The Dark Knight Rises The TDKR General Discussion & Speculation Thread - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Part 121

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And you think that
Bruce dying or continuing to be Batman forever
would cause people to give the film a standing ovation?

Did I say that? Anywhere in that post did I say that I felt that your two suggested endings would result in a standing ovation from audiences?

Nope. I didn't.

I honestly don't think anyone here has a clear idea to the ending, or at least - in context, the ending looks a like better on film than it reads on paper.
Keep in mind that a lot of people have praised the ending and yet the fanboys are in meltdown without the knowledge of all facts..
That's a tricky thread to be weaving into your finale.....hmmm.....

Yeah, seems thin. It sounds like something you would have to allude to in a flashback or reference somewhere else in the film before revealing it in the ending - and referencing it in the film would sort of give it away prematurely.
I will say that it does end the story and could feel like a real emotional ending, depend how it plays. I can see it as a definitive closing....
Yeah, seems thin. It sounds like something you would have to allude to in a flashback or reference somewhere else in the film before revealing it in the ending - and referencing it in the film would sort of give it away prematurely.

remember people freaked out over the Inception Synopsis, it turned out to be Mind blowing.
Why wouldn't Bruce just let Alfred know that he's alive and with Selina? From what I've read, Alfred sees them and was happy about it but why not just tell him?
Too much soilage. Signing off until the 20th! Good luck brothers and sisters!
Well, I found out Inception's ending 2 days before and that film still knocked my ass out.


Thats why Im not so stressed about reading supposed ending spoilers - because even if we find out beforehand, on film it's going to knock us on our asses.
Why wouldn't Bruce just let Alfred know that he's alive and with Selina? From what I've read, Alfred sees them and was happy about it but why not just tell him?

Good question.

Maybe he doesnt want Alfred to feel responsible for him - essentially Alfred has been an indentured servant this entire time. So Bruce would almost be liberating Alfred of that responsibility.

The more I think of that supposed ending though, the less I believe that

Bruce and Selina end up together.

I just dont see it working within the context of what we've seen thus far.
Too much soilage. Signing off until the 20th! Good luck brothers and sisters!
a wise choice

even wiser is to not "pre-empt" yourself with whatever you have heard about specific details

just watch the goddamn Batman film
Lots of new members posting lately. Sort of nice to see.

Thats why Im not so stressed about reading supposed ending spoilers - because even if we find out beforehand, on film it's going to knock us on our asses.

Yeah, it's all about how does it work on the screen than the page. On the page, it's interesting. But, we don' t have the entire story to understand why that ending was chosen.......IF CORRECT.
Yeah thats the one thing I thought, reading that "ending" - I can't see anyone giving that ending a standing ovation, regardless of what the film is like up until that point.

People don't give standing ovations to ideas. They give it to executions.
why are we treating a spoiler that's been posted here to the spoiler of the NF board as if it's one big whole continuous spoiler?

this will only lead to some confusion and crazier speculations. geez you people
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Besides the TV appearances, is the cast done with the interviews stuff? They seem to have not been interviewed by the movie sites and most of them are busy with Comic Con.

Good question.

It seems to be a *****ey thing to do. :funny: I mean, the guy is your father figure all your life and he should know that nothing would make Alfred happier than finding out that he is alive and finally living a normal life with someone. It just sounds weird and just for the sake of drama that Alfred should "find out" and he wasn't told.
In hindsight, now, I'm not so sure.

Hasn't it been revealed that Bruce's identity gets revealed to everyone? If true, how would Blake not know it until the ending?

At least Blake doesn't become Batman. Thank God for that.
In hindsight, now, I'm not so sure.

Hasn't it been revealed that Bruce's identity gets revealed to everyone? If true, how would Blake not know it until the ending?

I believe the guy who apparently saw the movie said that didn't happen which contradicts with what Bosef said. Maybe that's another clue that the guy who said he saw it was lying. I don't know.
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