The Dark Knight Rises The TDKR General Discussion & Speculation Thread - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Part 121

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I just don't know why people get their panties in a jumble. Every review has said the ending is the best part, and theShape is not a pushover, he's a critical film/comic fan so I trust him with that. And many others have said the same, who cares what the ending is, it is apparently amazing.

I still remember when it was found out that Two-Face died and Batman took the fall for his crimes, on paper it sounded horrible to some, and people were freaking out, but seeing it in context it changed peoples view.

Well if that ending is true, it certainly doesn't sound conclusive. Sounds more like a lead in to Batman 4.
Won't people wait to see the movie in order to know how it ends?
Can somebody remind me as to what crimes Dent committed? As far as I could tell from The Dark Knight, he killed Maroni's driver, Maroni, Wuertz, mildly assaulted Ramirez, shot Batman's kevlar, and briefly kidnapped Mrs. and Jr. Gordon. So basically his only transgression was kidnapping Gordon's family, correct?
Can somebody remind me as to what crimes Dent committed? As far as I could tell from The Dark Knight, he killed Maroni's driver, Maroni, Wuertz, mildly assaulted Ramirez, shot Batman's kevlar, and briefly kidnapped Mrs. and Jr. Gordon. So basically his only transgression was kidnapping Gordon's family, correct?

Shot the bartender.
hmmmmmm when will the embargo be broken. there were supposed to be 2 screenings in NYC yesterday, one in regular, one in IMAX and not a single tweet or post or status. WTF is going on?
Léo Ho Tep;23809677 said:
Won't people wait to see the movie in order to know how it ends?

Apparently, there is a lot of impatient folk in here.
Well look what happened. I've had to interrupt my hiatus from this thread to comment on what I read elsewhere about the alleged ending.

The Illusionist + John Robin Blake maybe becomes Batman

:barf: :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf:

That would be a studio-driven ending, not one of the caliber of Chris Nolan's previous films.

Looks like the screening did took place in NYC yesterday:
Savannah Guthrie may have seemed to have first day jitters when she officially debuted as Ann Curry's TODAY replacement Monday, but behind the scenes, she's fitting in just fine with colleagues Matt Lauer and Natalie Morales.

In fact, a source tells Us Weekly Guthrie, 40, is especially close with Morales, 40. At a Tuesday afternoon screening of Dark Knight Rises in New York City, the women -- plus Lauer, 54 -- checked out the much-hyped flick together.

"Savannah and Natalie were giggly and super chummy with each other as they exited the theater and rode the escalators down to the lobby with a small pack of producer types," an eyewitness tells Us of Morales and Guthrie, who attempted to stay incognito by wearing her sunglasses indoors.
Well if that ending is true, it certainly doesn't sound conclusive. Sounds more like a lead in to Batman 4.
Nolan said that he
wanted an end to Bruce Wayne's story. That would be an end to Bruce's story in the Nolanverse.
Shot the bartender.

When did that happen? I remember the bartender walking away, us hearing a door open, and then Dent walks into the frame seconds later. In fact, I got the sense that the bartender was instructed by Dent to keep Wuertz there and then leave when he was alone.
Well look what happened. I've had to interrupt my hiatus from this thread to comment on what I read elsewhere about the alleged ending.

The Illusionist + John Robin Blake maybe becomes Batman

:barf: :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf:

That would be a studio-driven ending, not one of the caliber of Chris Nolan's previous films.

Or maybe Nolan just wants to have Bruce's story end on a happy note that will satisfy the majority of the masses. It would piss some of the hardcore fans, sure, but most would like that ending.
That is a true statement. He's also said an end to Bruce's story....
According to the ending I got

John Blake does not become batman nightwing or robin, all he does is discover the batcave and the batsuit.

Its implied at that moment that his Godfather of sorts is indeed his idol Batman
I read that ending in spoiler tags, and I wouldn't necessarily be disappointed with it - if they allude to that scene earlier in the film via dialogue and then play it out at the end that way, that seems decent.

I can't wait for this movie.
Nolan said that he
wanted an end to Bruce Wayne's story. That would be an end to Bruce's story in the Nolanverse.

Well yeah I get that. I still assumed it meant a definitive conclusive end to the trilogy. This just sounds like a cliffhanger.

When did that happen? I remember the bartender walking away, us hearing a door open, and then Dent walks into the frame seconds later. In fact, I got the sense that the bartender was instructed by Dent to keep Wuertz there and then leave when he was alone.

Well the dude at the bar. Not the bartender.
the mentioned ending hardly alludes to grown men crying though?
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