The screentime of venom

Takeshi Sendo

Apr 19, 2007
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Well i did a little job catching all the moments of venom in the film and paste them with a logic.
If you want you can see my video,is spanish the lenguage and i guess that was very good the screen time,having in count that the two fights with snadman only have 2 minutes and the transformation no more than three and venom in the film have a total of 10 minutes.
Its actually 7 minutes. Screentime is the amount of time you actually see the character on the screen, not the whole scene hes involved in.
Pft. Just another reason to be disappointed with this movie.
sandman shouldve been the main villain for this, his battle scenes were amazing, s3 didnt give him justice or venom, or tobey's dancing skills
7 minutes out of,how much? 139 minutes? Jeez. What a waste of an awesome character.
well I made a video of all sandman's fighting screentime and venom's fighting screen time, and sandman was only longer by maybe like 15 seconds if that. and his screentime in the whole movie is only a few minutes more then venom if you also count eddie, since alot of flint's scenes were just him also. so it's not that bad
well I made a video of all sandman's fighting screentime and venom's fighting screen time, and sandman was only longer by maybe like 15 seconds if that. and his screentime in the whole movie is only a few minutes more then venom if you also count eddie, since alot of flint's scenes were just him also. so it's not that bad

Yet another reason to be disappointed in this movie.
Yet another reason to be disappointed in this movie.

well what I was trying to get at was they didn't treat venom worse than sandman like everyone thinks, sandman may have had 3 fights, but they're all short, and venom's one big fight as just as long as those together.
It's hard to take you or your criticisms seriously when you're anticipating the Dragonball movie. :whatever:

Exactly :whatever: .

Anyway, I can't wait to see the Venom movie. Marvel has control this time, need more information leaked!

But I still don't understand what they could do with Venom in his movie, I mean he's Spider-Man's foe. Well any who I feel they should have nixed the Sand-Man and had Venom be the main villain for the movie. They could have done Venom justice and had a good finale battle between Spidey and Venom in the end instead of the way Venom was orginal defeated. Well any who I enjoyed the movie any ways dispite all that.
well I think they need sandman just because they needed someone other than harry to fight when he has the symbiote, but I think they should have killed him there in the subway. than have the last fight just be a big venom fight.
They could have just had Harry and Venom as the villains in the movie. But Sand-Man was cool, I loved the team up between Venom and Sand-Man.
I loved the team up between Venom and Sand-Man.

wow, first time I've ever heard anyone say that. I guess I wasn't a huge fan of that, but it really wasn't a big deal to me. now if sandman was actually sandman in this fight and not the....whatever he was, then I would like it more.
I am just going to say that I was pleased with this incarnation of Venom, I do however think a little bit more screen time of Eddie Brock/Venom would've been nice. I know there was stuff cut out, it's the same deal with Sandman as well. Perhaps when Spider-Man 3.1 comes out, it'll fix that.
I know they cut some scenes because of cost,but they also could've left a few more minutes of footage in. I mentioned this before,but Pirates 3 was some 20 minutes longer than Spidey 3,and I'd watch a 3 hour Spidey movie if I could(I sat through Titanic and Grindhouse which were about 3 hours?).
It's hard to take you or your criticisms seriously when you're anticipating the Dragonball movie. :whatever:

You keep telling yourself that. Looking forward to a particular movie doesn't hinder my ability to see the blatant and innate flaws of Spider-Man 3.

Your words might have some meaning had, say, the Dragonball movie sucked and I thought it was great. But alas that is not the case so your claims are groundless. And for the record, I'm not exactly thrilled with the progress of the Dragonball movie. I still plan to see it.
Really what a waste of a movie and plotline for 7 minutes.
well guys but venom himself is the max status of personality of eddie brock,i want to say that in the film we can see how eddie brock evolution until become his maximun expression,venom.If you want you can count part of the screentime of eddie brock.
But its true that venom venom is only 7 i said if we look the screentime of the sandman´s battles his two battles (without count the king kong sandman) dont have 2 minutes and his transformation only have 3 minutes.I want to say with all this post that the screentime of venom could be worse,mch worse.
venom should have been a cliffhanger and never should have been killed off i hope in 2030 they make a ramake like with batman and give venom a rightful position as the best villian in the spidey series
Right, because yours is the only true taste in movies. :whatever:

Where did he say that?

He says he's disappointed with Spider-Man 3, and he gets insulted by Blader for it. Now you're putting words in his mouth and rolling your eyes because he's defending himself against such petty insults.

Ignore the pair of them, Thinner. It seems to bruise their egos or something to see someone else criticize a movie they like. Especially Blader when it comes to SM-3. If you think the movie was a disappointment or flawed, then that's your right to say so.
You keep telling yourself that. Looking forward to a particular movie doesn't hinder my ability to see the blatant and innate flaws of Spider-Man 3.

No, what I'm saying is that liking Dragonball--anime or movie--compromises your taste in what's good and what's bad. For analogy's sake, if someone said that Transformers was a great film but then said that Gone Baby Gone sucked, then obviously that person has bad taste. It's the same situation here. It's one thing to criticize SM3, it's another to criticize it but then think something like Dragonball is good (which is obvious given your avatar and tag).

Unless you like DBZ as a guilty pleasure or something.

Joker said:
Ignore the pair of them, Thinner. It seems to bruise their egos or something to see someone else criticize a movie they like. Especially Blader when it comes to SM-3.

Give me a break. :whatever: I thought you were a little more mature than that.

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