The Dark Knight Rises The TDKR General Discussion Thread - Part 132 (Spoiler Tags)

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Well, I saw it and I think we were really spoiled just because we are BAT-FANs that we knew more about general facts about characters that the normal audience didn't know.
I can't choose a definitive surprise moment but is was done and directed in a matter that I was impressed. and even though there really wasn't a definitive surprise moment for me, there are a ton of WOW moments and I did feel real emotion, including a tear or two because so much is going on...and then (just like with the boards) you sense an inevitable feeling of the end (by that I mean of more Nolan Batman Films) but he didn't let me down. I did have a good time, too.

I can't wait to watch the Dark Knight Trilogy with my child...when I have one. That's how good it was.
Despite the minor nitpicks I have with the film, the things that stood out for me was Batman's first return, and the first Batman Bane fight.

Batman's return scene was done just so well, made it really cool. Police chase had much more potential though, but it was awesome.

The first Bane Batman fight was brutal and fantastic. Loved it, everything was shot well and it was choreographed so well. Best scene of the trilogy for me.
Wow is this film hated a LOT by the online community. Ive visited numerous websites/blogs and there are so many people saying its utter rubbish. I know not everyone hates it and there are still LOTS who love it. But ive never seen a film get this much mixed opinions.
I know this is useless for many people now, but did anyone record that new TV Spot in HD?
Wow is this film hated a LOT by the online community. Ive visited numerous websites/blogs and there are so many people saying its utter rubbish. I know not everyone hates it and there are still LOTS who love it. But ive never seen a film get this much mixed opinions.

I've seen it plenty of times, people love and hate different things. Also, the people who hate it are going to be very vocal right now.
I know this is useless for many people now, but did anyone record that new TV Spot in HD?

You just reminded me I need to go watch that, but no HD yet?? I'll wait, should be up soon.

Rogue, still plan on waiting for this to hit on DVD/BD?
Wow is this film hated a LOT by the online community. Ive visited numerous websites/blogs and there are so many people saying its utter rubbish. I know not everyone hates it and there are still LOTS who love it. But ive never seen a film get this much mixed opinions.

Ppl also hated tdk
You just reminded me I need to go watch that, but no HD yet?? I'll wait, should be up soon.

Rogue, still plan on waiting for this to hit on DVD/BD?

It's really good but no HD yet, I think.

Yeah, plan's the same and when untagged spoilers are allowed here, then I'm out until December.
Wow is this film hated a LOT by the online community. Ive visited numerous websites/blogs and there are so many people saying its utter rubbish. I know not everyone hates it and there are still LOTS who love it. But ive never seen a film get this much mixed opinions.

I honestly think it just speaks to the legacy of this trilogy. In a short amount of time it's become "nitpicked" like a Star Wars Prequel (though yes, those are completely different animals and more negative). The rubbish or hate is not coming from a lack of quality in the film as much as story choices. Those are the kind of controversial elements I can live with. If it's because the acting stinks, the effects look fake, or the ending betrays the trilogy, then it becomes a bad kind of controversy. I like conclusions to be like this where we have something to talk about, much more memorable. But I may be a weirdo.
I liked it quite a lot, but I need a re-watch to give it a proper review.
The first Bane Batman fight was good but I find it quite disturbing, I wouldn't recommend this film for kids.
Also, why is his name Robin and not Richard, Jason or Tim?

Overall, great movie, great performances by Caine, Bale, Oldman, Hardy and Hathaway.
It's just that it still not filled up even if it's over 10,000. What kind of stupid exclusive content can it offer now? It's the worst marketing I've see so far.
Don't know if this has been answered but did trailers play In the real IMAX theaters?
Yeah the "Mixed" review thing i being blown out of proportion. The film is easily getting much more positive reviews than negative and so far(its early) the GA seem to love it(All of my non-comic fan people on my facebook and twitter feeds like this one the best). Also, there is a strong group of the internet fandom that hates TDK too.
Where are Rags, DoomsdayApex ? haven't they seen the movie yet ?
I liked it quite a lot, but I need a re-watch to give it a proper review.
The first Bane Batman fight was good but I find it quite disturbing, I wouldn't recommend this film for kids.
Also, why is his name Robin and not Richard, Jason or Tim?

Overall, great movie, great performances by Caine, Bale, Oldman, Hardy and Hathaway.

That is because he is just a homage to Robin character in comics, he is not Richard Greyson, Jason Todd or Tim Drake.
Yeah the "Mixed" review thing i being blown out of proportion.

Its more the online community (4chan, reddit, facebook, blogs etc) that are saying the film is utter rubbish than 'actual review critics'. Not that I take anyones opinion on the internet seriously.
Haven't seen the movie yet ... I have to wait until tomorrow morning.. :(

So I made my own TV spot to satify my TDKR-cravings :)

94% Liked it for the audience score. I figured that would be the case.

Tomorrow can't come fast enough.
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