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The Dark Knight Rises What didn't you like about the movie? - Part 1

Indeed, indeed, indeed. :up:
Blake on the bridge arguing with a policeman, getting kids into a bus and the bridge being cut off isn't on my must see again scenes either. It's like they are trying to show what a good soul Blake is, as it's likely he becomes a masked crime fighter in the future. But again, it took too much away from Bruce.
What exactly was the Batman strobe light dance he did in the tunnel on his way to meet Bane for the first time? Was it a defense in the tunnel set up by the LOS guys? Was it a Batman weapon? It would have been nice to see him deploying whatever it was.
I disliked Bane's sudden change of attitude in wanting to kill Batman.

First he wanted Batman to see Gotham burn. Then he has him in a position to see it blow up in front of his very eyes.

But instead Bane decides he'll just shoot him in the head and let him imagine it.

Yes maybe Bane wanted revenge for being overcome in the fight. Or maybe he was fearful of giving Batman any sort of chance due to him having risen impossibly. But at least explain this. At least give Bane a bit more dialogue before such a meaningful moment, especially when you consider what happens to him a moment later.

Really poor way for Bane to go out. Maybe Nolan et al were eating too much swiss cheese on the day.
I think the Dark Knight Rises was the 3rd best of the trilogy. It does mean I think it is not good. It is still a 8/10 movie for me. I just like Batman Begins, then the Dark Knight, and then the Dark Knight Rises. It is just a personal preference.

The scene with Blake talking to Bruce and explaining how he knows he is the Batman was just a little too corny. It makes sense, sure. However, sometimes I get this embarrassing feeling in me when I watch some movie scenes, and that was one of them.

Talia. I am sorry, but I knew it was coming. A movie with Bane and Batman, was not going to skip out on Talia. It was very obvious that she was going to be the plot twist. And if it was going to be anyone, it was going to be Ms. Miranda Tate. I thought there was going to be another major fight scene with her where we could possibility see her League of Shadows skills. But we just got to see 12 minutes of her just to be killed in wreckage. Not only that, but she died in satisfaction thinking that she fulfilled Ra's' destiny. I just thought they could have done better.

Bane's death. :doh: Bane is just a great villain, I thought it was a little disrespectful for him just to be killed by Catwoman who used the Batpod's weapons behind his back. He was so fearful in the beginning. But in my eyes, he kind of died down towards the end, just because Batman figured out to attack his mask with greater precision. He also died down a little bit with Tailia coming into the picture.

The Pit prison. It was filled with people helping Bruce Wayne. He did not have to win respect or anything.
What exactly was the Batman strobe light dance he did in the tunnel on his way to meet Bane for the first time? Was it a defense in the tunnel set up by the LOS guys? Was it a Batman weapon? It would have been nice to see him deploying whatever it was.

I thought that was gun fire from the LOS guys shooting at Batman as he came towards them in the darkened tunnel, I dont think there was any sort of "special" weapon at play here.
Some clumsy editing/transitioning, one or two missing plot-points and Talia's death scene. That's about it really, I loved the rest. :)
No way would I have cut Blake from the movie, but I would have possibly given him a different background and actions. Bruce giving him entry to the Batcave was unnecessary- I know what it was trying to say, but surely it negates the whole ending to the story. He should have stayed on the force like Gordon, and not been given the vigilante route. Why would Bruce wish that on anyone? Or am I way off here?

Foley should have been cut. Useless and banal character. And yes, we needed way more Batman. He's been gone for 8yrs, we get the anticipation of his return, and then there's just barely anything there. The second fight with Bane needed to be significantly longer, and showing Batman utilise a different tactic to defeat Bane. He just does the same stuff. Of course he managed to get the mask all screwed up, but there was no sense of tactics. Looked like luck.

Another thing just entered my mind. Selina holding her own against Bane's Mercs on Dagget's penthouse. They were LOS, right? She should not have been able to handle herself with such ease there. Batman would have had to save her ass there.

I was confused by this as well. Why would Bruce start a life beyond that "awful cave" and pass along that hell to someone else?
Bane's death. It ****ed me off.

Maybe Nolan could have had Talia unplug his mask as opposed to re-plugging it, to further illustrate her deceptive nature. Could have worked well.
What exactly was the Batman strobe light dance he did in the tunnel on his way to meet Bane for the first time? Was it a defense in the tunnel set up by the LOS guys? Was it a Batman weapon? It would have been nice to see him deploying whatever it was.


One of Bane's men was shooting blindly into a dark tunnel. We saw flashes of Batman (lit by the sporadic gunfire) as he used his agility to jump from side-to-side in the tunnel, eventually coming up and taking out the gunmen. In other words, he's a ninja...and he's Batman.
The final confrontations between Batman and Ra's and Joker were great moments with a nice line from Batman before turning it over (though in TDK he shot a one-liner, but a well-executed one-liner).

Then we see Bane fly ten feet without any memorable last dialogue between the two.
It's also Alfred Thaddeus Crane Pennyworth and not Alfred J. Pennyworth. I'm furious.
It's also Alfred Thaddeus Crane Pennyworth and not Alfred J. Pennyworth. I'm furious.

Crazy theories about Scarecrow and Alfred would ensue... Besides, Alfred's father was named Jarvis so it's not completely made up.
The final confrontations between Batman and Ra's and Joker were great moments with a nice line from Batman before turning it over (though in TDK he shot a one-liner, but a well-executed one-liner).

Then we see Bane fly ten feet without any memorable last dialogue between the two.

He did have the whole "Tell me where the trigger is, then you have my permission to die" line a bit earlier at least, more epic than the previous two IMO.
Just saw the movie for the 3rd time yesterday and I found it even more enjoyable since I was able to catch more tidbits I'd missed the during the first 2 viewings. Many of the gripes I had initially have largely diminished.


One part that makes me cringe every time (other than Talia's death) is Bane's mid-air spin punch during his first fight with Batman. It was like the two of them were trying to brofist but were inches away from connecting. "Wonder twin powers activate" always comes to mind. Maybe it's just too dark, but how we're expected to believe Bane actually hit Batman in the head with this move is beyond me.

Some of the other swings are a bit iffy, but forgivable. Otherwise, the entire scene still manages to be a highlight in the film.
Selina not been called "Catwoman" least once....

Talia's death the way it was done and a cheesey line

Hard to understand Bane sometimes.

Shame Crane wasn't in a Scarecrow mask.

Batman's one-liners "No I came to stop you" something like that.

Not enough Alfred where leaves Bruce or not enough Selina as well.
But how did he know that Gordon would end up there?

It's still a coincidence that he's there.

I know it is probably to late but I don't think he knew Gordon was going to be there. I think he was going there to enter into the sewers since it was probably the closest entrance that wasn't covered with cops.
What exactly was the Batman strobe light dance he did in the tunnel on his way to meet Bane for the first time? Was it a defense in the tunnel set up by the LOS guys? Was it a Batman weapon? It would have been nice to see him deploying whatever it was.

I thought it was the muzzle flash from the bad guy's gun.

My biggest complaint was Bane's death. Nolan's movies have always been more about the fight than how the fight ends ... none of his villains have had really cathartic ends. But, there are much more satisfying ways to end the Bane fight. Batman should've taken him to the ground, punched his mask in, ripped it off, and walked away dropping it behind him. Maybe even pick his unmasked body up, crack him over your knee, and end it with the 'permission to die' line. Then you can go into the Talia talking thing ...

That would've been a lot more satisfying than Batman beating him, Talia talking and fixing the mask, then Catwoman shooting him with the Batpod.

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I mean, that formed one of the best endings to a movie I had ever seen, batman and Gordon entering this pact to keep the truth from Gotham at great moral pressure, I loved it. I remembering leaving the theatre thinking that there shouldn't be a sequel that would ruin this, and a year later after I warmed up to a sequel, I was thinking of the crazy ways they could have the lid blown wide open. Riddler figuring it out, gathering evidence and then finally exposing the truth, cause a sensationalist shockwave, etc. I was ready for it.

.... and in the film it played out really lame. First of all it's not deciphered from case files, or Gordon/ Bruce Wayne cracking under pressure, no it's all written down on some letter that Bane stumbles upon by accident. Then he reads it out aloud, with no proof that it is in fact Gordon's words.

And all this occurs AFTER Gotham is already under occupation, so Gotham at large isn't in any position to react honestly to it. Dramatically it felt like somebody burst in and holds your entire family hostage, then tries to get you riled up that your neighbour scraped your car earlier that afternoon. Gotham should have been told the lie FIRST to rile the people up, then have the people convinced that they should join your army THEN occupy the city.

In the end I thought this was among the most anti-climatic ways to play this huge card from the end of TDK.

I mean, it's a kinda arbitrary criticism in such a dense film, but I still would have absolutely preferred it to be a deduction by Bane. To be fair, any "Bane deducing" scenes would've been tangental and hard to weave into the story presented in the film, so I understand why it as written the way it was.

I see where you're coming from. There were almost unlimited interesting ways this could have been explored and we all had our own ideas about how it would be done. However, I thought having Bane accomplish it all in one fell swoop was rather devastating. Particularly with the way they intercut the montage of Bane's Gotham while he was giving his speech. He completely ripped Batman and Gordon's "victory" away from them in the harshest of ways and used the truth to kickstart his revolution. The way he says, "And do you ACCEPT this man's resignation?" was just chill-inducing.

I also quite liked the scene between Gordon and Blake. Gordon's line about having a friend like he did to plunge his hands into the filth in a moment of crisis seemed like an appropriate summation of what TDK and its ending were all about. I really liked having that there.

That said, I do see where you're coming from. The focus wasn't put so much on Gotham reacting to its officials lying to them as it was Dent being turned into a symbol of oppression, which is a different angle than you might have expected. I liked the overall symbolism of it though...Batman and Gordon using a lie for good, and Bane using the truth for evil.
I agree with you, Arta. I would've preferred Bane coming to Gotham already knowing about Dent and having a to do list (exposing the lie, freeing the prisoners, etc), rather than it being something extra that arose.
It's more like an excuse for Bane to release the prisoners of Blackgate. He wants to 'break' Gotham first, some of the general population may believe it, but its to build his army.
I was fine with it. What would've been better however, would've been seeing the reaction of the people being exposed to the lie (besides the small uprising part).
Yeap it was pretty clunky how it was uncovered.

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