Arrow Dinah Laurel Lance/Katie Cassidy Thread - Part 4

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It's nice to see that Siren is such a badass fighter, especially when DD is suppose to be Olivers equal which makes Siren his equal as well. Can't wait to see more of her back story.

Which is why It's so odd that she was scared of Prometheus because Oliver was at least capable of holding his own against him.
I'm just going to assume that he had a device that blocked her Siren Scream so she didn't want to take any chances.

I almost forgot to mention, but I gotta say that this shot of KC just screams (no pun intended) Black Canary to me, which is ironic considering that she is playing Black Siren in that shot.

Without the domino mask, blonder hair, and that confident demeanor she is exhibiting in that shot, it is perhaps one of the strongest impressions of BC that I've seen out of KC.
I'm just going to assume that he had a device that blocked her Siren Scream so she didn't want to take any chances.

I think part of it is that, she *knows* Prometheus is a murderous assassin. Green Arrow or Black Canary aren't going to go for the killshot on her exposed back when she's not expecting it. Prometheus *will*. So even if he doesn't have a suppressor ready, her only option would be to strike at Prometheus *immediately* and with full force, aiming to utterly kill him in one go. And she has to hope that she can fast draw against the trained super-ninja and win. Its just not a great bet, especially when Prometheus does a good job of portraying himself as an invincible monster who knows everything.

I almost forgot to mention, but I gotta say that this shot of KC just screams (no pun intended) Black Canary to me, which is ironic considering that she is playing Black Siren in that shot.

Without the domino mask, blonder hair, and that confident demeanor she is exhibiting in that shot, it is perhaps one of the strongest impressions of BC that I've seen out of KC.

Agreed. KC kills in this role. She is really coming into her own.
I think part of it is that, she *knows* Prometheus is a murderous assassin. Green Arrow or Black Canary aren't going to go for the killshot on her exposed back when she's not expecting it. Prometheus *will*. So even if he doesn't have a suppressor ready, her only option would be to strike at Prometheus *immediately* and with full force, aiming to utterly kill him in one go. And she has to hope that she can fast draw against the trained super-ninja and win. Its just not a great bet, especially when Prometheus does a good job of portraying himself as an invincible monster who knows everything.

I'm going to go with "poor writing" myself. It was never explained, and made little sense.

I almost forgot to mention, but I gotta say that this shot of KC just screams (no pun intended) Black Canary to me, which is ironic considering that she is playing Black Siren in that shot.

Without the domino mask, blonder hair, and that confident demeanor she is exhibiting in that shot, it is perhaps one of the strongest impressions of BC that I've seen out of KC.

Yes, they never even putted her on a wardrobe like this when she played Black Canary. Just shows how it was not the actress fault and she could've done so much with the character. This outfit even reminds more of Sara's Canary without the cleavege, it would look more like a homage than what she wore.

"Yes, I think the more we learn about her backstory and what her relationship was like with Oliver, absolutely," said Cassidy. "I think it will make sense in the end and not necessarily make her as bad of a person. You might be like "Oh, okay that makes sense." Yes, I do think we'll know more."

"Yes, I do think there's a chance at redemption for her. I think there will be people who understand when she has the opportunity and once we learn what she's gone through, why she is the way that she is. I think people will be able to relate to it, have sympathy for her. I think there's a chance at really helping her get back to who she is at her core, and potentially not be so crazy, and have a good side to her, but I think as time goes on we'll learn that."

Oh it's on, can't wait for this to happen.

I almost forgot to mention, but I gotta say that this shot of KC just screams (no pun intended) Black Canary to me, which is ironic considering that she is playing Black Siren in that shot.

Without the domino mask, blonder hair, and that confident demeanor she is exhibiting in that shot, it is perhaps one of the strongest impressions of BC that I've seen out of KC.

TBH I hope this is her new standard outfit. Not a huge fan of the leather trench coat (though even that's better than Laurel's Black Canary outfit, which...again, could've been better). Is that a gun holster I spy on her right hip? I'm getting some serious "spy femme fatale" vibes from Siren here. And it looks like she whoops Dinah in this fight, too.
TBH I hope this is her new standard outfit. Not a huge fan of the leather trench coat (though even that's better than Laurel's Black Canary outfit, which...again, could've been better). Is that a gun holster I spy on her right hip? I'm getting some serious "spy femme fatale" vibes from Siren here. And it looks like she whoops Dinah in this fight, too.

I want it to be a meaty fight that's for sure. The teasers were great.
I hope to see an episode of all three with Dinah Laurel, Sara, and Dinah Drake together.



And it should come to no surprise but Laurel isn't in the crossover.
Which you'd *think* would be common sense, since she's been dead for more than a season, but. . .
She is right there in those 3 pics lol. Black Siren isn't her birth name.
I think Siren being in the crossover would've been really interesting. Would she fall for Evil!Oliver? Or, like the Joker in the Marvel crossover when he hated Red Skull for actually being a Nazi, would Siren choose the heroes because yeah, she's a villain, but she's a patriotic villain! Too bad. Would've been interesting.

But the crossover will be crammed with characters as-is, so I understand why they'd leave her out.
Well, she worked for Zoom more or less willingly ( he certainly didn't act like she was some reluctant minion he had to constantly watch and threaten to keep in line ), so she really *shouldn't* have any room to complain about Nazi Earth. Doesn't mean she wouldn't, mind, no reason a villain has to be consistent and un-hypocritical.
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