Who should challenge Trump in 2020? - Part 1

We've all taken high school civics, can do without the smugness princess.

You still demonstrated you have no idea how the electoral system really works in other countries, and it's understandable you would not.
From an ocean afar it gets blurry.
But if you want to defend the electoral college with made up arguments, people will point it out.
Little prince, I guess I should call you.
Interesting reading but by no means confirmation of a victory. Will still need some work

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It's interesting that Bernie is the most popular still. Can't wait til I make a new thread for this at the end of the year
Not sure how that map points to a likelihood of a Democratic wave/victory?

The 40-49% approval states aren't necessarily indicative they won't vote for him again. It'll all depend on the opposition, and whether or not they hate them more than him.

Still seems a pretty 50/50 map on balance.
Um, if Texas go blue, the Republicans will be in deep doo doo.
Well, uh, yeah. That's all going to depend on who's running against him though. Texas went for Obama and Bubba, but neither are all that out-there fringe, and aside from McCain were running against fairly weak opposition.

If Trump's up against a centrist, sure. They go the Berkeley Bro route though, no way Texas is going for that over the Orange *****e.
Interesting reading but by no means confirmation of a victory. Will still need some work

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It's interesting that Bernie is the most popular still. Can't wait til I make a new thread for this at the end of the year

So states that would be most impacted by the border wall don't approve. Meanwhile states with poor constituents who will be most negatively impacted by changes in both the tax law and Obamacare have a higher approval rating.

Go figure.
Holder's got enough scandal baggage of his own that it'd never happen.

That guy's not Trump, he doesn't have that teflon thing where everything just rolls off him. He might even run, but he's not getting through a primary.
I prefer they run a complete noob like Conor Lamb (if he were a little older in 2020) than Eric Holder.

Eric Holder, with all his baggage, is the best you can do out of millions of Democrats?

At this point I'm not going to rule out self sabotage by fake Democrats.
"Fake Democrats", bwaha. "Fake News!" Etc. :whatever:

Holder's a Democrat, a real Democrat. What you seem to like is Guevara-style revolutionaries.
Still, it’s interesting that those discussions are already happening and starting to become more overt
Baring an economic collapse, the idiot Dems have no one who can take out Trump.

Joe Biden? Too old and a two time loser.
Bernie? Too old and too Bernie
Warren, etc? There will never be a female US President unless it's a Republican
Booker? Nope.
Eric Holder? Zero chance.

Sherrod Brown would have a shot if the economy goes in the toilet, but that's it.

It's gonna be Trump until 2024, then Pence.
Biden's the only one on that list with a shot. But he probably won't run.
Well, uh, yeah. That's all going to depend on who's running against him though. Texas went for Obama and Bubba, but neither are all that out-there fringe, and aside from McCain were running against fairly weak opposition.

If Trump's up against a centrist, sure. They go the Berkeley Bro route though, no way Texas is going for that over the Orange *****e.

Uh, Texas didn’t go blue for either.

If Trump is doing bad in Texas then that would probably lead to the biggest landslide since 84.
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The Democrats need to stop attempting to pick winners and crown successors prematurely. And no more legacy candidates. Nobody named Clinton or Kennedy. Just let the primary process work as it's supposed to. Hillary probably would have beaten Bernie easily without all the machinations behind the scenes (and I say that as a Bernie guy)... But the stink of all the sneaky DNC collaboration with her campaign definitely harmed her in the long run. It's bizarre that someone like Trump managed to paint her, (or ANYONE) with the 'crooked' brush.

We need someone who effectively disarms Trump's nonsense 'straight-talkin' populist' bull. I'm angry and I'm not in much of a mood to compromise with 'Republicans', who seem at this point to be a completely intellectually and morally corrupt party with no principles except power and greed-driven attempts to bankrupt our social institutions and give the money to the rich.

But the very first order of business has to be to wrest the executive branch away from Trump, and I'm happy to compromise with other Democrats to see that happen. He's truly dangerous. And I enthusiastically support any candidate who looks like they can unseat him.
I think that JOE BIDEN would be the best shot....

Biden not only has experience, but his intelligence and personal ethics are unassailable.

Trump pulling his standard name-calling, mud-slinging belittling ploy on Biden would be like Harvey Weinstein calling The Pope 'Immoral'.
Trump would be horse-laughed, and thus only shame himself.

Barring Joltin` Joe, I`ll make a write-in for ...My wife.
She`s ex-Navy, fought Breast Cancer, and used to work at the National Archives in Washington DC. When I met her she was Health Inspector. All that adds up to one capable and widely-experienced individual.

Yes...She`s intelligent...tough...all that AND a bag o` chips !

So remember... If you cannot have the candidate you would like..
Vote for Stingray`s Wife !
You`ll be glad you did. :cwink:
I think that JOE BIDEN would be the best shot....

Biden not only has experience, but his intelligence and personal ethics are unassailable.

Aside from having plagiarized his family background; admittedly not particularly sleazy but feels pretty pathetic. If the defense is that was so long ago that defense seems pretty double-edged.
What did he do as vice president for eight years?
Aside from having plagiarized his family background; admittedly not particularly sleazy but feels pretty pathetic.

--Save it. Nothing you can say matters a jot in the face of the arrogant, ignorant, porcine nature of his opponent; a blustering, hollow caricature of a man, with nothing but an over-inflated Ego to sustain him.

Hell, after a solid year of Trump Reality Show dramatics, I would even welcome back George Bush or Bill Clinton with open arms.

In fact, just about ANY former President --possibly excluding Andrew Johnson & Herbert Hoover--would be preferable to MORE Donald Trump.

In the future--when the 'Trump Presidential Library' is built..and filled with nothing but asinine TWEETS...I firmly believe that the Presidency of Donald Trump will be remembered as a cautionary example of just WHY We Should Be Careful Who Is Elected To The Highest Office.
Aside from having plagiarized his family background; admittedly not particularly sleazy but feels pretty pathetic. If the defense is that was so long ago that defense seems pretty double-edged.
What did he do as vice president for eight years?

I can't follow this?


Is this what you are referring to in terms of "plagiarism"? Also, as Vice President you could make that claim for most non-Cheney VP's. His usefulness to the Obama admin. was as an old hand with the congress, which he had years of experience with as an elected representative and Senator.

That said... I think Biden would do well but, I think that a time has come for both parties to turn pages and let the old guard stand down.
....I think that a time has come for both parties to turn pages and let the old guard stand down.

That sort of thinking is what motivated so many disgruntled people to vote for Trump, without stopping to really LOOK at and examine the man they were voting for when he said;
"When I am elected, I will be SO PRESIDENTIAL...BELIEVE ME!"...

Now, whenever Trump says "BELIEVE ME", it strikes me how much he still sounds like a Used Car Salesman telling you;
"That yellow paint underneath the obviously new coat does not mean that this car used to be a taxi...That`s just a rust preventative...BELIEVE ME"

All 'drain the swamp' hyperbole` aside, even with her baggage, I would still rather have a former Secretary Of State dealing Putin & Kim Jong-Un , instead of an arrogant, opportunistic Businessman /Reality TV Star. :whatever:
That sort of thinking is what motivated so many disgruntled people to vote for Trump, without stopping to really LOOK at and examine the man they were voting for when he said;
"When I am elected, I will be SO PRESIDENTIAL...BELIEVE ME!"...

Now, whenever Trump says "BELIEVE ME", it strikes me how much he still sounds like a Used Car Salesman telling you;
"That yellow paint underneath the obviously new coat does not mean that this car used to be a taxi...That`s just a rust preventative...BELIEVE ME"

All 'drain the swamp' hyperbole` aside, even with her baggage, I would still rather have a former Secretary Of State dealing Putin & Kim Jong-Un , instead of an arrogant, opportunistic Businessman /Reality TV Star. :whatever:

Uh... Wha?


Thinking there was no difference in outcomes between parties and no-nothing "anger against the government" stoked by decades of a segment of media making parts of the population think that the country was near on fire its so devastated that contributed to this.

Wanting the various individuals with influence and leadership (and baggage) step aside for the newer faces on the national and local level is but one way to side step a lot of the interpersonal psycho drama that keeps things so dysfunctional. That's not in any way saying we need to pick thoroughly unqualified people like Trump.
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Yeah, I'm pretty sure Joe Biden's going to be the front runner then we'll have two old, white men fighting to be President in two years.
I'm interested in Mitch Landrieu as a potential 2020 challenger. Don't know a lot about him yet...

If Biden were to be Democratic nominee for 2020, it'd be extremely important to make a wise choice when it comes to picking his VP running candidate, not only someone highly competent in case they have to take over, but also someone who voters could get behind because there's no way people won't be thinking about the very real possibility that the VP might have to take over if we have a president in his 80s

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