The Dark Knight Rises The TDKR General Discussion & Speculation Thread - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Part 119

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So that scene of

Batman saving Blake

is post-prison, right?
Is that a Tumbler in Bane's lair with the rubble landing on it.:huh:

So that scene of

Batman saving Blake

is post-prison, right?

Yes. And I realise now that old shot of him with his hands up is after he was pushed, despite having his hands up before he was pushed.
Heres exactly what he told my uncle he said, "Legendary is having a press screening of a movie at Comic Con"

And honestly, there is only one movie that coming it with Legendary as a studio to it


So its happening. I just wish I could've been there.
Awww, little Brucie! :hrt:

:lmao: That poor rookie cop.
Heres exactly what he told my uncle he said, "Legendary is having a press screening of a movie at Comic Con"

And honestly, there is only one movie that coming it with Legendary as a studio to it


So its happening. I just wish I could've been there.

That sucks man! :csad:

When is the screening? This weekend?
It's amusing how much power Shape and Scoop have over us right now. :oldrazz:
I love how Batman is kind of funny. First his expression to Selina cranking up the batpod...then hes expression when the cop almost shoots him...and obviously the field goal kick.
That sucks man! :csad:

When is the screening? This weekend?

It happening during the duration of Comic Con for press. And if memory serves me well because I got to attend some of the press screenings of movies last year, Captain America, Drive, that vampire movie with Colin Ferrel, Cowboys Vs. Aliens. So I'm going to assume, that sites like Screenrant will be in attendance.
That shot from the most recent spot with the cop saying sorry after shooting at Batman confuses me aren't the cops hunting him down/chasing him at this point of the movie (early on in the film).
It happening during the duration of Comic Con for press. And if memory serves me well because I got to attend some of the press screenings of movies last year, Captain America, Drive, that vampire movie with Colin Ferrel, Cowboys Vs. Aliens. So I'm going to assume, that sites like Screenrant will be in attendance.

Ah, gotcha'.
Shape, is Bruce in prison for a really long portion of the film? An hour or so?
Probably one of the first scenes when he makes his return.

I believe it's after he 'remembers where he parked'. The 13minute video shows the Bat firing and blowing its downdraught down the tunnel Blake is in.
So that scene of

Batman saving Blake

is post-prison, right?

My gut tells me, maybe not...

I reckon it could be on the way down into the sewers to confront Bane for the first time. After this moment with Blake, he then runs into Selina in the Subway, who then lures him to Bane where the first big beatdown takes place.

Just my gut feeling though.

Yes... I think? :argh: :p

I love how Batman is kind of funny. First his expression to Selina cranking up the batpod...then hes expression when the cop almost shoots him...and obviously the field goal kick.

I actually like that. I said this before when he saw him do the side nod in the TV spot to Selina but something's changed with him. It's like his Bruce is showing now through the Batman mask or he has accepted now being both Bruce and Batman. Jonah also mentioned something about how Selina manage to crack his somberness. :funny:
My gut tells me, maybe not...

I reckon it could be on the way down into the sewers to confront Bane for the first time. After this moment with Blake, he then runs into Selina in the Subway, who then lures him to Bane where the first big beatdown takes place.

Just my gut feeling though.

If you've watched all the footage
The cops are all leaving around Blake in the tunnel he fell. This is just before the 'war'.
Shape, now that I have you, who is the presiding judge in Bane's Gotham:
Scarecrow or Crane?
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