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"Make America Great Again"the F'dup Chapters in American History (The Trump Years) - Part 1

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To be fair, the world kind of put America in that position. There was a time when America was the most benign force on the planet. The Europeans wanted to maintain their colonial empires or were fascistic. The Communists wanted to turn the whole world into Stalinland.

I'm not saying America was a saint, but the alternative was mass murder and suppression.
To be fair, the world kind of put America in that position. There was a time when America was the most benign force on the planet. The Europeans wanted to maintain their colonial empires or were fascistic. The Communists wanted to turn the whole world into Stalinland.

I'm not saying America was a saint, but the alternative was mass murder and suppression.
Sure, but after a while, the rest of the world should have stepped up and not just live with the notion that "America will make it better".

I'm not blaming you alone.
You guys liked the power, the rest liked to not care because America would handle it.
Sooner or later it was bound to break.
Well if Trump keeps this up, Europe is going to have to carry the torch.

Unfortunately I don't see America receding as bringing out the best in the world. Europe is a mess. France might elect their own Trump, the EU isn't doing great, Britain is turning isolationist, and Japan is remilitarizing.

In Moscow there's a man who wants to make Russia an empire again and then there's China.

Oh and the Middle East is burning as we speak.

Maybe I should move to Portugal.
Well if Trump keeps this up, Europe is going to have to carry the torch.

Unfortunately I don't see America receding as bringing out the best in the world. Europe is a mess. France might elect their own Trump, the EU isn't doing great, Britain is turning isolationist, and Japan is remilitarizing.

In Moscow there's a man who wants to make Russia an empire again and then there's China.

Oh and the Middle East is burning as we speak.

Maybe I should move to Portugal.
The all world is a mess right now, and honestly, i see no light at the end of the tunnel.
In fact, unfortunately, i think that the worst is yet to come....i pray i'm wrong.

Yeah, come to Portugal, but i believe that, when the ***** really hits the fan , everyone will be affected by it, no matter where they are.
Isildur´s Heir;34755599 said:
The all world is a mess right now, and honestly, i see no light at the end of the tunnel.
In fact, unfortunately, i think that the worst is yet to come....i pray i'm wrong.

Yeah, come to Portugal, but i believe that, when the ***** really hits the fan , everyone will be affected by it, no matter where they are.

United States used to be the beacon of hope for the rest of the world, standing up against Russia and use NATO for world peacekeeping. But all these will change under Trump, for the worst.
Isildur´s Heir;34755599 said:
The all world is a mess right now, and honestly, i see no light at the end of the tunnel.
In fact, unfortunately, i think that the worst is yet to come....i pray i'm wrong.

Yeah, come to Portugal, but i believe that, when the ***** really hits the fan , everyone will be affected by it, no matter where they are.

I will concede that Trump is the worst person to have ever been elected president. But Rome had its fair share of colorful emperors (to put it politely). I don't think things are at that point where we can't pull out of this dive.

I'm not going to lie and say that I am not worried. There isn't one competent world leader on the scene.

But if you look at the way young Americans voted (i.e. overwhelmingly not for Trump) there is some room to be hopeful.

So let's not all take our cyanide capsules just yet.
If anything, I just hope that in 4 years from now, American Citizens will have found a strong enough reason to finally become more United with each other as a result of Trump's actions so that Trump won't have a chance of repeating for a second term.

Idealistic, perhaps. But I'd like to think that we won't repeat this mistake again...at least, not for a long while.
If anything, I just hope that in 4 years from now, American Citizens will have found a strong enough reason to finally become more United with each other as a result of Trump's actions so that Trump won't have a chance of repeating for a second term.

Idealistic, perhaps. But I'd like to think that we won't repeat this mistake again...at least, not for a long while.

We have our moments, few and far between, but we do have them. Right after 9/11 for a few weeks people were pretty united. Also to a lesser degree when Bin Laden was killed, I say to a lesser degree though since plenty of people were furiously on the internet trying to debunk it as it happened on Obama's watch. Still, plenty of people crowded together cheering.

Sadly it typically takes a major tragedy, or threat to get us there. Too many people stubbornly refuse to even try to see eye to eye, especially when it comes to politics.
America also has Shariah law. Christian shariah law. Read all about the **** Mike Pence did as Indiana governor under "religious freedom" to the LGBT community.
Some private christian schools have their own brand of christian sharia law. I went to a baptist christian school and it had what I would call "christian" sharia law. No hair touching the guy's ears; no facial hair; girls had to be at least a foot from guys unless they were side by side; no kissing or intimate contact between guys and girls; no dancing or going to dances; no dating; girls couldn't wear pants or jeans; guys couldnt wear shorts on school property even for sports; being caught with an "inappropriate" book, movie, game, picture, magazine was detention, suspension, or expulsion; being caught at an inappropriate event or gathering (a non christian concert for example) during the school year or during summer break was immediate expulsion; catholics werent admitted to the school; cussing was forbidden at all times and in all situations; listening to or having rock or rap music in your possession was immediate suspension or expulsion; drawing inappropriate pictures resulted in suspension or expulsion. Some students were expelled for drawing a symbol that was described as satanic by the staff.
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From what I understand Japan is similar. Many schools have a no dating policy. After school programs are mandatory, so expect to get home when it's dark. Small summer breaks (though this does help combat summer slide). Strict dress codes, as well as health/weight codes. Even outside of school they work strictly. No leaving before your supervisor for example. It's even somewhat common for people to work so hard that they just die, and they even came up with a word for it, Karoshi.
So I saw that Trump was reported to have a visit with the Pharma companies. After much discussion and remembering his vows to the public to bring down prices, he did... **** all.

We'll see in the next few days if anything comes of it but looks like, as usual, he doesn't give a flying **** about the people.
It'a funny he is keeping all his xenophobic campaign promises. Just not the ones that would help the people.
So I saw that Trump was reported to have a visit with the Pharma companies. After much discussion and remembering his vows to the public to bring down prices, he did... **** all.

We'll see in the next few days if anything comes of it but looks like, as usual, he doesn't give a flying **** about the people.

As someone that relies on monthly prescription medications Im more than a bit concerned about whats going to happen in the next four years. I wouldnt put it past Trump and the GOP to make it even harder for me to get my medicine and to get it at an afforable price.

If you decide that border restrictions are fascist then you are declaring the views of most people to be fascist, because most people believe in border security. If you believe that restricting people coming in to your country or any other country is bigoted then you are claiming that most of the world is filled with bigots. If you believe absolutely everybody from everywhere should be treated in exactly the same manner (i.e. that immigration controls should everywhere and always be origin-blind) then you are arguing against the security protocols of every border security agency on earth.
Some private christian schools have their own brand of christian sharia law. I went to a baptist christian school and it had what I would call "christian" sharia law. No hair touching the guy's ears; no facial hair; girls had to be at least a foot from guys unless they were side by side; no kissing or intimate contact between guys and girls; no dancing or going to dances; no dating; girls couldn't wear pants or jeans; guys couldnt wear shorts on school property even for sports; being caught with an "inappropriate" book, movie, game, picture, magazine was detention, suspension, or expulsion; being caught at an inappropriate event or gathering (a non christian concert for example) during the school year or during summer break was immediate expulsion; catholics werent admitted to the school; cussing was forbidden at all times and in all situations; listening to or having rock or rap music in your possession was immediate suspension or expulsion; drawing inappropriate pictures resulted in suspension or expulsion. Some students were expelled for drawing a symbol that was described as satanic by the staff.


The whole school was a bit of a farce. After Heath Ledger died the school administrator preached a sermon against homosexuality and thr sinful world and said Ledger was no doubt burning in hell for acting in the film Brokeback Mountain. He said this to a group made up of kids from 3rd grade thru 12th grade.

Personally I feel that any god that condemns a person to eternal anguish and suffering for acting in a film isnt a god I want to worship. But trying to explain that to the staff was like trying to tear down a brick wall with a marshmallow. I lost all respect for that school and its administrator when he delivered that sermon.
Some private christian schools have their own brand of christian sharia law. I went to a baptist christian school and it had what I would call "christian" sharia law. No hair touching the guy's ears; no facial hair; girls had to be at least a foot from guys unless they were side by side; no kissing or intimate contact between guys and girls; no dancing or going to dances; no dating; girls couldn't wear pants or jeans; guys couldnt wear shorts on school property even for sports; being caught with an "inappropriate" book, movie, game, picture, magazine was detention, suspension, or expulsion; being caught at an inappropriate event or gathering (a non christian concert for example) during the school year or during summer break was immediate expulsion; catholics werent admitted to the school; cussing was forbidden at all times and in all situations; listening to or having rock or rap music in your possession was immediate suspension or expulsion; drawing inappropriate pictures resulted in suspension or expulsion. Some students were expelled for drawing a symbol that was described as satanic by the staff.

Well, the only thing that I could add is that while I'm Christian myself, I (along with many others that i know of) don't agree with the concept of pushing/forcing our beliefs onto anyone else, especially in the manner described above.

In all honesty, I feel like the goal for the next President (who I pray will be a MUCH better person/choice than Trump or Hilary) will be someone that can promote the concept on how...despite the differences in opinion that we may have in this country/world...we should learn not to hate/persecute individuals for making choices different from our own.

Course, if that were a reality that was simple to achieve, then I doubt that humanity would have so many black marks on its record.lol (sadness)

Jeez, on another, I'm kind of nervous to see on how Trump plans on responding to any major disaster/terroristic attacks that happens in America under his term.

He is such a weird cat.

He either talks about one basic point in circles for minutes or starts a new point that he talks on for five seconds and then utters his catch phrase "By the way" and then drifts onto another unrelated point or back to the point he was going around in circles with.

This meeting comes off like a kid who had to stand up in front of the class and speak about a subject he'd only read the cliff notes for. It's like he has ADHD.
Another angle showing Elon Musk sitting there with the classic "Is this guy for real?" face.

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