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Hulk Comic To Movie Scenes...What You Want.

Green Goblin 1964

Apr 29, 2006
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What Comic scenes would you like to see in the upcoming Hulk movie from the classic comics or the more modern comics....Post Away!:yay:
maybe something like an opening scene...

Here's one I'd like to see:

Hopefully no more of this:
Banner inside of Hulk's mind.

He's alone in a dark cell with water leaks in the ceiling . Bruce is sitting at a shabby table, seemingly talking to himself. He's begging the Hulk for control so he can stop the destruction and possibly save lives. Then we pan outside of Hulks mind to see the Hulk just grimace and say "Banner weak" as he continues his rampage.
Somthing like that Blind Fury except the way I see it, Banner is alone in the dark...in a field of tall grass the stars above him look sureal, and the grass moves as though it were alive...dark green and bristling in the wind.

Bruce is talking to himself trying to exert some control with words the wind seems to die down a bit a Voice grumbles from no where

What now....Human?

I think you've had enough time out and about

Never....always need more.... this world...real

(the wind dies down further the sureal world almost goes silent)

but you can't go on forever, we make to many people nervous


yes we don't want them around

Hulk not care...Hulk Destory

( the wind pick up again )

but thats not going to happen not right now...just...let go you can sleep here in the field

The sun apears to come up in Banners world as the Hulk materializes right up out of the Grass infront of banner

the camera circles both of them and they kind of meld into one.....

the screen goes black as we see banner with no shirt tattered pants fall to his neas

way off in the distance sirens

Banner talks to himslef..

what did I do this time?
Here's what I want to see in a trailer (can't make new threads yet, this is closest topic to ideal trailers)

Sorta like the first Spiderman 1 trailer where you didn't know it was a superhero flick till the end. I'm talking about the one for like a minute where it's a big bank heist and at the end the helicopter gets stuck in webs, cue Spidey's face. Just a teaser, like "Oh, this exists"

My idea: Like a minute of Norton hiding/running from soldiers in either city or forest, can't decide. Looks like something out of The Fugitive. Make it obvious that it's Norton, get people excited. Have soldiers see Norton, he runs. He runs around the side of a building/boulder (depends on whether he's in a city or forest). The soldiers start to run around and right before they run off camera you just see the Hulk QUICKLY jump out, raise his fist, and be about to punch a soldier into next week. Cut to black, say "The Incredible Hulk - 2008"


quick, nice "Holy s**t!" moment.
Wouldn't mind seeing Hulk rip someone in half.


zomg, will never happen but would be the coolest moment in history
For the intro it should be similair to The Incredible Hulk TV series, where he's just got his backpack over his back & walking on the highway, or perhaps have him hiding out in the woods, fending for himself, much like the episode A Solitary place...

I wouldn't mind seeing a battle much like Hulk vs. Mr Hyde on an aeroplane, where his minds goes from fighting him on the plane to his mind thinking he's on another planet sumwhere, something like that would be great...
Here's what I want to see in a trailer (can't make new threads yet, this is closest topic to ideal trailers)

Sorta like the first Spiderman 1 trailer where you didn't know it was a superhero flick till the end. I'm talking about the one for like a minute where it's a big bank heist and at the end the helicopter gets stuck in webs, cue Spidey's face. Just a teaser, like "Oh, this exists"

My idea: Like a minute of Norton hiding/running from soldiers in either city or forest, can't decide. Looks like something out of The Fugitive. Make it obvious that it's Norton, get people excited. Have soldiers see Norton, he runs. He runs around the side of a building/boulder (depends on whether he's in a city or forest). The soldiers start to run around and right before they run off camera you just see the Hulk QUICKLY jump out, raise his fist, and be about to punch a soldier into next week. Cut to black, say "The Incredible Hulk - 2008"


quick, nice "Holy s**t!" moment.

... YES. :hulk:
I'm with Bob. Since they are drawing on the series, then make the trailer reflect it.

Banner on a highway at night. Words flashing on screen like HE WANTED TO BE LEFT ALONE. Two helicopters come on flashing lights on him. Banner's eye turns green. From the helicopter's view, the Hulk jumps at the screen. INCREDIBLE HULK 2008.

I don't really care about comic to film scenes. I've already seen Hulk fight the military. Hulk in the desert and in the forest.
Yeah,...it's gotta be a little like The Fugitive. And I mean the series not the Harrison Ford movie. And on a personal and musical note,...I'd love to hear some of Joe Harnell's "Lonely Man" theme from the show. Although I doubt that will happen. And as someone here will probably say, not appropriate.
I like a lot of your ideas so far. Having said that, I posted the following in a different thread in May, but for clarification, I too would like the TIH trailer to have the same feel as the Spider-Man one... where you don't know it's a superhero flick till the end... and I've modified it slightly:

With Abomination (or whatever he's called in the movie) threatening all of existence, the situation on earth is dire. We desperately need someone or some thing to save us, and only the Hulk is qualified for the task (but no one knows this or whether he's even alive). Bruce Banner, being on the run, is pulled away from his attempts to find a cure and Hulk is drawn back into the ring, so to speak. The key is the trailer HAS to convey that Bruce's desire to get the Hulk involved comes from within, so as to provide contrast to the enormous battles Bruce is facing inside - to rid himself of the monster or to save himself along with humanity and give up his search for a cure (make himself vulnerable).

His decision, and ultimately the hope of mankind, is revealed only at the end of the trailer with a dark, misty scene of the Hulk facing off against Abomination. We first see all of the ghastliness and impressiveness that is the Abomination, before the camera steadily pans off of the Abomination and gives us an angle of an even MORE impressive Hulk glaring at the object across from him, brimming with anger. This camera shot should start with a closeup of Abomination's face and retreat backward until we have a full view of the Abomination, roughly from behind the Hulk at knee level (at left). Hulk is primed and ready and, because of the camera angle, appears larger than the Abomination but perhaps is considerably smaller, so to continue to emphasize the huge task facing the Hulk/Banner. With the camera positioned behind the Hulk, we never see his face -- just a magnificent display of his musculature (neck, back, biceps, triceps, thighs, calf muscles, oversized hands, and of course those tree trunks of feet). After a couple seconds of this shot, to allow tensions to climax with us and them, the trailer cuts to a shot of Hulk's furrowed eyes/eyebrows and a low rumble that shakes the whole theater. Signal a monumental roar just as Hulk goes to pounce upon Abomination, then cut to the title screen:

"All Fury Is Unleashed - The Incredible Hulk - In theaters June 13, 2008"
I like a lot of your ideas so far. Having said that, I posted the following in a different thread in May, but for clarification, I too would like the TIH trailer to have the same feel as the Spider-Man one... where you don't know it's a superhero flick till the end... and I've modified it slightly:

With Abomination (or whatever he's called in the movie) threatening all of existence, the situation on earth is dire. We desperately need someone or some thing to save us, and only the Hulk is qualified for the task (but no one knows this or whether he's even alive). Bruce Banner, being on the run, is pulled away from his attempts to find a cure and Hulk is drawn back into the ring, so to speak. The key is the trailer HAS to convey that Bruce's desire to get the Hulk involved comes from within, so as to provide contrast to the enormous battles Bruce is facing inside - to rid himself of the monster or to save himself along with humanity and give up his search for a cure (make himself vulnerable).

His decision, and ultimately the hope of mankind, is revealed only at the end of the trailer with a dark, misty scene of the Hulk facing off against Abomination. We first see all of the ghastliness and impressiveness that is the Abomination, before the camera steadily pans off of the Abomination and gives us an angle of an even MORE impressive Hulk glaring at the object across from him, brimming with anger. This camera shot should start with a closeup of Abomination's face and retreat backward until we have a full view of the Abomination, roughly from behind the Hulk at knee level (at left). Hulk is primed and ready and, because of the camera angle, appears larger than the Abomination but perhaps is considerably smaller, so to continue to emphasize the huge task facing the Hulk/Banner. With the camera positioned behind the Hulk, we never see his face -- just a magnificent display of his musculature (neck, back, biceps, triceps, thighs, calf muscles, oversized hands, and of course those tree trunks of feet). After a couple seconds of this shot, to allow tensions to climax with us and them, the trailer cuts to a shot of Hulk's furrowed eyes/eyebrows and a low rumble that shakes the whole theater. Signal a monumental roar just as Hulk goes to pounce upon Abomination, then cut to the title screen:

"All Fury Is Unleashed - The Incredible Hulk - In theaters June 13, 2008"

You'll make a good director some day, but that wasn't in the comics, dude. ;)

I want to see a scene where Hulk strikes the ground with his fists or feet and then everything shake. He could do this with the Army advancing forces and the result would be that every tanks are destroyed.

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