things 9/10 for me. Mainly what I would change are little trivial things and add a few plot training wheels/explanations for the masses.
Gave it a 5. Saw it last night for the first time. Not a Superman fan, but I liked Donner's 80's Superman well enough. This one had me emotionally disconnected really fast. When it was over, I didn't feel anything except fatigue. Not my cup of tea at all, but I can see why many like it.
I don't have any studio preferences, this is just one man's honest opinion.

Agree with almost everything in Flint Marko's post above.

How much did Nolan affect this movie? Don't really know, serious question.
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Rotten Tomatoes Editor: Shocked At Lower Rating For Man Of Steel

by BadNewsRocky14
We’ve talked a lot the last few days about the disparity between Man of Steel‘s incredible word-of-mouth, its strong audience appeal and the fairly mediocre rating it scores among critics on the popular review-aggregation site Rotten Tomatoes.Apparently nobody was caught more off-guard by that last part than Rotten Tomatoes Senior Editor Gray Drake, who appeared on Fox Business News and called the Superman reboot “definitely the film to see, because finally Superman is back and he’s going to do big business.”
Asked why the freshness scale score was so low for that film, Drake admitted, “As much as I love and respect our critics at Rotten Tomatoes, I’ve got to say I am shocked. Listen, the movie’s not perfect but…I just cannot fathom it. It was a good movie, you guys.” or-shocked-at-low-critic-rating/

Thoughts about this? Even the editor for RT thought the rating was too low. Another interesting article I read examined RT and said that no one takes into account that the "average rating for the films don't follow what the score suggests many times." For instance, MoS has a 6.2 average rating which means that the score should probably be somewhere in the 60 percentile but it's rated 56%? That makes no sense. Oh, and apparently, MoS didn't have bad word of mouth, it had good word of mouth according to several credible websites that gauge audience reception. ove-the-competition/#sp=show-clips

There's the video just in case someone doesn't believe it.

The truth is that the site also offers up an average rating on the review page (Mud got an 8.0), but it’s in small font and poorly placed position on the page, it is so often looked over. People tend to zone in on the first number they see and let it sear their brains. Thus, an opinion of a movie is formed within a second of seeing that percentage and the problem of movie rating being dictated by a simple like or dislike button becomes a deep one. A film like Goodfellas rightfully garners a 97% rating on the site, but its average rating of 8.8 is significantly higher than Mud’s.​

Batman vs. Superman (2016) : Rotten Tomatoes Editor: Shocked At Lowe...
I gave it a seven. I love some of the designs, and on a technical level, it's well made disaster porn. But it had none of the charm and wonder that I expect from Superman film. It was instead grim, dour, unpleasant, dry, and the acting was universally weaker than the original film.
Reflecting on the 8 I have it, I think that represents an average. Dividing the movie into its three segments, I would go 10-8-6.
I gave it a seven. I love some of the designs, and on a technical level, it's well made disaster porn. But it had none of the charm and wonder that I expect from Superman film. It was instead grim, dour, unpleasant, dry, and the acting was universally weaker than the original film.

Stand by to get crucified.

It's only permissible to draw comparisons to other Superman movies if they favor Man of Steel. Otherwise, you're biased. :o
Stand by to get crucified.

It's only permissible to draw comparisons to other Superman movies if they favor Man of Steel. Otherwise, you're biased. :o

I'll take the poise, effortless charm, and class of Terrance Stamp's Zod over Michael Shannon's constipation face-of-doom any day.

Superman is supposed to be uplifting. Man of Steel is anything but that. Man of Steel is an olive branch to Nolanites, and people who think Superman is a pansy. It apologizes for the things that made Superman a pop culture icon.

I await Golgotha.
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Sorry but I'm someone that loves both films. It's possible people. Probably because like most characters that have as long a pop culture history, Superman is quite maleable as are the ways you can present him. Look at the ways his own creators evolved the stories they told about him. People like to bandy about how he was originally a "two fisted, bare knuckle social crusader" hero, but Joe and Jerry also did some pretty goofy comedic stories too. You can do a fantasty romance like Donner's first film or you can do a rather depressing "man comes to grips with his end" story like Alan Moore's Superman and Swamp Thing story from DC COMICS PRESENTS. S:TM was the fantasy/fairy tale aspect of the character. I'd say LOIS AND CLARK showcases the camp/comedic side of Superman. MOS chose to go with the Sci fi Hercules aspect.

And for those that like to throw out the "diaster porn" buzzword, may I ask how do you judge the Fleischer cartoons? Done only a couple of years after ACTION #1 those are almost all filled with tons of mayhem and destruction: buildings toppling, volcanoes, comets falling into cities, dinosaurs rampaging... Seems like Superman has a history of having huge chaotic action with tons of collateral damage going back a long way to me. To say that literally Earth shattering, visceral action is not part and parcel of Superman's appeal as a character or that aspect isn't a long time facet of his stories is to be stunningly short sighted about this long lived pop culture hero.
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I'll take the poise, effortless charm, and class of Terrance Stamp's Zod over Michael Shannon's constipation face-of-doom any day.

Wait for's coming.

Superman is supposed to be uplifting. Man of Steel is anything but that. Man of Steel is an olive branch to Nolanites, and people who think Superman is a pansy. It apologizes for the things that made Superman a pop culture icon.

Let me dig into my book of fallacies for a minute...

The most likely responses to the above are the following:

  • You just didn't get the Superman that you wanted (but I did, and that's ok. Therefore, you should like it too)
  • You just can't accept that this Superman is a modern reinvention of the character. (as if being modern is in any way indicative of quality or relevance)
  • OMG stop comparing this to the old movies, NOT FAIR!!!! (but it's perfectly fine for me to wax poetically about how much more exquisite MoS is than the old movies)
  • You just hate Zack Snyder! :-)lmao:)
  • You lack the brain capacity and refined artistic taste to comprehend and appreciate a seminal work such as Man of Steel. (see above)
  • You're just a biased troll. (But clearly I'm not, attacking your character for no other reason than you not loving this movie unconditionally)
  • You said something I don't like; you just lost all credibility!!!111one :-)doh:)

I await Golgotha.

Vaya con Dios, mi amigo.

I was expecting this movie to really be gloomy at times. The teaser trailer really made it feel that way.


I'm the kind of guy that loves a somber superhero. I think it makes the character(s) that much more compelling to follow through the movie. I thought Zack Snyder did that well in Watchmen, Raimi with Spider-Man 2, Nolan with The Dark Night and Singer with Superman Returns. 3 of those 4 movies are my top 3 of all time.

I just didn't feel that way with Superman in this movie. There were times where it felt that way, but not all the way through. Especially with all that he had been through. I know people have their own criteria on a superhero movie. This is one of mine.
Wait for's coming.

Let me dig into my book of fallacies for a minute...

The most likely responses to the above are the following:

  • You just didn't get the Superman that you wanted (but I did, and that's ok. Therefore, you should like it too)
  • You just can't accept that this Superman is a modern reinvention of the character. (as if being modern is in any way indicative of quality or relevance)
  • OMG stop comparing this to the old movies, NOT FAIR!!!! (but it's perfectly fine for me to wax poetically about how much more exquisite MoS is than the old movies)
  • You just hate Zack Snyder! :-)lmao:)
  • You lack the brain capacity and refined artistic taste to comprehend and appreciate a seminal work such as Man of Steel. (see above)
  • You're just a biased troll. (But clearly I'm not, attacking your character for no other reason than you not loving this movie unconditionally)
  • You said something I don't like; you just lost all credibility!!!111one :-)doh:)

Vaya con Dios, mi amigo.

Now , if you would go over to the TDK boards and post a similar post, I would be very happy. That's the film folks seem to think you're brain damaged if you don't like.
Visualiza...on point, as always.

:up: Thanks. I try to keep it in check, but I lose my cool and say something reckless every so often. Although we disagree more often than not, I will say that Batmannerism never fails to make a good point and always manages to keep it civil.

Now , if you would go over to the TDK boards and post a similar post, I would be very happy. That's the film folks seem to think you're brain damaged if you don't like.

Now this is interesting to me. Unlike MoS, I do find TDK to be a quality movie, but it doesn't particularly float my boat, if that makes any sense. Kinda reminds of Adaptation (but I'll be damned if Nic Cage wasn't stellar in that movie, among others). In all fairness though, I've seen that type of stuff muttered by every fanbase. I post it here because, in general, it seems like this fanbase is the worst about this sort of frenzied defensiveness.

But yeah...there definitely is a contingent of Nolan fans that are just...especially devout in their praise. I believe that the movies (well, the first two anyway) deserve the accolades that they've received, but sometimes I read posts on the boards that are so far out there with some of the things they say. I'm sure you know the type; the ones who describe the movies using little more than poetic obfuscations and flowery chatter. Heaven help you if you disagree. Whoever it is that has the modded Ghandi quote in their sig said it best, I think.
:up: Thanks. I try to keep it in check, but I lose my cool and say something reckless every so often. Although we disagree more often than not, I will say that Batmannerism never fails to make a good point and always manages to keep it civil.

That is high praise indeed ! Many thanks for that. Hope things are going well for you. Cheers.

Now this is interesting to me. Unlike MoS, I do find TDK to be a quality movie, but it doesn't particularly float my boat, if that makes any sense. Kinda reminds of Adaptation (but I'll be damned if Nic Cage wasn't stellar in that movie, among others). In all fairness though, I've seen that type of stuff muttered by every fanbase. I post it here because, in general, it seems like this fanbase is the worst about this sort of frenzied defensiveness.

But yeah...there definitely is a contingent of Nolan fans that are just...especially devout in their praise. I believe that the movies (well, the first two anyway) deserve the accolades that they've received, but sometimes I read posts on the boards that are so far out there with some of the things they say. I'm sure you know the type; the ones who describe the movies using little more than poetic obfuscations and flowery chatter. Heaven help you if you disagree. Whoever it is that has the modded Ghandi quote in their sig said it best, I think.

I've definitely been on many boards where people are terrified to say anything bad about TDK and your credibility is questioned if you don't like it. people are actually mostly pretty reasonable here but there are a few.

I try to tamp it down though these days because with MOS , I now know what it like to have one of your your favorite movies put down constantly by folks including some critics who simply don't even to have seen the same scenes as you and,although I know I'm bias, miss things that seem to objectively be there. So , yeah, I probably am more defensive about this film than almost any other.
Wait for's coming.

Let me dig into my book of fallacies for a minute...

The most likely responses to the above are the following:

  • You just didn't get the Superman that you wanted (but I did, and that's ok. Therefore, you should like it too)
  • You just can't accept that this Superman is a modern reinvention of the character. (as if being modern is in any way indicative of quality or relevance)
  • OMG stop comparing this to the old movies, NOT FAIR!!!! (but it's perfectly fine for me to wax poetically about how much more exquisite MoS is than the old movies)
  • You just hate Zack Snyder! :-)lmao:)
  • You lack the brain capacity and refined artistic taste to comprehend and appreciate a seminal work such as Man of Steel. (see above)
  • You're just a biased troll. (But clearly I'm not, attacking your character for no other reason than you not loving this movie unconditionally)
  • You said something I don't like; you just lost all credibility!!!111one :-)doh:)

Vaya con Dios, mi amigo.

So many valid points in just one post.
Story: Good
Acting: Good
Visuals: Great
Sound: Great

Overall: Great - 9/10
I rate MoS at 9/10 in its own right (9.5). It's place within my ten most favorite superhero films:

1) Guardians of the Galaxy
2) The Avengers
3) Captain America: The Winter Soldier
4) Captain America: The First Avenger
5) Iron Man
6) X-Men: First Class
7) Hellboy
8) Man of Steel
9) The Dark Knight Rises
10) Thor

My reasons for why any particular film strikes a chord with me are often pretty idiosyncratic, so it's not a list of which films I consider to be "objectively better" from top to bottom. The order more reflects my own quirky reasons for liking the films.

I will say, though, that as time goes by MoS continues moving up in the ranked order. It is probably the only superhero movie that I feel compelled to watch repeatedly in order to mine more and more from it.

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