Spider-man 1 vs Spider-man 2


King Littlefinger
Jul 4, 2005
Reaction score
although i liked both, i've always enjoyed SM more because, it had a better sorry and "the heart osborn , the heart" which SM2 lacked in my opinion. While SM2 had better action and villian for me the story just wasn't there

I prefer Spider-man 2 and think it is the superior film. It has better drama, acting, dialogue, better sub plots, action, and a much better villain. And FINALLY the hero gets the girl in the end. Its so rewarding:D

Not to mention the special effects were a lot more convincing:o
Kmack said:
I prefer Spider-man 2 and think it is the superior film. It has better drama, acting, dialogue, better sub plots, action, and a much better villain. And FINALLY the hero gets the girl in the end. Its so rewarding:D

Not to mention the special effects were a lot more convincing:o
I agree:up:
I prefer SM1. It just had this fun filled adventerous vibe to it. SM2 had better visuals but it felt too much like a wimps tale. The poetry, the tea talk with Pete and Octavius, the constant moaning wimper of Pete's voice. Oh and the fight between Ock and Spidey was not as brutal as the final battle between GG and Spidey in SM1. SM2 lost the heart and drowned it in sorrow. But SM2 was a good movie, they just need to cut back on the wimpy-ness on Pete's character. It's unrelateable to people who have balls...............The metaphorical balls.:) :up:
Spider-man was a meal 'albeit a flawed one' whereas Spidey 2 was simply junk food. Initially satisfying but ultimately unremarkable studio driven product.
Spider-man was a meal 'albeit a flawed one' whereas Spidey 2 was simply junk food. Initially satisfying but ultimately unremarkable studio driven product.

agreed :up:
I also thought Spiderman 2 had a better vibe to it, but I loved both films.
Spiderman 2 was superior in every aspect.

The first one was pure commercial ****.
first one was definitely better.

better watch, better lessons learned, better ending, better final battle, better love relationship, better finale swinging scenes, better nostalgia rush, better costume, better ability for spidey to actually keep his mask on, better villain portrayal, better set up for sequel, better relations to aunt may and uncle ben, better parker portrayal, less over the top jameson and everyone knows the tension in the tram scene was better than a cliche ridden train stopping exercise (constipated face unfortunately included).

They are both far from perfect, but i think there is far less wrong with spidey one, especially things that could have been easily rectified, such as goblin's costume (which would have done leaps and bounds to impress more for minimal effort).

there's far too much unnecessary scenes in part two i think, and ock doesn't come across well and neither does parker. The fight scenes although great don't reflect well on the characters, and shouldn't be how those two would actually scrap, which is unfortunate and makes doc ock seem a little less dangerous than he actually should be. Especially with the talking tentacles phenomenon.

I tried to watch spidey 2 on sunday and i physically couldn't do it all the way through, far too many things bug me about it, it's an uncomfortable watch.

i'm not saying part one is an easy ride, but i think it's far less jumping and rewards far more in the end then 2 does (stronger film ending in the original after last fight scene)
Yeah the final swinging sequance in SM1 was better. I just felt that Green Goblin was more of a threat than Doc Ock. It also seemed like Maguire was actually in the Spidey costume in SM1.
After much painful, multiple viewings of both movies, SM1 is definately the better movie but thats not saying much. The only thing going for sm2 was the short-lived action.
Mike said:
Yeah the final swinging sequance in SM1 was better.

Here's the thing about that. The choreography of the last swing in sm2 was much better whereas the actual cgi of the last swing was much better in sm1. In sm2 it looked like ps2 cut-scene graphics whereas in sm1, it looked almost real.
spider-jide said:
Here's the thing about that. The choreography of the last swing in sm2 was much better whereas the actual cgi of the last swing was much better in sm1. In sm2 it looked like ps2 cut-scene graphics whereas in sm1, it looked almost real.

what was going with those helicopers anyway?
Neither film is particularly good. Raimi doesn't understand that Spider-Man is a character, an alter ego, not just a mute stuntman/CGI effect with Tobey Maguire's mumbling voiceover occasionally.
Kevin Roegele said:
Neither film is particularly good. Raimi doesn't understand that Spider-Man is a character, an alter ego, not just a mute stuntman/CGI effect with Tobey Maguire's mumbling voiceover occasionally.
If you look at all of the superhero movies made, nailing a character's psychology has never been a strong suit for the industry, sadly. Nearly every superhero movie has missed a part of its main character's personality. Superman and Batman Begins being the only true exceptions.
Mike said:
I prefer SM1. It just had this fun filled adventerous vibe to it. SM2 had better visuals but it felt too much like a wimps tale. The poetry, the tea talk with Pete and Octavius, the constant moaning wimper of Pete's voice. Oh and the fight between Ock and Spidey was not as brutal as the final battle between GG and Spidey in SM1. SM2 lost the heart and drowned it in sorrow. But SM2 was a good movie, they just need to cut back on the wimpy-ness on Pete's character. It's unrelateable to people who have balls...............The metaphorical balls.:) :up:

Correct. They turned Peter Parker into an emo pansy. The film was just a giant emo fest. Even the music. I almost expected Peter Parker sit down at his computer and blog about his woes on Myspace. They could have replaced the chocolate cake girl scene with that and it would have been more appropriate.

Perhaps the only reason Pete didn't slash his wrists was that he was afraid of messing up his webshooters.

SM, just because I was in total fan euphoria the first time it came out because I got to actually see a SM film in live action. (those 70's series don't count)

But really, they both had flaws for me. I thought SM move MUCH better, and was more enjoyable. It had less of the dumb peter/gwemj love stuff. And they didn't have useless sences like THE CAKE SENCE. WHY IN GODS NAME WAS THERE A CAKE SENCE. WHY? ehem, neways.

But Spidey2 had moments that drove me mad, the sence above for example,
*everyone and their mothers finding out who peter was

*the overabundance of the Peter was a dork thing...I mean come on, that worked in the first movie because Peter was still a dork in highschool, he's supposed to gain more confidence after being Spidey for a while

*Spidey landing many punches on ock in the face! For one, Spidey shouldn't have been able to get that close, and Ock wouldn't be able to take Spidey flicking him in the nose! The guy can lift up a friggin wall, but he can't knock out a normal human?

*The overextened stares between Peter and GweMJ

*Spidey loosing his powers for no apparent reason

Now SM and SM2 both lacked

*Mary Jane, I still haven't seen her around yet, only a feeble imitation

*Spidey's humor! He's had about 2 or three jokes tops in each movie!

*The Goblin Costume(SM1 only)

and much, much more. They were both enjoyable films, but could have been better. But Really, I thought SM1 was just better written and carried out better.

One of the changes I actually didn't mind was the organic webshooters. Because really, it was stupid of Stan to leave those out to begin with. It's like, ya lets give this guy all the powers of a spider....but the web...which is only one of a spider's major charateristics. Yes, not very well thought out. If they had wanted to show Pete's scientific brilliance, they could have made wrist appendages that controlled the shape/size of his webbing, and maybe added chemicals to it to fight diffrent foes(acid webbing for Rhino's suit, hardening webbing for Sandman...ect)
I'm with you there--I didn't find the organics a problem at all. It does seem that if you are going to create a Spider-man, that he would shoot webs naturally.

I'm also one of the few who was not bothered by Gobby's costume. It worked in the context of the film, and Dafoe still played a very badass, sinister Goblin.
spencer6891 said:
I'm with you there--I didn't find the organics a problem at all. It does seem that if you are going to create a Spider-man, that he would shoot webs naturally.

I'm also one of the few who was not bothered by Gobby's costume. It worked in the context of the film, and Dafoe still played a very badass, sinister Goblin.
You're not alone.
When it's all said & done, I think the second film was vastly superior but things like"Who am I? You sure you wanna know?"/"I missed the part where that's my problem"/"We'll meet again, Spider-man!"/"Godspeed, Spider-man"/"This is my gift; my curse. Who am I? I'm Spider-man."-will always hold a special place in my heart. :spidey:
they both are alright. i still dont think either movie is a good representation of the character.
They sure aren't a good representation of his character.They were both dissapointments but I will take sm2 over sm 1.The story and dialouge for sm 2 wasnt near as horrible as the first one.Plus the special effects for the first one were really cheesy.Not so with the second.The first one had way more negatives than positives to enjoy it at all where the second had more positives than negatives so i say sm 2.

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