You guys that are taunting people about "proving" or substantiating their "feelings" gotta lay off. It really is unfair. You can not prove to someone else why you felt something. It is subjective. It IS emotional. So why don't all you frustrated pseudo intellectual Mr. Spocks out there quit acting all high and mighty and denigrating others "feelings" because you don't "feel" the same way.![]()
This is a board entitled "open discussion".
A discussion is an exchange of ideas and viewpoints.
Asking for clarification or substantiation of differing views, especially when they begin declaring that any that disagree with theirs are wrong, is hardly unfair.
If you read the posts, you will notice that there are people who state in their posts that everyone who disagrees with their opinion has failed to understand the movie. That could easily be viewed as a "taunt".
Asking someone to explain the reasons why they feel something in an open discussion thread is not about proof but about understanding the rationale.
For those who wish to blindly assert their opinion is correct without the desire to enter into debate, or feel being asked their logical reasons for a stated belief is unfair, this is not the correct forum.
For those who love this movie and do not want that love to be challenged, there is the positivity thread.
For those with a blind belief in its utter failure and uninterested in contrary views, there is the negativity thread.
For those who come here to express their views, please show them the respect they deserve by allowing them to present their ideas to challenge others and be challenged in turn.
They may be here because they want the opportunity to challenge those whose opinions differ from their own and perhaps even change their minds.
To assume they feel they are being picked on and require others to come to their defense is protectionist and condescending - or denigrating, if you will - and is a practice largely the province of frustrated pseudo-intellectuals.
Anyone posting in here deserves the respect and consideration of assuming they are here on purpose and wish to exchange viewpoints openly, as fully prepared to defend their own as they are to challenge others.
Believing people that post in here are not just able to justify their opinions, but are in fact in here because they are actually eager to do so, is treating them with a degree of respect your defense lacks, not "taunting" them.