The Official Fantastic Four Thread - They're kind of all right.

If Fraction brings some more Casanova to the F4 than Thor, it should be really good.
Last issue was interesting. Not sure if it's leading into something epic, or if it's just filler until the relaunch. Pretty much everything right now is being overshadowed by AvX and Marvel Now.

And whaddya know... the SECOND "last issue" within 2 years.
So, what does everyone think of Fantastic Four and FF under Fraction so far? I have to admit, I've been pleasantly surprised. Granted, my expectations were a bit low after hearing all the negative feedback on Fraction's Thor run, but so far so good. Hopefully he can keep it up.
So far, so good for me. I looked at the preview for F43 online, looks good.
It's been one of my favorites of Marvel Now. In some ways, it even succeeds in some ways that Hickman's run didn't.
Yeah, I get what you saying. As much as I loved Hickman's run, and I do, there was a heavy focus on Reed. Nice change of pace to scale that back and focus on the FF as more of a whole.
It's more Family Friendly than Hickman's sci-if-focused run too.
I like what Fraction's doing so far tbh. Plus he seems such a nice guy irl that I'ld almost feel bad for disliking the book. But thankfully i dont have to worry bout that as it's been pretty good so far :)
I think it's going pretty well. Although I'll restate how annoying it is that their writing Franklin as if he's a 5 year old again. Him and Valeria seemed to be the same height now too. :doh:
I'm a new reader to FF. Do Franklin or Valeria have any powers?
Karl Kesel and Lee Allred will finish writing Fraction's stories up to issue #16 of both titles but nothing has been announced for after that.
I'm kinda curious to see whether or not FF will continue as a title once Fraction's plots have ended. The concept seems quite limited with the way Fraction set it up and the sales have been dropping pretty bad on it as well. It's a shame that Fraction is leaving, I really liked that book.
The art on FF really turned me off of it. F4 however has been fantastic.
It's more Family Friendly than Hickman's sci-if-focused run too.

If by family friendly you mean significantly less intelligently written and slightly nonsensical, I wholeheartedly agree!

Oatmeal = bland
bland = Fraction
Fraction is Oatmeal.
I love when fans walk around hating all these comic writers, and I get to just sit back and enjoy the stories. It's a good feeling.
I thought Hickman’s run was exquisite. But he actually knew the characters and wrote based upon those characters. If it feels good to read stories that make absolutely no sense more power to you!
They'll still appear in other books, just not an ongoing. They're doing it to stick it to Fox which makes no sense. Why damage your own product out of spite to someone else...?
I feel like there has to be more to that story than what we know. They didn't do anything like that with the X-Men or Spider-Man. FF is not on the same level from a sales point, true, but I still find it doubtful.
I see it more along the lines of Marvel retiring the Fantastic Four the way they put Thor to rest for a couple of years in order to build up demand. Despite numerous attempts, sales just aren't holding very well for them.

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