TMOS Reviews Thread - Non Spoiler Review and Discussion - Part 3

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Hobbit wasn't THAT bad. While I don't care for it and the crackhead scene was interesting, which is more than I can say for the Nightmare on Elm Street remake. THAT put me to sleep.

Which is also very ironic and even makes my case more if I'm falling asleep in a movie that's supposed to scare you out of going to sleep.

Regardless - While having different openings and styles and the like - Star Wars held my interest. Hundreds of other movies have. I'm an avid cinephile and never in my life have I turned off a movie or walked out of a theater 20 minutes in out of sheer boredom. LOTR did bring me to that point. I'm not a fan of the "wait for the good stuff later on" mentality. Give me good stuff the whole way thru dammit.

- Jow

I've never ended a thread before.


- Jow
When it comes to the people thinking that The Hobbit is one of the most boring movie ever, I'd almost pay to watch them watch Tarkovsky's Stalker. :woot:
Mjölnir;26068785 said:
When it comes to the people thinking that The Hobbit is one of the most boring movie ever, I'd almost pay to watch them watch Tarkovsky's Stalker. :woot:

That's mean dude...:woot:
At least we know this movie won't be boring. If anything it seems as though it has, "Too much action"? I need to see this film Thursday to find out exactly what that means.
Being Stalker an extremely immersive's never boring.
That's mean dude...:woot:

I would pay good money to see Cavil's Supes take on a corporeal Sauron as seen in Fellowship's opening battle in a steel cage deathmatch. Supes vunerablity to magic not withstanding, it would be a real slobberknokcker. Of course when Supes just throws the one ring into mount doom like he's sinking a three pointer into the basket from 50 miles away it's all over.
Let's not forget, Iron Man 3 was sitting at 94% for a while before getting knocked down to 78% by the time all the reviews were added. This thing stands to +/- 10 to 15 percentage points depending on which way the wind blows, and I'm still getting mostly positive vibes in the air.

I'm mostly rooting for it to climb up into the 80s because I have friends who care way too much about RT and are going to be panicking that the movie might suck...which will be highly annoying lol. Personally I really don't care.

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You fool fellowship of the ring is the worst of the trilogy you should have kept going it only got more epic. Although I love fellowship so hmmm maybe LOTR just isn't for you. And yes the hobbit was meh and sleep inducing.
Tend to agree with this even tho it is OT.*

I'm not a LOTR fan by any means. I started watching the first one a long while back in college while my obnoxious redneck roomate ranted how it was the best movie**"EVER."*.


And 20 minutes in I was so done with it I turned it off and didn't watch the rest. I decided to give Hobbit a try because time had passed and I was curious about the 48p gimmick.*

Nope. Still boring.

Anyway, back to Superman.*

err,, kinda. I may catch hell for this - Fast 6 has a low 70's and I think that to be the best action movie of the year so far. I loved the crap out of that movie.

Idk - Maybe I'm just a little boy excited by excitement and explosions and good characters doing things in a script that keeps moving and keeps me guessing.*

Then again... what the heck is wrong with that?

- Jow

Well meh LOTR EE trilogy is still imho the greatest trilogy of all time and followship is the best of the lot and I soo proud it got vindicated at the oscars. 90 or above in RT and metacritic.

Well to each his own I guess.
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I just skimmed over a few of the reviews. If the general audience is going to rely on RT to sway their opinion, they are going to be royally confused.

The reviews are all over the place. Even the negative reviews seem to contradict each other. :doh:

This could work in MOS's favor because the GA may not be able to make up their minds based on all the conflicting views and just decide to go see for themselves.

It'll be a while before another superhero movie hits that 90's status. I'm hoping TASM 2 has a chance at it. Looks promising with the costume change and all the set pics. Also all the talk about Adrian Toomes now along with the Rhino and Electro. Sinister 6 anyone? ;)
It'll be a while before another superhero movie hits that 90's status. I'm hoping TASM 2 has a chance at it. Looks promising with the costume change and all the set pics. Also all the talk about Adrian Toomes now along with the Rhino and Electro. Sinister 6 anyone? ;)

Depends on how they introduce all of the characters... It's a bit of an overkill in my eyes, having so many vital characters introduced in one film, but if they can pull it off, I 'm with them.
wait a minute? it's only 32 official reviews out with 8 of them being bad???

There's no way you can judge yet. Wait til it's 200+ reviews out
I just skimmed over a few of the reviews. If the general audience is going to rely on RT to sway their opinion, they are going to be royally confused.

The reviews are all over the place. Even the negative reviews seem to contradict each other. :doh:

This could work in MOS's favor because the GA may not be able to make up their minds based on all the conflicting views and just decide to go see for themselves.


i agree some of the negative reviews make me want to see this movie even more :woot:
Critics are overrated, in an ideal world, nobody should give a shi t about them and decide on their own and of their own free will to see a movie or not.

Critics have the most useless profession in the world. Just think about it for a second. Who exactly do these people speak for other than themselves? It can't be the casual movie going audience because more often than not, the movies that bring in the most bank are the ones critics tend to slam. It can't be the fanboys because chances are they don't need anyone to convince them to see a movie they already had a deep affection for the moment they heard it was green lit.

So I ask you. Yes you... crazed Superman forum reading this post right now. You've read the articles. You know more or less what this movie contains. You know the story. You know that feeling you got when first saw trailers 2 & 3. So I ask you... do you really give a FLYING F*** what Miss Ole' Sally Glasses from Middletown, USA thinks about your precious Superman movie? Sally Glasses who's probably in her mid 40's, has never even picked up a comic book, who's only exposure to Superman was a movie from 1978 she hasn't even seen since she was a small girl, and was so starved for attention all her life that she sought out to be a professional film critic....

... you're going to let HER opinion of the movie get you down because Lois wasn't in the movie another 20 minutes and she felt overwhelmed by all the macho male action sequences?

I thought not. Nothing to fear guys. The geeks like you and I, the ones who really love Superman have all gushed over this movie. This is the one we've been waiting for. I don't care if that RT score falls below 70. This movie is going to be an insane smash hit.
There are a lot of good reviews which is nice, but the bad reviews are what's confirming a lot of my fears.
This movie is what Superman Returns should have been. Bryan Singer should look at Man of Steel and be ashamed of that trash he made with Superman Returns.
If the general audience is going to rely on RT to sway their opinion, they are going to be royally confused.

Lucky for us, the general audience doesn't do that. Only obsessed fanboys do.

Transformers 2 made more money than God, and it wasn't because the first film was a critical darling.
Critics have the most useless profession in the world. Just think about it for a second. Who exactly do these people speak for other than themselves? It can't be the casual movie going audience because more often than not, the movies that bring in the most bank are the ones critics tend to slam. It can't be the fanboys because chances are they don't need anyone to convince them to see a movie they already had a deep affection for the moment they heard it was green lit.

So I ask you. Yes you... crazed Superman forum reading this post right now. You've read the articles. You know more or less what this movie contains. You know the story. You know that feeling you got when first saw trailers 2 & 3. So I ask you... do you really give a FLYING F*** what Miss Ole' Sally Glasses from Middletown, USA thinks about your precious Superman movie? Sally Glasses who's probably in her mid 40's, has never even picked up a comic book, who's only exposure to Superman was a movie from 1978 she hasn't even seen since she was a small girl, and was so starved for attention all her life that she sought out to be a professional film critic....

... you're going to let HER opinion of the movie get you down because Lois wasn't in the movie another 20 minutes and she felt overwhelmed by all the macho male action sequences?

I thought not. Nothing to fear guys. The geeks like you and I, the ones who really love Superman have all gushed over this movie. This is the one we've been waiting for. I don't care if that RT score falls below 70. This movie is going to be an insane smash hit.

Kinda bummed about Jeremy Jahns's review. While his "buy it on BluRay" rating is really good I was hoping for an "Awesometacular".

I guess I'll have to make my own video review after Thursday :woot:
Critics have the most useless profession in the world. Just think about it for a second. Who exactly do these people speak for other than themselves? It can't be the casual movie going audience because more often than not, the movies that bring in the most bank are the ones critics tend to slam. It can't be the fanboys because chances are they don't need anyone to convince them to see a movie they already had a deep affection for the moment they heard it was green lit.

So I ask you. Yes you... crazed Superman forum reading this post right now. You've read the articles. You know more or less what this movie contains. You know the story. You know that feeling you got when first saw trailers 2 & 3. So I ask you... do you really give a FLYING F*** what Miss Ole' Sally Glasses from Middletown, USA thinks about your precious Superman movie? Sally Glasses who's probably in her mid 40's, has never even picked up a comic book, who's only exposure to Superman was a movie from 1978 she hasn't even seen since she was a small girl, and was so starved for attention all her life that she sought out to be a professional film critic....

... you're going to let HER opinion of the movie get you down because Lois wasn't in the movie another 20 minutes and she felt overwhelmed by all the macho male action sequences?

I thought not. Nothing to fear guys. The geeks like you and I, the ones who really love Superman have all gushed over this movie. This is the one we've been waiting for. I don't care if that RT score falls below 70. This movie is going to be an insane smash hit.

High Five!!!!
It'll be a while before another superhero movie hits that 90's status. I'm hoping TASM 2 has a chance at it. Looks promising with the costume change and all the set pics. Also all the talk about Adrian Toomes now along with the Rhino and Electro. Sinister 6 anyone? ;)

To you I say....


I had such little interest in TASM but I gave it a shot anyway. The ripoff of Begins in so many ways urked me as I was, am and will always be a Batman fan first. So it was easy for me to see.

But even then - the movie really didn't feel like a movie. Just a mess of scenes that were poorly constructed and tied together with really ugly yarn. So that said - while that movie disappointed me greatly, and yes, again, I was bored watching it, I will NOT be wasting money on TASM2. Same crap all over again with villains I don't care about.

I wouldn't put a lot of stake in TASM2's RT score, personally.

- Jow
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