EVERYTHING Black Panther - Part 3

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What does any of that have to do with Hemsworth being an unknown?

You said that Marvel hasn't been casting popular names and gave the example of Hemsworth. I brought up RDJ/Evans/Norton to say that comparing them to Hemsworth is not quite so transitive.

We were talking about the potential lead in a Black Panther movie, and comparing it to the other marvel movies. It goes without saying that the leads were the subject.

To you it does. :cwink:
Okay. Someone recommend something to read. I don't like the black panther. Aside from his abilities, I never was interested in him. I never read any of his comics, so, someone please point me in a good direction. cause I know it's me, not the character
Soooo...Chestnut says he's not in talks.


He could be BSing, though... :csad:

Just cast Snipes and get on with it.

As Daddy Panther, maybe. But not T'challa.
I don't know what to think now :/ I hope this is just Marvel telling him to shut up about everything.
Why had we not heard about any BP casting until this? This Chestnut thing seems too far outta left field for me to take seriously.
LOL, he's saying he's not in talks but he also deleted the tweet about BP possibly appearing in A2.
Speaking of BP, here is a list of top 10 black characters in comics that somehow doesn't have Black Panther. She went from me liking her for her nice **** to getting the face palm.:doh: How the hell do you have a top list of black characters in comics without Black ****ing Panther? That's just....:facepalm:

Exactly, got Black right there in the name.
What a bull s*** list. There is no effing way that Storm should not be No. 1 on this list. BP should've been No. 3.

And WTF about this whole Morris Chestnut thing?
He tweeted on Monday that it was time for him to get familiar with Black Panther. That sparked a rumor that he may or may not be in talks for BP. Then the tweet was deleted. Then he tweeted that BP may appear in A2 before he gets his own film. Then that tweet was deleted as well.

*plays X-files theme*
I love Morris Chestnut, I really do. He's a phenomenal actor. But I am not feeling the idea of him being T'Challa. There are soooooooo many other inspired choices out there; why go for him?
Okay. Someone recommend something to read. I don't like the black panther. Aside from his abilities, I never was interested in him. I never read any of his comics, so, someone please point me in a good direction. cause I know it's me, not the character

I honestly really dig Black Panther #1-50 or so. I think its really well written (not by Stan Lee heh... I've pften had my own troubles getting into Lee's writing.)

But if you aren't interested in Black Panther solo, find some Avengers comics with him on the roster. Maybe it will ease you into T'Challa as a character.

What don't you like about him?
I've been liking him more and more in new avengers. I liked him plenty before though.
I love Morris Chestnut, I really do. He's a phenomenal actor. But I am not feeling the idea of him being T'Challa. There are soooooooo many other inspired choices out there; why go for him?

He may not be the first option people think of, but remember, people said the same thing about Heath Ledger for TDK. And Chris Evans in CA. I'm definitely not saying Chestnut would give a performance on that level, but keep an open mind. Marvel has proven they know what they're doing, so if true, I say we just trust them with it.
You see I like Chestnut and all but I'm not really seeing him as BP at all. I hope he's telling the truth about BP showing up in TA2 though because that would be awesome.

In an ideal situation I would prefer them to get T'Challa down right, if he needs to be unknown then fine but I just want him to be a right fit. So far Marvel has done a great job with bringing its heroes to life and choosing great actors soooo I'm not too worried about this. As some others have suggested they can easily do a "Thor" and cast a relatively unknown in the role and have higher profile actors in supporting roles. I mean someone like Denzel could easily play T'Chaka or someone on the counsel.

Oh and that list was WEAK, how can Miles Morales be number one?? I mean the character is like 2 weeks old. There is no reason why Panther wasn't on there and no Static?? Come on son!!!
I hope they keep Morris Chestnut as far away from this role as possible, John Boyega or Chiwetel Ejiofor would be my choices for the role.
So has he tweeted he's not in talks now?

I think someone like Aldis Hodge would be better.

But hopefully a Black Panther film won't just have him and Klaw in it, but maybe someone else with great fighting skills to go up against... like Batroc the Leaper! He's already in Cap 2, and fits into the BP mythology. Again, he can just be a henchman for hire, this time for Ulysses Klaw.

After all, it's no fun for Panther to just pit his skills against a non-athletic type with a sound blaster.
Oh and that list was WEAK, how can Miles Morales be number one?? I mean the character is like 2 weeks old. There is no reason why Panther wasn't on there and no Static?? Come on son!!!

Well, she did said it's HER list...not THE list. I can't tell someone else which characters to like. Everyone here would probably have a different looking list.
I respect her list, actually. A lot more "indie" than mine would be, but as far as developed characters, it's pretty frakking solid. There's really not much bad to say about Miles Morales other than: "he hasn't been multiple levels of awesome long enough." Which isn't really a complaint, so much as an arbitrary standard. And she's very right, Cage took BP's spot, in more ways than one, honestly. And as much as I love BP, I can't say that I love him because he's an interesting deep character. It's almost always been because I really like the concept that a character with his attributes and abilities exists. Still, Spawn, Agent 355 and Michonne would not have made my list at all, and instead I'd have more mainstream heroes because I'm drawn to ideas more than necessarily emotional relatability.

And comparing Chestnut to Ledger or RDJ is ridiculous. He's not a crazy inspired moment... he's a decent, if somewhat mismatched, choice like Chris Evans or Ed Norton.
I do agree with her that the Black Panther and Storm marriage was boring and didn't help either character in the long run.
I respect her list, actually. A lot more "indie" than mine would be, but as far as developed characters, it's pretty frakking solid. There's really not much bad to say about Miles Morales other than: "he hasn't been multiple levels of awesome long enough." Which isn't really a complaint, so much as an arbitrary standard. And she's very right, Cage took BP's spot, in more ways than one, honestly. And as much as I love BP, I can't say that I love him because he's an interesting deep character. It's almost always been because I really like the concept that a character with his attributes and abilities exists. Still, Spawn, Agent 355 and Michonne would not have made my list at all, and instead I'd have more mainstream heroes because I'm drawn to ideas more than necessarily emotional relatability.

And comparing Chestnut to Ledger or RDJ is ridiculous. He's not a crazy inspired moment... he's a decent, if somewhat mismatched, choice like Chris Evans or Ed Norton.

I do agree chestnut would be mismatched, but Chris Evans fits like a glove IMO.
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