The Dark Knight Rises The TDKR General Discussion Thread - Part 131 (NO SPOILERS)

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Did anyone see the clip on The Soup about Bane as a kid? Joel McHale played his Dad talking about how inhalers were too expensive, so he got little Bane his "mask... thing." And that he couldn't fit a football helmet over it, but he's sure he's not bitter about not being able to play football.

*Clip of Bane blowing up stadium*
Roeper will have his full review tonight but he tweeted that the last five minutes of the films is the best of any film this year.
Did anyone see the clip on The Soup about Bane as a kid? Joel McHale played his Dad talking about how inhalers were too expensive, so he got little Bane his "mask... thing." And that he couldn't fit a football helmet over it, but he's sure he's not bitter about not being able to play football.

*Clip of Bane blowing up stadium*

YouTube of that anywhere? That sounds hilarious!
So what did you think about the film?
let's just say i can't wait to see it again

it throws a loooooottt of info and dialogue to the viewers. i'm honestly surprised that my audience clapped enthusiastically at the end considering how silent they were for almost the entire film

although i do wonder how the uber geeks like a lot of people here would react to it :D
Originally Posted by Léo Ho Tep

While I understand your point, I don't understand why he should stay Batman, when it seems the city doesn't need him anymore before Bane's siege. why would he stay Batman and be hunted, when crime rate is at its lowest thanks to the Harvey Dent act?

So yeah, he does need to be Batman, but there is no reason for him to don the cowl again, and that's what is killing him.

Interesting, I remember reading in original Sherlock Holmes stories whenever Holmes was not getting any cases to solve he took drugs and did not sleep and looked sick.
Just finished my viewing. I really don't know what to make of it... frankly I am satisfied with the ending, but on the other hand, the movie could have been so much better.
Finger took a lot of inspiration from Doyle actually, so that's not far-fetched at all :)

In some early detective comics episodes, Bruce and Dick are like "wow, tonight is so boring. Let's don the cowl and chase some thugs!", and that's way before Bruce became the lone obsessed psychotic hero.
I want to reply to the comment from the previous thread on "Why should he be Batman if crime has been cleaned up" by saying first, crime is never all the way cleaned up. Muggers, burglars. Somebody's dealing meth.

So there's always a justification for being Batman to Bruce, however thin. And thin is all he needs- cause it's really about his own need as much as Gotham's.

Organized crime didn't kill his parents. A broke dude with a gun did. Those don't go away.
I want to reply to the comment from the previous thread on "Why should he be Batman if crime has been cleaned up" by saying first, crime is never all the way cleaned up. Muggers, burglars. Somebody's dealing meth.

So there's always a justification for being Batman to Bruce, however thin. And thin is all he needs- cause it's really about his own need as much as Gotham's.

Organized crime didn't kill his parents. A broke dude with a gun did. Those don't go away.

That doesn't change anything. Being Batman to fight petty crimes would show people how the Harvey Dent cover up was a lie. It makes no sense.

He made a sacrifice in TDK. and in order for the sacrifice to work, he must stop being Batman.
Léo Ho Tep;23908401 said:
That doesn't change anything. Being Batman to fight petty crimes would show people how the Harvey Dent cover up was a lie. It makes no sense.

He made a sacrifice in TDK. and in order for the sacrifice to work, he must stop being Batman.

He could still have worked with Gordon. In fact, before the eight year exile thing was revealed, that's what most people assumed.
He could still have worked with Gordon. In fact, before the eight year exile thing was revealed, that's what most people assumed.

to stop petty crimes? It doesn't seem like Gordon needed him. Mayor Garcia wouldn't consider dumping Gordon because "it's peace time", if Gordon was helpless before crime.

Again, it would make no sense.
I want to reply to the comment from the previous thread on "Why should he be Batman if crime has been cleaned up" by saying first, crime is never all the way cleaned up. Muggers, burglars. Somebody's dealing meth.

So there's always a justification for being Batman to Bruce, however thin. And thin is all he needs- cause it's really about his own need as much as Gotham's.

Organized crime didn't kill his parents. A broke dude with a gun did. Those don't go away.

In the first movie crime was flourishing as cops were corrupt and the whole system of officials were bought by mafia lords, but after TDK situation changed the crime was down and cops were doing their duty, the city administration was good , no need for Batman to exist.

Of course, in comics Batman does not take a break, why ? Because there are many more villains as comics need to be published every week.
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Léo Ho Tep;23908401 said:
That doesn't change anything. Being Batman to fight petty crimes would show people how the Harvey Dent cover up was a lie. It makes no sense.

He made a sacrifice in TDK. and in order for the sacrifice to work, he must stop being Batman.

I don't see how. That just exposes the logic behind this Dent Act as sort of dodgy anyway.

So because a masked vigilante supposedly murdered a bunch of people, one of whom was Gotham's white knight, the rest of whom were mobsters, the city rallied to pass legislation cracking down on mobsters?

That's kinda sketchy already. I don't see how Batman continuing to go after criminals invalidates that, but I don't see how it makes sense in the first place, either.

Much more compelling if he's considered dangerous enough to murder people and he's still going at it anyway. He turns into a bogey man. Which is then used to give the police more power to go after the bogey man. Which they then use to go after the mob.

Anyway, it's all convoluted.

I think his absence diminishes a drama that was key to the first two installments. As I said, I'll take the movie for what it is and I expect to love it.

I still like TDK regardless of the fact that there is no logic whatsoever in the Gordon death fake-out and it takes up like five to ten minutes of my life.
In the first movie crime was flourishing as cops were corrupt and the whole system of officials were bought by mafia lords, but after TDK situation changed the crime was down and cops were doing their duty, the city administration was good , no need foe Batman to exist.

Of course, in comics Batman does not take a break, why ? Because there are many more villains as comics need to be published ever week.

Haha, exactly!
I don't see how. That just exposes the logic behind this Dent Act as sort of dodgy anyway.

So because a masked vigilante supposedly murdered a bunch of people, one of whom was Gotham's white knight, the rest of whom were mobsters, the city rallied to pass legislation cracking down on mobsters?

That's kinda sketchy already. I don't see how Batman continuing to go after criminals invalidates that, but I don't see how it makes sense in the first place, either.

Much more compelling if he's considered dangerous enough to murder people and he's still gosling it anyway. He turns into a bogey man. Which is then used to give the police more power to go after the bogey man. Which they then use to go after the mob.

Anyway, it's all convoluted.

I think his absence diminishes a drama that was key to the first two installments. As I said, I'll take the movie for what it is and I expect to love it.

I still like TDK regardless of the fact that there is no logic whatsoever in the Gordon death fake-out and it takes up like five to ten minutes of my life.

There are no mob anymore. They don't need Batman.

And if Batman was seen arresting petty thugs, wouldn't people question why he would have killed Harvey?
Léo Ho Tep;23908381 said:
Finger took a lot of inspiration from Doyle actually, so that's not far-fetched at all :)

In some early detective comics episodes, Bruce and Dick are like "wow, tonight is so boring. Let's don the cowl and chase some thugs!", and that's way before Bruce became the lone obsessed psychotic hero.

Thats why I roll my eyes when some fanboys go "Comics Batman wouldnt quit!"

Yeah...psychotic modern Batman wouldnt quit. But that's one version out of many comic ones. I could easily see Golden Age Batman just retiring knowing that he did his part.
Thats why I roll my eyes when some fanboys go "Comics Batman wouldnt quit!"

Yeah...psychotic modern Batman wouldnt quit. But that's one version out of many comic ones. I could easily see Golden Age Batman just retiring knowing that he did his part.

This. Especially if he thought that his presence was doing more harm than good.
Thats why I roll my eyes when some fanboys go "Comics Batman wouldnt quit!"

Yeah...psychotic modern Batman wouldnt quit. But that's one version out of many comic ones. I could easily see Golden Age Batman just retiring knowing that he did his part.

Absolutely. Bruce was always on vacation in the first stories. He wasn't worried one bit to leave Gotham without it's guardian.

That's what I like so much about Batman: he's much more than just the psychotic hero.
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