The Official Hype Fitness Thread 6.0 - Part 8

I’ve done close to 2 hours a day rehab for my achilles and hamstring every day this week (today’s in progress). Surely will be able to rid myself of these issues if I keep this up long term. Thanks for the push on this @DKDetective
The weather has improved massively over the last few days. I went for a 15.4 mile scenic walk yesterday and about to leave again today for another walk.
7.8 mile walk this morning, again great weather, then slept most of the afternoon. :D
5.1 mile run on way to work and 4.6 miles on way home yesterday. Also nailed the rehab for 2 hours. Today though will be rehab only after not getting enough sleep. Hopefully back to it on Thurs and maybe time for gym too.
Been addicted to walking lately. Be it 30 minutes on the treadmill or long walks outside. Just put on music or a podcast and go. 🚶‍♂️
Gf took me to my first 5k today. Didn’t train for it, did it in 26 minutes. Was a lot of fun. Going to start running in these
That's a great time. I'd love to see what you could do after a year or so of training. I'll go back to the Saturday 5k park runs as soon as my tendons are healed up, I love the sprint at the end against a whole bunch of varied people.
Been addicted to walking lately. Be it 30 minutes on the treadmill or long walks outside. Just put on music or a podcast and go. 🚶‍♂️
Once my life finally becomes free I'll be going on stupidly long walks. I still want to do the 100k steps in a day at least once. It's such a good feeling if you have beautiful areas to walk in and the weather is great.
2.5 hour walk before work. Tomorrow hope to be running again and gym if get up early enough. Sleep was better last night, and cold showers are making me feel great too.
Once my life finally becomes free I'll be going on stupidly long walks. I still want to do the 100k steps in a day at least once. It's such a good feeling if you have beautiful areas to walk in and the weather is great.
Just hits different. :ok: I lift weights 3x a week but it's the walking and running that I Iove to do the most.
4.8 mile run to the gym
40 min gym chest workout
Rehab on both achilles and hamstring throughout the day
4.6 mile run home after work
15 minute cold shower - I have finally defeated the cold shower and actually started feeling great during it (from about 5 minutes in)

Great day :D
After losing interest in combat sports for awhile, I’ve been attending jiu jitsui and kickboxing again this week. It’s been fun. And a heck of a workout. Sparring and grappling with the younger crowd keeps me young in spirit.
4.8 mile run to the gym
40 min gym chest workout
Rehab on both achilles and hamstring throughout the day
4.6 mile run home after work
15 minute cold shower - I have finally defeated the cold shower and actually started feeling great during it (from about 5 minutes in)

Great day :D
4.5 mile run to the gym
Gym legs workout
Rehab on both achilles and hamstring throughout the day
4.6 mile run home after work
15 minute cold shower again

4.9 mile run to the gym
Gym back workout
Rehab on both achilles and hamstring throughout the day
2.9 mile run home after work (walked the rest)
5 minute cold shower

Today just a long walk of about 2 hours and the rehab again. Otherwise rest.
After losing interest in combat sports for awhile, I’ve been attending jiu jitsui and kickboxing again this week. It’s been fun. And a heck of a workout. Sparring and grappling with the younger crowd keeps me young in spirit.
Glad you're enjoying it again! Once I'm free and organised hopefully nearer the end of this year or the beginning of next, I'll rejoin the fight gym for BJJ, muay thai and boxing. I used to love it but they've been closed since Covid and I hadn't restarted yet.
11.4 mile walk on Sat (plus 620 casual/slow calories on cross trainer in evening while gaming) and 19.5 mile walk today. Nearly all in nature, parks, canals and a new nature reservoir I’ve discovered. Had a great time. Also squeezed in the rehab both days.
I’m in Washington DC walking around seeing monuments and museums. According to my Apple Watch I’ve walked between 11 and 14 miles each day.
Think my workout days are over. I take supplements to workout because I either can’t do it on my own or don’t want to. But the supplements make my stomach hurt and I can’t get any sleep so they’re bad for my health. Don’t want to workout without them, so just will find new hobbies
That seems really drastic. Just find some exercise that you enjoy and do it.
The point of exercise should be for health and to contribute to your quality of life. If it’s not serving those purposes, then maybe switch things up.

Plus, what supplements are you taking that would change workouts from a chore to something more enjoyable? The workouts are still the same thing are they not? I mean, you’re still doing the same exercises. How do the supplements change that at all?
My son qualified for state championships in the 400 but had to drop out because of flu.

Still a great season. And he was named first team academic all-state for having a 4.0 GPA and varsity in athletics.

I’m a proud dad.
That seems really drastic. Just find some exercise that you enjoy and do it.
The point of exercise should be for health and to contribute to your quality of life. If it’s not serving those purposes, then maybe switch things up.

Plus, what supplements are you taking that would change workouts from a chore to something more enjoyable? The workouts are still the same thing are they not? I mean, you’re still doing the same exercises. How do the supplements change that at all?
I think the caffeine wakes me up. Without it ii have no energy to do nothing. I just mope around and am low on energy. I will just not workout no matter how much i want to. But when I take pre workout I feel so energized and can push thru 3 hours of work outs. But the crash after is horrible. It’s worth it though
Did 4 runs of between 4.6 to 5 miles between Tues - Thurs, plus rehab and 5 min cold showers every day, and 2 gym sessions. I think I went a bit too heavy on squats after already working out legs on other exercises (and post run) or maybe my form wasn’t great as felt like I did a bit too much. Will dial it down for the next session and maybe drop down a weight, or just hopefully get the bar free first thing. Long term > short term gains. :cool:

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