TMOS Reviews Thread - Non Spoiler Review and Discussion - Part 5

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why would people give this reed guy so much attention?

Humor me people but this is the weirdest evolution of a hype process for a movie i've ever gone through.... I started off skeptical but hopeful... the trailers/music marketing for this film were done to perfection and of course Zimmer's work oddly enough had my hopes for this film to perhaps scratch the greatness of Begins and maybe sniff Rises territory (i wasn't putting TDK expectations on it) ... And then the early word coming out basically affirming that hype had me literally feverishly hyped for this quintessential telling of the superman story.

Fast forward to days before the film and looking at the most optimistic of tomatometer scores being 10% points lower than RETURNS!?!??

I'm perplexed to say the least and oddly expect to enjoy the flick more with lowered earthly expectations....

yes its strange. Almost everybody loved the film a week ago. Now the "critics" come in and they dont like it.

If the general public likes MoS and it makes alot of money i`m happy and wont care about the RT score.
I wish more critics had their reviews counted twice:

This films lower score than Returns isn't shocking in the slightest. Returns stuck fairly close to the original films's sensibilities. This film threw all that **** out and made its own path and some people just can't except this new take on Superman. Plus it is a Snyder film.
This films lower score than Returns isn't shocking in the slightest. Returns stuck fairly close to the original films's sensibilities. This film threw all that **** out and made its own path and some people just can't except this new take on Superman. Plus it is a Snyder film.
This is all very true.
This films lower score than Returns isn't shocking in the slightest. Returns stuck fairly close to the original films's sensibilities. This film threw all that **** out and made its own path and some people just can't except this new take on Superman. Plus it is a Snyder film.

Or they just didn't like the movie. Could be that too.
Yeah this to me is a 10x more exaggerated version of my hype for Rises... For a while it looked like it may be better than TDK and hence one of the greatest films ever made... then the reviews came in and i had to settle for 2nd best batman movie ever made but 88% is a masterpiece compared to Steel's probably 63-67% finish.

I blame Zack haha
Yeah this to me is a 10x more exaggerated version of my hype for Rises... For a while it looked like it may be better than TDK and hence one of the greatest films ever made... then the reviews came in and i had to settle for 2nd best batman movie ever made but 88% is a masterpiece compared to Steel's probably 63-67% finish.

I blame Zack haha
Well, 87% is/could be a masterpiece period.
All the hypsters need to just take a breath ignore these critics and go in with an open mind. This ain't your grandpas, your daddy's, or even your childhood Superman. This is Zack Snyder's Superman. Try it out and go from there.
I guess I need to join the hate zack Snyder club(even tho I kinda really like his films) but I don't wanna be the kid alone in class :(
so, the beef with mos that some of these critics have is that he seems unlike what people have disliked about the characters for years?
ЯɘvlveR;26085345 said:
so, the beef with mos that some of these critics have, is that he seems unlike what people have disliked about the characters for years?
Something like that.
Well, 87% is/could be a masterpiece period.

True... anything above 80% could very well be a masterpiece. Honestly its why most of our poor geek hearts are disheartened by Rotten... most of the time the tomatometer isnt far off from how i feel about a flick.... 65% simply aint gettin it done if you know what i mean... but this could be just a momentary backlash followed by propper praise. The Prestige went from Rotten to fresh pretty quick if i remember correctly.
This films lower score than Returns isn't shocking in the slightest. Returns stuck fairly close to the original films's sensibilities. This film threw all that **** out and made its own path and some people just can't except this new take on Superman. Plus it is a Snyder film.

^Yes. This. With Returns, they had a guideline of the beloved Donner-verse to atleast ride the coattails off of when it came to the similarities of the world Returns lived in. With Man of Steel, they simply can't wrap their head around a new and improved Superman flick that they don't know how to act and judge Superman on other merits other than Man of Steels merits.

This is why the Superman character will always intrigue. People are set in how they see a successful Superman play out and the Donnerverse is all we've ever known on film. This is a new take on Superman since 1978. Things are bound to be different and it's showing with critics who were around in 1978.

Though harsh on the critical standpoint on RT, I really do believe a new generation of fans will clutch on as some old-dwellers jump off.
I can care less what a critic says im going to see it regardless but all these horrible reviews are going to make it tough for a sequel let alone any other dc follow ups.
True... anything above 80% could very well be a masterpiece. Honestly its why most of our poor geek hearts are disheartened by Rotten... most of the time the tomatometer isnt far off from how i feel about a flick.... 65% simply aint gettin it done if you know what i mean... but this could be just a momentary backlash followed by propper praise. The Prestige went from Rotten to fresh pretty quick if i remember correctly.

Well, 65% isn't rotten, so we're still in the clear to some degree. I'm not sure The Prestige was ever actually rotten.

The Prestige is ridiculously low on RT.

Well, 76% isn't low on its own, but for The Prestige in particular, it is pretty low.
Or they just didn't like the movie. Could be that too.

If this wasn't a very new take on a beloved character I would give them the benefit of the doubt but I'm not in this case. People have been *****ing about Williams not coming back and the ditching of various other "staples" of superman since production began. You stack that on top of Snyder directing and that tomato score is an inevitable result. Snyder is polarizing at the best of times, and people have a deep love of this character.

Personally, not being a fan of the Donnerverse at all, I welcome this new version. I expect more will as well regardless of the tomatometer.
I can care less what a critic says im going to see it regardless but all these horrible reviews are going to make it tough for a sequel let alone any other dc follow ups.

Horrible? :D Taking into account not just the critics but all reactions we've had, it's far more positive than negative.
Yeah the days leading up to the prestige it was in the 60s and around when it came out it jumped up considerably
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