The Dark Knight Rises The TDKR General Discussion Thread - Part 129 (NO SPOILERS)

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I'm guessing this nervous reaction of any negative reviews come from the fact that a lot of people are trying to avoid reading reviews-both positive and negative-and instead end up focusing on negative blurbs. So far, the positive reviews definitely outweigh the negative, with a lot of higher scores than expected. I'm looking forward to reading some of the reviews after I watch the movie.
As the number of reviews increase, the fluctuation in the tomatometer will be less unless there's a heavy influx of positive/negative reviews.

That is correct. :up:

I hope that after 150 reviews the tomato-meter will not fluctuate as much.
One thing I'm confident is that the last act is nothing less than great. Sure, some people may be disappointed, but it seems like the ending was satisfying for the majority of people.
Alright guys, I'm just about to go to the movie. My heart is beating out of my chest. I can't believe I'm about to see it. This is a special moment never to be replicated again.
How long till those SHH members should return?

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Re: The TDKR General Discussion Thread - Part 128 (NO SPOILERS)
Originally Posted by Street Vendor
I can't watch it at work. What do they say?

Peter thought it was good, better than Begins not as good as TDK.

Germain seemed to like it more than Peter, but he thought it was the weakest in the series with Begins being the best.

Peter did make an interesting comment about how he felt the pressure to make it the ending to a trilogy might have hurt the movie, the moments that tied in to the other films were some of the weaker parts for him.

Thanks, man!
85 or more is brilliant. 80-84 is very good. Anything less is meh, but that won't happen nor will it ever influence my review.

The same is true for a high score, btw.
Yeah, the final act seems to be very well received. I honestly thought the ending would divide critics, but it seems to be the opposite.
Alright guys, I'm just about to go to the movie. My heart is beating out of my chest. I can't believe I'm about to see it. This is a special moment never to be replicated again.

Remember that this is the Last Nolan Bat film.

(I know that you do.) :oldrazz:
Alright guys, I'm just about to go to the movie. My heart is beating out of my chest. I can't believe I'm about to see it. This is a special moment never to be replicated again.

Yeah, the final act seems to be very well received. I honestly thought the ending would divide critics, but it seems to be the opposite.

Which is great, considering that Nolan never does what you expect.
What are the chances of it getting above 90? I need it to be above 90%!!!
Alright guys, I'm just about to go to the movie. My heart is beating out of my chest. I can't believe I'm about to see it. This is a special moment never to be replicated again.

I'm very excited for you, AnneFan! Have a great time!
I notice many of the negative reviews thought the film dragged in the 2nd guessing those are the bruce wayne prison scenes
By the way, Peter from /Film said that most of the national press saw it tonight, and earlier screenings were mostly for press junket types.... Doesn't he know that a ton of critics have screened it before him?
I will be back after watching TDKR. (36 hours to go.) :yay:
I notice many of the negative reviews thought the film dragged in the 2nd guessing those are the bruce wayne prison scenes

Yeah Batman is MIA at that point and someone mentioned that John Blake is the focus of the 2nd act.
I was quite interested in Peter for /Film's review however when I realised he was more of just a TDK I didn't bother.
Did more positive reviews get posted? Looks like we're at around 72 now...
Yeah. Should be 87% by now, but it's not.
Rt is now 87, its jumped from 85 to 87 despite 2 negatives
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