Really? I honestly think it's the most compelling storyline the show has had since the first season.
The last three or four episodes have really redeemed my faith in the show.
It'd be more compelling if it made sense.
But the last few eps did get something right. The storytelling is still illogical and inconsistent, but its either the pacing or something that allows the episodes to be more exciting. They started mixing up the cliques a little bit, which is very good.
well that's depressing. and here I was believing people still liked the show. I'm terribly sorry. I guess us 'Fanboys' should go underground now to talk about what 'real fans' we are to the show.
Don't be sorry. We still like the show, we just also know that it is illogical, plot hole ridden and dumbed down beyond belief. If you can't handle this concept, of liking something even though it is not half as good as it used to be, then maybe you don't need to be in a place where perceptive people can share their opinions.
But if all you need is a space to talk about how much you like the show with others who like the show, start a Heroes Appreciation Thread. There was one around here, but I guess people stopped using it. Feel free to revive that one. I don't think anyone is going to come in and rain on your parade if you keep things positive, and leave all that talk about "real fans" and jabs at people who don't agree with you.
But, honestly, you're getting off easy. Back from Episode 2 of Season 2, I knew Heroes was going down, and I knew why. I knew the show was breaking its own continuity, and that it was no longer all thought out. And I said it, often, clearly, with proof. I was lambasted, personally, there were dozens of individuals just like you who told me I wasn't a "real fan" and that I should "just stop watching" and etc.
And now here we are. Fans, being more loyal to the show than logic, have supported this madness. I have been one of them, as I have been along for the whole ride. And let me tell you... I'm probably going to be here to stay. Yes, I talk a lot of mess about "If they don't change this, I'm leaving" but the first Season of Heroes captured my heart and imagination completely. It was the show I would have made, if I could make a show. It was, save for an anticlimactic final battle, perfect, in my eyes.
And even though what we have now is a pale imitation of that kind of well thought out narrative, I still believe in Hiro Nakamura, I still see a bit of myself in Peter, somehow. I still think Claire is kinda cute. I still am scared of Sylar. I want to know how low Angela will sink, how these characters are connected in different ways, what the source of their powers is, how their powers work, and what limits they have. More than anything, I want to see what is going on in the rest of the world since people all over the world have been developing powers. I still have my Godsend/Helix necklace, Haitian-style, I still have the Heroes calendar up, I still roleplay Heroes on message board RPGs, I still am plotting Heroes fanfiction, I'm still thinking about purchasing a Hiro/Takezo-style sword, and more stuff I probably don't think about.
In short, I'm still interested, because the first season was just plain old that good to me. I could probably endure 2 more volumes of plot-hole ridden, unplanned, nigh-storylineless Heroes before actually giving up.
But I'm tired of ranting, now. I just wanted it to be clear that I am as real a fan as you can get, even though I know this show is not very good nowadays. No one is a greater fan than I because they think it's the greatest show on earth. If you are actually more INTO Heroes than me, fine, but if all you have to show your fanship is your approval of the show, I laugh at you.