I'm pretty dissapointed in this episode. It seemed so forced and random.
-How was Sylar able to counter Eric's body control ability?
Sylar is much more powerful than any of the Level 5 mutants. He killed Jesse at the beginning of Season 3.
-It takes the death of their boss before Flint and Knox realize that they won't be that special anymore if everyone has powers? They couldn't have figured this out sooner?
They knew that Arthur was much more powerful so if they didn't agree with him or if they stood in his way, they knew what would become of themselves.
- I don't like the idea of Ando getting a power. Although his power sin't too bad.
Ultimate Side-kick.
- Peter taking the formula was bad. Suresh turns into a monster, Ando passes out but Peter instantly gains flight.
Peter already had powers so the molecular change didn't effect him as great as it did when Ando took the formula.
- The villainess Nathan wasn't well developed at all. Him and Peter love eachother. They saved eachothers lives many times, including in the middle of a junge in Haiti but a day later Nathan tells Peter that he would have left him to die when Peter has just saved his ass, again.
I do agree that his 180 degree personality change was rediculous and uncalled for, but come on. Didn't you see it coming? He was bound to become a baddie.
- When Tracy killed that reporter she was crying, she felt guilty, wanted to turn herself in and even tried to commit suicide. But now she just kills people wihout batting an eye? She killed Knox like it was nothing, so she's a stone cold killer now?
That was the first time she ever experienced her power. Prior to that incident, powers weren't of the norm. She spent time with Arthur and watched him easily take control of individuals. I swear, Arthur's power is brain-wash, not the ability to take other's powers. She believed in Arthur's plan, and in Nathan. She was so convinced, that she wasn't going to let Knox get in the way of what they already started.
- Why was Claire giving everyone orders? Someone needed to seriously shut her up.
I agree Claire has been quite annoying this volume. Let's home that changes in 'Fugitives'.