Infinity War Avengers: Infinity War SPOILER User Review Thread - Part 2

Some of these theories are just too much of a stretch, seriously. Banner doesn't remotely act like Loki in Infinity War; Loki might be a master magician or master of deceit whatever, but to take on another identify? He couldn't even do Odin without reverting to an element of himself.

Yeah, I don't know where all these theories came from. Loki is neither Banner nor Thor. As you said, he couldn't keep the charade up while masquerading as Odin. He was able to fool the Asgardians who didn't know Odin on a personal level but once Thor came back the jig was up. As for whether or not he's dead for sure, who knows. I think he really is dead now, but Avengers 4 can change that.

I keep forgetting to bring this up but I wonder why they had Strange asking Tony if he knew on how to pilot Thanos's ship back to Earth since shouldn't strange be able to open a portal to get back home at any time?

That's what I was wondering myself. Considering Strange opened a portal on Earth that brought all the heroes to where Thanos was in space in the Infinity Gauntlet comic, I don't see why he couldn't make a portal on the ship to take him back to Earth. But the comics are different from the movies and all that. Maybe they only work on the same planet in the MCU or Strange isn't powerful enough to generate portals from such long distances yet (unlikely, since he held his own against Thanos with a two-thirds complete Infinity Gauntlet).

The bigger question I had was how in the hell were all these guys able to breathe on Titan/in the ship? Just plentiful amounts of oxygen all around, huh?
There's already a theory that Loki is Bruce (that's why he can't turn into the Hulk).

Yeah, I've heard it and I'm not on board. One of the main arguments for it is "oh, how did Bruce know about Thanos? He had to be Loki!" can easily be explained away 3 different ways. But the reaching on several points is the result of a scene that had several things that didn't make sense, so it created the opening for these speculations (intentional? could be...)
You could also ask how did Thanos and the Black Order breath on Earth. Obviously Titan has a similar atmosphere to Earth. Its common in "soft" sci-fi that every planet has the same air and gravity. All of the different aliens in the GOTG breath the same air too.

We did see screwed up gravity on Titan. And I think in GOTG there was a planet where Quill needed his mask.

And Quill has a translator but that still doesn't explain how everyone else is understanding each other.

Its a comic book. No one cares about these details.

Exactly, getting involved in explaining this minutae takes away from the movie.
I keep forgetting to bring this up but I wonder why they had Strange asking Tony if he knew on how to pilot Thanos's ship back to Earth since shouldn't strange be able to open a portal to get back home at any time?

That's what I was wondering myself. Considering Strange opened a portal on Earth that brought all the heroes to where Thanos was in space in the Infinity Gauntlet comic, I don't see why he couldn't make a portal on the ship to take him back to Earth. But the comics are different from the movies and all that. Maybe they only work on the same planet in the MCU or Strange isn't powerful enough to generate portals from such long distances yet (unlikely, since he held his own against Thanos with a two-thirds complete Infinity Gauntlet).
The way it appears to me is that the limits of his teleporting magic has not been yet explained on film. I'm glad they did not go for some shot that requires esoteric explanation.
After seeing the movie in theatres and rewatching a ton of scenes on YouTube I decided to revisit the full movie for the second time. Once again had a great time and it furthermore cemented IW in my Top 3 MCU movies.

It’s a long movie but is also paced well for the most part which makes it a smooth ride from start to finish. There’s always something going on... And some “shortcuts” along the way. The overall disposition of the scenes is good until the last third of the movie where the flow from Titan to Wakanda to Nidavellir... becomes a little convoluted.

There are a ton of positives. The movie is a cinematic achievement. The amount of characters makes it hard to give them all significant time and care, but for the most part it really worked with some exceptions.
After seeing the movie in theatres and rewatching a ton of scenes on YouTube I decided to revisit the full movie for the second time. Once again had a great time and it furthermore cemented IW in my Top 3 MCU movies.

It’s a long movie but is also paced well for the most part which makes it a smooth ride from start to finish. There’s always something going on... And some “shortcuts” along the way. The overall disposition of the scenes is good until the last third of the movie where the flow from Titan to Wakanda to Nidavellir... becomes a little convoluted.

There are a ton of positives. The movie is a cinematic achievement. The amount of characters makes it hard to give them all significant time and care, but for the most part it really worked with some exceptions.

It took me like 10 re watches for me to finally agree on where this movie fits in the overall MCU and right now its currently number 2 right after the first Avengers. The only other MCU movie that made me feel that way was TWS which I thought was really overrated at first, but now I love that movie after constantly revisiting it.
IW is my favourite, beating out CW.
IW is the best of everything we love and like about these Marvel films and the Russos really have captured something special in the way they film and narrate their stories.

Hey btw are people doing meet ups locally for Endgame? Might be cool to meet up with some fellow geekpeeps in NY on opening night... Tickets should be going on sale soon, no?
One of my favorite parts of going to see geek movies was that the first showing was at midnight, so all of the biggest uber-geeks were waiting in line hours early, some in costume, and we'd all talk about comics and get hyped with strangers.

Now, with multiple showings at 8, 10 etc...that experience is lost.
One of my favorite parts of going to see geek movies was that the first showing was at midnight, so all of the biggest uber-geeks were waiting in line hours early, some in costume, and we'd all talk about comics and get hyped with strangers.

Now, with multiple showings at 8, 10 etc...that experience is lost.

Agreed, I'm in NY so most of us go to the biggest IMAX in town and the midnight early showings are the best crowds! Basically going in with your extended comic fam lol
So, since Infinity War had come out, I was able to watch it 7 times (last time yesterday) because that's what I usually do with movies I like.

When I first watched it, like most, I was just ''wow''. The second time, I was still ''wow'' even with knowing what is going to happen. Third and fourth time, I was like ''Oh yeah, I didn't notice this and that the first and second time.''. And now, by the seventh seeing, all I have is questions. Burning questions that have no answers, but problematically enough, those questions are about some very bad choices in the movie that I was not aware of the first few times, things that are beyond any logical explanation which, in all honesty, ruin the movie.

I was not able to find the answers anywhere. Some of the same questions were asked by different people, but answers they got weren't logical or realistic (by movie's realism chart of course). Many of the questions I have were never even asked by anyone. I'll post those questions below. I'm sure I'm not the only one who saw these things. It will be a long post, but if you loved Infinity War, you also need answers to those.

1.) How did Hulk's transformation at the beginning go unnoticed by Thanos and the Black Order? And where was he during the massacre at the ship?

Even if Banner was able to somehow not get killed in the massacre on the Asgardian ship, stay in control of himself and keep Hulk from getting out while all massacre was happening, how was it possible that once Banner started turning into the Hulk, nobody heard or noticed it? When Hulk emerges, he always yells or does random noises. Even if he was able to transform quietly, it means Banner needed to be as far away from Thanos and the Black Order as possible, let's say on he other side of the ship. (which he wasn't). But in case he was, how were they not able to hear Hulk run from one side of the ship to them? It was as if Hulk appeared out of thin air. It's impossible. What's even more impossible is Banner not getting killed when the massacre started which would get Hulk out right then and there. We see Thor, Loki and Heimdall all wounded and bruised, meaning they all fought when Thanos and Black Order started to invade the ship. And Hulk didn't? If they all fought, then it's impossible Banner/Hulk was just hiding.

2.) How come Ebony Maw didn't just kill Doctor Strange, Wong, Iron Man and Banner at their first encounter on Earth? Or Iron man at the very least?

From what is seen in that scene, Ebony Maw can control pretty much everything around him, including two very important things - metal and trees. If he can control metal, then how come he wasn't able to just crush Iron Man within his own armor? Some guy gave an answer on the internet that the nanotech was fluid and that it could take different form based on Tony's thoughts, basically Tony's thoughts preventing the suit from crumbling against his will. That makes no sense, it's completely illogical. I don't see any valid reason why Ebony Maw couldn't have crushed Iron Man inside his own suit right then and there.

As for the trees. Trees are living organisms. So if he was able to control trees by taking them out of the ground and throwing them at the heroes, who wasn't he able to control the heroes themselves? Their bodies specifically. Just pick them up and launch them into space? He even controlled Cult Obsidian flying towards him in mid air when Iron Man blasted him towards Ebony Maw. Again, Obsidian was wearing some metal armor, but that reverts back to my first point - if he was able to control armor on him, he was able to crush Iron Man's armor for sure.

3.) How was Spiderman able to get out of that tiny place inside Ebony Maw's ship which he boarded when the ship was flying out of the atmosphere?

It looked like there was no way out of there. That part of the ship looked sealed shut. Only Ant-Man would've been able to find a hole small enough to crawl inside the main part of the ship's interior.

4.) How did Banner find Tony's cellphone given to him by Steve in the middle of the street?

Tony didn't have the cellphone in his hand at the start of the verbal confrontation between the heroes and the two Black Order members. If he had it in his pocket, that pocket was sealed once Tony activated his suit. Unless Tony's armor had a hole perfectly synched with his pocket, that cellphone couldn't have dropped out of the armor. And even if it did, whole hell broke loose on the streets of New York. Banner was teleported by Strange a long way from Tony and the Black Order at the start of the battle, Tony was even blasted in the air and then was fighting Obsidian a long way from the street where the battle started, then he went onto the ship.

Even if Banner returned to the street where it all started (which he had no reason for), it's ridiculously impossible that he would've been able to find a small cellphone in the middle of all the rubble, smashed cars, holes in the road, concrete blocks etc. How was phone not damaged or blown to bits? Plot armor for phone? Seriously.

5.) How was Corvus Glaive not able to just take the mind stone from Vision's head?

Glaive stabs Vision through his body like a hot knife through butter and he's not able to bust through his head or cut the vibranium around the mind stone and take it out? The same spear that went in and out of Vision's body doesn't even crack Vision's Vibranium head? Thanos did it with his fingers! Why didn't Glaive just use the spear to cut Vision's head clean off at the very least?

6.) How can Thanos determine the half of a certain planet's population?

When he didn't have the stones, he was going from planet to planet and wiping half the population. Ok. Use Gamora's planet as an example. How the hell does he know what half is? He would have to know the exact number of people on that planet to be able to determine what half is. And even if he somehow magically knew the exact number of people the planet (but it's impossible), does he count people 1 by 1 until he gets to half? If not, then does he just use his eyes and determine approximate ''half'' of a certain group of people? Because if so, that's ridiculously illogical and counters the plot completely.

7.) How does Thanos' reality stone usage on Knowhere make sense?

To be honest, reality stone's powers make no sense at all. But let's say they do. The scene on Knowhere between the Guardians and Thanos makes no sense. So, Thanos uses the reality stone to make the Collector's chambers seem like they are fine. But, in reality, everything is on fire. So, if the reality stone only camouflages things, that means everything was on fire the whole time, even when the Guardians were walking through Collector's chambers. So how didn't they catch on fire? Were they magically walking just on the path which happened to not be on fire? Because that is ridiculous.

And let's say the reality stone puts out the fire in the chambers while it's being used. The moment Thanos teleports out of there, the reality stone's effect warps the actual reality back. And you mean to tell me that all of the Guardians just happened to stand at exact places where there was no fire? Literally almost every square inch of Collector's chambers was on fire, so when Thanos left, the fire was supposed to be back in all of the places and therefore, the Guardians were supposed to catch on fire too because they were standing in it the whole time, but didn't know because of the reality stone's effect.

8.) How does Ross' hologram work while talking to Rhodes and Captain America?

I mean, Ross is walking in his conference room while his hologram is displayed in Avengers HQ. Holograms don't work that way. Ross needed to be in an exact replica of the Avengers HQ room for his hologram to be able to be displayed correctly. What if his conference room wasn't as wide as the Avengers HQ room? He couldn't have been able to walk up to Captain America like he was there because he would've hit a wall in his own room.

9.) How does Dr. Strange not die on Ebony Maw's ship when being tortured?

On Ebony Maw's ship, Ebony Maw is seen torturing Dr. Strange with those needles or whatever. Have in mind that in that moment, many of those needles are deep inside Dr. Strange's cheeks, neck and wherever else. So, when Iron Man blasts a hole in the ship which sucks Ebony Maw out into space, it sucks those needles with him and then a second later, Strange gets sucked out too. So, when those needles get sucked out, they're still inside Strange. Weren't they supposed to rip/slash his face and his whole body apart when they were forcefully pulled towards the hole in the ship? Strange should've died then and there because even if they were both pulled towards the hole at the same time (even though you can see in the scene that the needles were pulled before Strange), Strange's cloak of levitation pulls him the other way a second later, so if anything, his face and body should've been slashed into pieces then at the latest.

10.) Why didn't Dr. Strange use his sling ring to kill the Guardians of the Galaxy when they attacked them?

Guardians attack Iron Man, Spiderman and Dr. Strange. The only thing Dr. Strange does is block Drax's knives and let cloak of levitation choke Drax. Both sides thought the other side works with Thanos, so why did Dr. Strange just stand there doing nothing while Iron Man and Spiderman were fighting? Why didn't he use his sling ring or any sort of magic to shred the Guardians to pieces. Mantis was an easy target. Drax was an even easier target being choked by the cloak.

11.) During the battle of Wakanda, Proxima Midnight doesn't kill Scarlet Witch

So, there is a moment during the battle where Captain America says ''somebody get to Vision''. Scarlet Witch gets distracted, says ''I'm on my way'' and at that moment gets punched in the face by Proxima Midnight. In the very next shot, while Scarlet Witch is falling down, we see that Proxima Midnight is holding a huge ass sword in the same hand she used to punch Scarlet Witch. So why not just swing the sword and cut Scarlet Witch's head off while she had the element of surprise? Or stab Scarlet Witch like Glaive stabbed Vision? Ridiculously illogical.

12.) Dr. Strange seeing the future makes no sense because that future is no longer the future he saw

If you know the future, then that future can't happen because you don't react the same way you would without knowing your future. So when Dr. Strange sees 14 million outcomes, he sees one in which they won. He saw the outcome. That knowledge alters his initial reaction whether he wants to or not. As soon as he gets into possession of info he isn't supposed to have, he can no longer react the same way he would have reacted when he didn't have that info. So any future Strange saw in which they won realistically can't be their ultimate future because there is no way Strange reacted the same way with the knowledge of the future as he would have without it. There is a mental barrier. Unless Strange saw every second of that future. But if he did, you're telling me he was able to remember every second of that future? No way.

13.) Why didn't Thanos get shaken by the surge of the Time Stone?

Every stone Thanos aquired on screen shook him. When he puts the space stone and mind stone in his gauntlet, the power of the infinity stone surges through him, making him feel it. When he puts the time stone in the gauntlet, there is nothing. He closes his eyes and tries to feel it, but nothing happens. He doesn't even moan slightly or groan or anything like he did when he wielded the space and mind stones.

14.) How can Tony, Peter and Dr. Strange breathe on Titan?

Titan is a planet in the deep cosmos, as far away from Earth as we know. Star-Lord says the gravity is screwed up on the planet, meaning it's nothing like planet Earth. You're telling me there is air there which mere humans can breathe? That is ridiculously convenient, sloppy at the very least, I'm sorry.

Those are the questions I have about Infinity War. And unfortunately, there is no answer for either of them. I love Infinity War, but the more I watch it, the worse it gets. These questions are of serious magnitude and can't be dismissed. None of them can be answered in Endgame as things are now, so... those are crater like problems and answers are needed.
Can anyone tell me when in movie or anywhere else in the MCU was it ever brought to Thors attention that the Time stone was on earth?

He tells the GOTG that the "Mind and Time stones are safe on earth, they're with the Avengers"
Huh?? I missed it... But when was the Time stone ever mentioned outside of Dr Stranges' film?
Can anyone tell me when in movie or anywhere else in the MCU was it ever brought to Thors attention that the Time stone was on earth?

He tells the GOTG that the "Mind and Time stones are safe on earth, they're with the Avengers"
Huh?? I missed it... But when was the Time stone ever mentioned outside of Dr Stranges' film?
It's never actually mentioned in Thor's presence (that we see). But when Thor goes to see Strange in Thor: Ragnarok, Strange is wearing the Eye of Agamotto. It's possible Thor recognized it for what it was/what it housed?
It's never actually mentioned in Thor's presence (that we see). But when Thor goes to see Strange in Thor: Ragnarok, Strange is wearing the Eye of Agamotto. It's possible Thor recognized it for what it was/what it housed?

Hmmm, I thought of that as that would be the only time they were together previously.
Unlikely Thor would recognize it as he was looking for "Stones" but didn't find any as he mentions in Raganrok.

So, it would have to have been off screen and therefore unacceptable to me lol

I'm sure this was covered on here already but never really saw it. Been bothering me for a while and wanted to ask.
Hmmm, I thought of that as that would be the only time they were together previously.
Unlikely Thor would recognize it as he was looking for "Stones" but didn't find any as he mentions in Raganrok.

So, it would have to have been off screen and therefore unacceptable to me lol

I'm sure this was covered on here already but never really saw it. Been bothering me for a while and wanted to ask.
But by the point Thor meets Strange, his focus has shifted away from the Stones (at least for the time being) and at that point he's more concerned about finding his father (and then following that, even bigger problems demand his attention)
But by the point Thor meets Strange, his focus has shifted away from the Stones (at least for the time being) and at that point he's more concerned about finding his father (and then following that, even bigger problems demand his attention)

Right... So how did he ever know about the Time stone being on earth??? LOL
So, since Infinity War had come out, I was able to watch it 7 times (last time yesterday) because that's what I usually do with movies I like.

When I first watched it, like most, I was just ''wow''. The second time, I was still ''wow'' even with knowing what is going to happen. Third and fourth time, I was like ''Oh yeah, I didn't notice this and that the first and second time.''. And now, by the seventh seeing, all I have is questions. Burning questions that have no answers, but problematically enough, those questions are about some very bad choices in the movie that I was not aware of the first few times, things that are beyond any logical explanation which, in all honesty, ruin the movie.

I was not able to find the answers anywhere. Some of the same questions were asked by different people, but answers they got weren't logical or realistic (by movie's realism chart of course). Many of the questions I have were never even asked by anyone. I'll post those questions below. I'm sure I'm not the only one who saw these things. It will be a long post, but if you loved Infinity War, you also need answers to those.

1.) How did Hulk's transformation at the beginning go unnoticed by Thanos and the Black Order? And where was he during the massacre at the ship?

Even if Banner was able to somehow not get killed in the massacre on the Asgardian ship, stay in control of himself and keep Hulk from getting out while all massacre was happening, how was it possible that once Banner started turning into the Hulk, nobody heard or noticed it? When Hulk emerges, he always yells or does random noises. Even if he was able to transform quietly, it means Banner needed to be as far away from Thanos and the Black Order as possible, let's say on he other side of the ship. (which he wasn't). But in case he was, how were they not able to hear Hulk run from one side of the ship to them? It was as if Hulk appeared out of thin air. It's impossible. What's even more impossible is Banner not getting killed when the massacre started which would get Hulk out right then and there. We see Thor, Loki and Heimdall all wounded and bruised, meaning they all fought when Thanos and Black Order started to invade the ship. And Hulk didn't? If they all fought, then it's impossible Banner/Hulk was just hiding.

2.) How come Ebony Maw didn't just kill Doctor Strange, Wong, Iron Man and Banner at their first encounter on Earth? Or Iron man at the very least?

From what is seen in that scene, Ebony Maw can control pretty much everything around him, including two very important things - metal and trees. If he can control metal, then how come he wasn't able to just crush Iron Man within his own armor? Some guy gave an answer on the internet that the nanotech was fluid and that it could take different form based on Tony's thoughts, basically Tony's thoughts preventing the suit from crumbling against his will. That makes no sense, it's completely illogical. I don't see any valid reason why Ebony Maw couldn't have crushed Iron Man inside his own suit right then and there.

As for the trees. Trees are living organisms. So if he was able to control trees by taking them out of the ground and throwing them at the heroes, who wasn't he able to control the heroes themselves? Their bodies specifically. Just pick them up and launch them into space? He even controlled Cult Obsidian flying towards him in mid air when Iron Man blasted him towards Ebony Maw. Again, Obsidian was wearing some metal armor, but that reverts back to my first point - if he was able to control armor on him, he was able to crush Iron Man's armor for sure.

3.) How was Spiderman able to get out of that tiny place inside Ebony Maw's ship which he boarded when the ship was flying out of the atmosphere?

It looked like there was no way out of there. That part of the ship looked sealed shut. Only Ant-Man would've been able to find a hole small enough to crawl inside the main part of the ship's interior.

4.) How did Banner find Tony's cellphone given to him by Steve in the middle of the street?

Tony didn't have the cellphone in his hand at the start of the verbal confrontation between the heroes and the two Black Order members. If he had it in his pocket, that pocket was sealed once Tony activated his suit. Unless Tony's armor had a hole perfectly synched with his pocket, that cellphone couldn't have dropped out of the armor. And even if it did, whole hell broke loose on the streets of New York. Banner was teleported by Strange a long way from Tony and the Black Order at the start of the battle, Tony was even blasted in the air and then was fighting Obsidian a long way from the street where the battle started, then he went onto the ship.

Even if Banner returned to the street where it all started (which he had no reason for), it's ridiculously impossible that he would've been able to find a small cellphone in the middle of all the rubble, smashed cars, holes in the road, concrete blocks etc. How was phone not damaged or blown to bits? Plot armor for phone? Seriously.

5.) How was Corvus Glaive not able to just take the mind stone from Vision's head?

Glaive stabs Vision through his body like a hot knife through butter and he's not able to bust through his head or cut the vibranium around the mind stone and take it out? The same spear that went in and out of Vision's body doesn't even crack Vision's Vibranium head? Thanos did it with his fingers! Why didn't Glaive just use the spear to cut Vision's head clean off at the very least?

6.) How can Thanos determine the half of a certain planet's population?

When he didn't have the stones, he was going from planet to planet and wiping half the population. Ok. Use Gamora's planet as an example. How the hell does he know what half is? He would have to know the exact number of people on that planet to be able to determine what half is. And even if he somehow magically knew the exact number of people the planet (but it's impossible), does he count people 1 by 1 until he gets to half? If not, then does he just use his eyes and determine approximate ''half'' of a certain group of people? Because if so, that's ridiculously illogical and counters the plot completely.

7.) How does Thanos' reality stone usage on Knowhere make sense?

To be honest, reality stone's powers make no sense at all. But let's say they do. The scene on Knowhere between the Guardians and Thanos makes no sense. So, Thanos uses the reality stone to make the Collector's chambers seem like they are fine. But, in reality, everything is on fire. So, if the reality stone only camouflages things, that means everything was on fire the whole time, even when the Guardians were walking through Collector's chambers. So how didn't they catch on fire? Were they magically walking just on the path which happened to not be on fire? Because that is ridiculous.

And let's say the reality stone puts out the fire in the chambers while it's being used. The moment Thanos teleports out of there, the reality stone's effect warps the actual reality back. And you mean to tell me that all of the Guardians just happened to stand at exact places where there was no fire? Literally almost every square inch of Collector's chambers was on fire, so when Thanos left, the fire was supposed to be back in all of the places and therefore, the Guardians were supposed to catch on fire too because they were standing in it the whole time, but didn't know because of the reality stone's effect.

8.) How does Ross' hologram work while talking to Rhodes and Captain America?

I mean, Ross is walking in his conference room while his hologram is displayed in Avengers HQ. Holograms don't work that way. Ross needed to be in an exact replica of the Avengers HQ room for his hologram to be able to be displayed correctly. What if his conference room wasn't as wide as the Avengers HQ room? He couldn't have been able to walk up to Captain America like he was there because he would've hit a wall in his own room.

9.) How does Dr. Strange not die on Ebony Maw's ship when being tortured?

On Ebony Maw's ship, Ebony Maw is seen torturing Dr. Strange with those needles or whatever. Have in mind that in that moment, many of those needles are deep inside Dr. Strange's cheeks, neck and wherever else. So, when Iron Man blasts a hole in the ship which sucks Ebony Maw out into space, it sucks those needles with him and then a second later, Strange gets sucked out too. So, when those needles get sucked out, they're still inside Strange. Weren't they supposed to rip/slash his face and his whole body apart when they were forcefully pulled towards the hole in the ship? Strange should've died then and there because even if they were both pulled towards the hole at the same time (even though you can see in the scene that the needles were pulled before Strange), Strange's cloak of levitation pulls him the other way a second later, so if anything, his face and body should've been slashed into pieces then at the latest.

10.) Why didn't Dr. Strange use his sling ring to kill the Guardians of the Galaxy when they attacked them?

Guardians attack Iron Man, Spiderman and Dr. Strange. The only thing Dr. Strange does is block Drax's knives and let cloak of levitation choke Drax. Both sides thought the other side works with Thanos, so why did Dr. Strange just stand there doing nothing while Iron Man and Spiderman were fighting? Why didn't he use his sling ring or any sort of magic to shred the Guardians to pieces. Mantis was an easy target. Drax was an even easier target being choked by the cloak.

11.) During the battle of Wakanda, Proxima Midnight doesn't kill Scarlet Witch

So, there is a moment during the battle where Captain America says ''somebody get to Vision''. Scarlet Witch gets distracted, says ''I'm on my way'' and at that moment gets punched in the face by Proxima Midnight. In the very next shot, while Scarlet Witch is falling down, we see that Proxima Midnight is holding a huge ass sword in the same hand she used to punch Scarlet Witch. So why not just swing the sword and cut Scarlet Witch's head off while she had the element of surprise? Or stab Scarlet Witch like Glaive stabbed Vision? Ridiculously illogical.

12.) Dr. Strange seeing the future makes no sense because that future is no longer the future he saw

If you know the future, then that future can't happen because you don't react the same way you would without knowing your future. So when Dr. Strange sees 14 million outcomes, he sees one in which they won. He saw the outcome. That knowledge alters his initial reaction whether he wants to or not. As soon as he gets into possession of info he isn't supposed to have, he can no longer react the same way he would have reacted when he didn't have that info. So any future Strange saw in which they won realistically can't be their ultimate future because there is no way Strange reacted the same way with the knowledge of the future as he would have without it. There is a mental barrier. Unless Strange saw every second of that future. But if he did, you're telling me he was able to remember every second of that future? No way.

13.) Why didn't Thanos get shaken by the surge of the Time Stone?

Every stone Thanos aquired on screen shook him. When he puts the space stone and mind stone in his gauntlet, the power of the infinity stone surges through him, making him feel it. When he puts the time stone in the gauntlet, there is nothing. He closes his eyes and tries to feel it, but nothing happens. He doesn't even moan slightly or groan or anything like he did when he wielded the space and mind stones.

14.) How can Tony, Peter and Dr. Strange breathe on Titan?

Titan is a planet in the deep cosmos, as far away from Earth as we know. Star-Lord says the gravity is screwed up on the planet, meaning it's nothing like planet Earth. You're telling me there is air there which mere humans can breathe? That is ridiculously convenient, sloppy at the very least, I'm sorry.

Those are the questions I have about Infinity War. And unfortunately, there is no answer for either of them. I love Infinity War, but the more I watch it, the worse it gets. These questions are of serious magnitude and can't be dismissed. None of them can be answered in Endgame as things are now, so... those are crater like problems and answers are needed.

You’re overthinking it. They are fair callouts, especially how humans are able to breathe freely on another planet. But those questions are like asking why everyone speaks English.

They aren’t necessarily plot holes but more like creative choices by the script writers and directors to keep the story focused and get to the conclusion they wanted. You said so yourself that you didn’t really start thinking about them until after multiple viewings. So I don’t think leaving them unanswered takes away from the enjoyment of the film.
Right... So how did he ever know about the Time stone being on earth??? LOL

I gotta figure Odin knew something about this stuff, and he may well have shared it at some point. By TDR, Odin's had to deal with the fallout from at least 3 of them, and so has Loki/Odin... surely one of them thought to mention something to Thor?
I gotta figure Odin knew something about this stuff, and he may well have shared it at some point. By TDR, Odin's had to deal with the fallout from at least 3 of them, and so has Loki/Odin... surely one of them thought to mention something to Thor?

Perhaps. But if I aint see it it aint happen :p
I just figured for consistency and world building sake we would have seen or heard somewhere of the Time stone and that it was on earth... meh... moving on. LOL
Has anyone else noticed Jeremy Renners "Ho-Hum don't really wanna be here but yup here I am" attitude during these press things?

He seems very uninterested to be there along side everyone. So either he has a very big role that he's trying to keep mum about or he's just done with this whole thing lol
He seems drunk in most of the interviews I've seen
Has anyone else noticed Jeremy Renners "Ho-Hum don't really wanna be here but yup here I am" attitude during these press things?

He seems very uninterested to be there along side everyone. So either he has a very big role that he's trying to keep mum about or he's just done with this whole thing lol

Give this to Jeremy R and see what he can do with it.
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