Henry Cavill IS Superman: - - Part 11

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I heard the reason Cavill is being considered for Godzilla is because the WB executives are impressed by what they've seen of his MOS acting performance. If this is indeed the case, I look forward to being impressed as well.

That's such great news
I'm sure Cavill will be fine as Superman. In even the worst blockbusters the acting is usually the least terrible thing about them. Besides, Brandon Routh was a great Superman and he didn't have any acting experience at all.
I'm sure Cavill will be fine as Superman. In even the worst blockbusters the acting is usually the least terrible thing about them. Besides, Brandon Routh was a great Superman and he didn't have any acting experience at all.

...and it showed.
...and it showed.

aww man. lol I wanted to see how long it would go unquoted. :woot: yeah That poor guy. He only had like 6-7 lines. And some of those were cut off by another character.
Maaan, what a waste of everything that movie was.
Perhaps he only had six or seven lines because the rest sounded wooden? He improved a whole lot as an actor by now, I've heard.
Maaan, what a waste of everything that movie was.
What a shame indeed. That was the first Superman film i saw in theaters :(
Hoping this time around, it'll be a better experience. :yay:
What a shame indeed. That was the first Superman film i saw in theaters :(
Hoping this time around, it'll be a better experience. :yay:

Dont worry, it will be. Even if on top it has to make up for everything SR wasnt. :up:
Dont worry, it will be. Even if on top it has to make up for everything SR wasnt. :up:
I really think it will be. I just have a gut feeling that it's the film Superman fans have longed for.
I really think it will be. I just have a gut feeling that it's the film Superman fans have longed for.

Well, I'm sure some diehard fans will facepalm themselves with some of the liberties taken, but the rest of the world will rejoice in perfect harmony.
I recently saw on Blu-Ray and marveled at how bad it looks. When are they gonna give us a better transfer? That and Batman Begins.
Perhaps he only had six or seven lines because the rest sounded wooden? He improved a whole lot as an actor by now, I've heard.

Yeah, that's been a consistent rumor. But it could also be true that he had so few lines because the writers didn't have a goddamned clue how to write Superman. Neither would surprise me.
Eh, I think the writers purposefully wrote Superman as the strong silent internal type.
Ok so someone mentioned posting video of the behind the scenes of SR to see the other suit ideas so I went into my vault and watched that part and Brandon's screen test... I officially hate and love Bryan Singer. Brandon was actually Great in those screen tests as Clark and Superman. Bryan crapped all over it! He micromanaged the hell out of that movie. Given Brandon too much direction I feel. But if it weren't for that crap of a movie we wouldn't be getting MOS...
This is the Henry Cavill thread, folks.
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Henry Cavill will be presenting an award tonight at the Critics' Choice Awards
Henry Cavill will be presenting an award tonight at the Critics' Choice Awards

I just mentioned that in the other thread, I thought I saw him in a photo.

Yep. I did.

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