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Chapter 10: "Truth and Consequences" discussion thread 11/26

they were filming episode 8 like two months ago.
I personally loved the little Micah/Monica side-story and you want to know why?

Because it brought a regular human nature storyline into the show. It illustrated the fact that these people aren't HEROES they are just regular humans beings with special powers. It reinforced the fact that they don't always have to ultimately team up to save the world from some big bad or some some deadly disaster. It shows how they use there powers to deal with what may seem to us and the most trivial things, but to them it's their regular life.

It brings a sort of "home town hero" little quirk that I loved about it because it was truthfully something that would more then likely happen around the world. People wouldn't go galloping around the world to save the universe from some deadly virus, they would be in their owns homes, their own towns using their powers to right the wrongs that are most personal to them.

That's why I liked the little Monica/Micah thing. Because it still reestablished the fact that these people are still regular human beings like me and you.
Ouch. This week's episode of Heroes hurt my brain, and for the first time ever with an episode of the show...I wanted it to finish, fast.

And if it continues like this, I just might stop making time to watch it. Talk about inconsistencies. What the hell happened? Looking at the first series, then this one...it's like there's completely different writers on the show. And may I say, pretty unintelligent writers at that.

Where to start with the list of complaints?

- Alejandro. Cripes, I disliked Maja with a passion. But, at least Alejandro kept it a little interesting. But, to be built up like that...only to be killed in a three second scene? No thank you. Oh, and the perfect English, that must be his other ability.

- Super deadly virus. Let's put it in such a secure place...Primatech Paper, which gets attacked on a daily basis, seems like the perfect place. We'll just stick it in a room, and tell young imposter Kaito to bring in young real Kaito. I mean, what were the similarities between both actors? Eesh.

- Where the f*** is Nathan? Last I saw of him, he had finally tracked down Peter's whereabouts. We've gone too long without him actually confronting his brother. I'm just a lil bit more bothered about that, because I love Nathan as a character.

- If this was similar to Marvel's next event the Skrull Invasion, I could see why Mohinder is acting so out of character. What happened to the intelligent Mohinder of last series?

- Give me more Ando!

- I'm not happy about Claire's blood opening up new possibilities. Granted, comic book characters never stay dead...but this, this is a little too soon for my liking. Whilst some sub plots were rather slow, we get this thrown into our faces and I don't like it.

- How come Peter couldn't tell that Adam is a murderer? He believed Hiro's word on the train back in the first series, but even if Hiro mentions he killed his father...it doesn't matter! :s

- Maya has turned completely, all due to the ever helpful Sylar. But seriously, she went to the 'dark side' that fast? I can see myself enjoying Sylar using Maja...but still, ugh. Too fast for my liking.

Personally, I think the show is terrible right now at pacing things. Things don't make sense, and they aren't connecting as well as they should be. Whilst I have listed a bunch of problems with the show, at least Matt seems to be kicking it up a little bit. I'm also interested in Adam, a lot more than I thought I would be. Thankfully, we do have some great talent on the show. But please, use it to it's best advantage Heroes...:csad:
I also want to note that it's pretty lame that nobody puts up much of a fight against Sylar. Alejandro seemed like he could take someone like him, and instead he gets stabbed in the chest. Pathetic. I hope the next person Sylar kills isn't made so helpless.:down
I thought last night's episode was bad, but at the same time it was a set up episode for next week's season finale. I knew Alejandro was going to die at some point. Still, looking forward to next week's episode.

DAMMIT!! How come every time this show sets something up where there could be an insanely awesome fight scene, powers or no powers, they always puss out on us!?!? when they pointed that gun at Monica, I was like, "Alright, here we go. Awesome ass kicking coming, kung-fu style." Then what happened? They dragged her outside, beat the ***** out of her, and put her in the van. WTF?!?

Yeah, it would have been cool to see her fight those guess rather than being captured.

Yeah, it was Bruce Lee she was watching!

It was Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story.

We need a good drag down mortal kombat type fight in Heroes. That is what is lacking with this show.

That would be great.

The woman (can't think of her name) the one that made the virus, and Adam killed; doesn't she have powers too? Or is she like Mohinder? Why don't they show any of the original Heroes powers more clearly.....?

You mean Victoria Pratt?
Well, i think it's relatively important that we learned that one way to kill Adam (or Kensei) is to blow his head off... i'm wondering if Hiro will get a chance to do that with his sword or someone get to do that... then again knowing the writers they'll have him die with the virus taking away his powers then getting shot by a stranger from Micah's neighborhood or someother stranger that's connected to another group of Powered Peeps
Just for the record, they were filming episode 14 when NBC pulled the plug and said it is ending with 11 this season due to the strike, so claiming its a "rush job" doesn't hold much water.
Not necessarily a rush job, they had to go back and edit/cut out certain things in certain episodes so nothing was left hanging.

Got that sense 100% in this past episode. It seemed like things were cut or left out because of the ending they had to get done for episode eleven.
I still say it's to early to end the season.
Stinking writers and their need for solid gold plated H2 and diamond studded swimming pools
Well, i think it's relatively important that we learned that one way to kill Adam (or Kensei) is to blow his head off... i'm wondering if Hiro will get a chance to do that with his sword or someone get to do that... then again knowing the writers they'll have him die with the virus taking away his powers then getting shot by a stranger from Micah's neighborhood or someother stranger that's connected to another group of Powered Peeps

Actually when Hiro was in Feudal Japan in the tent dueling Adam/Kensei. Adam made a statement to Hiro saying something of the effect "cut my head off" and Hiro said no, he wasn't going to kill him, that he believe there was still good in him (before the place was going to blow.) Adam didn't want to be saved by him and Hiro teleported before all the ammo blew up with adam in it.

So I believe adam always knew that.
i just didn't think it was too aparent to the casual watcher until that moment, but yeah that is true
Just for the record, they were filming episode 14 when NBC pulled the plug and said it is ending with 11 this season due to the strike, so claiming its a "rush job" doesn't hold much water.

Yeah but they knew about the strikes months before, so im not giving them the benefit of the doubt that the writing team was out of it around filming episode 5 (from what I read on a Writers Guild Blog site that dealt with writers on nbc.)
Anyway besides that, I still enjoy the episodes to a degree, I mean fitting alot of info in hour episodes is pretty tuff.

Would be awesome though if they did a Heroes movie....
-Æ-;13357392 said:
Actually when Hiro was in Feudal Japan in the tent dueling Adam/Kensei. Adam made a statement to Hiro saying something of the effect "cut my head off" and Hiro said no, he wasn't going to kill him, that he believe there was still good in him (before the place was going to blow.) Adam didn't want to be saved by him and Hiro teleported before all the ammo blew up with adam in it.

So I believe adam always knew that.

Given that Adam only learned his power after he encountered Hiro, I wonder how he discovered his weakness so soon. :huh:
Well I think it stands the test of time that beheading is the only way to truly kill an immortal.
I personally loved the little Micah/Monica side-story and you want to know why?

Because it brought a regular human nature storyline into the show. It illustrated the fact that these people aren't HEROES they are just regular humans beings with special powers. It reinforced the fact that they don't always have to ultimately team up to save the world from some big bad or some some deadly disaster. It shows how they use there powers to deal with what may seem to us and the most trivial things, but to them it's their regular life.

It brings a sort of "home town hero" little quirk that I loved about it because it was truthfully something that would more then likely happen around the world. People wouldn't go galloping around the world to save the universe from some deadly virus, they would be in their owns homes, their own towns using their powers to right the wrongs that are most personal to them.

That's why I liked the little Monica/Micah thing. Because it still reestablished the fact that these people are still regular human beings like me and you.

But it also isn't season one anymore. These people know they have powers and that other people have powers. They also know that those other people with powers think they can run things.

Home town hero is over with for the time being unless it is an actually griping story. I mean ooooo comics and DL's medal were stolen... big whoop. Maybe if they kept DL alive cause he was the real interesting character in that whole side story. His home town hero stories beat Monica/Micah/Niki/Jessica/Gina/Whoever-the-hell-Niki-is-now stories hands down.
Ouch. This week's episode of Heroes hurt my brain, and for the first time ever with an episode of the show...I wanted it to finish, fast.

And if it continues like this, I just might stop making time to watch it. Talk about inconsistencies. What the hell happened? Looking at the first series, then this one...it's like there's completely different writers on the show. And may I say, pretty unintelligent writers at that.

Where to start with the list of complaints?

- Alejandro. Cripes, I disliked Maja with a passion. But, at least Alejandro kept it a little interesting. But, to be built up like that...only to be killed in a three second scene? No thank you. Oh, and the perfect English, that must be his other ability.

- Super deadly virus. Let's put it in such a secure place...Primatech Paper, which gets attacked on a daily basis, seems like the perfect place. We'll just stick it in a room, and tell young imposter Kaito to bring in young real Kaito. I mean, what were the similarities between both actors? Eesh.

- Where the f*** is Nathan? Last I saw of him, he had finally tracked down Peter's whereabouts. We've gone too long without him actually confronting his brother. I'm just a lil bit more bothered about that, because I love Nathan as a character.

- If this was similar to Marvel's next event the Skrull Invasion, I could see why Mohinder is acting so out of character. What happened to the intelligent Mohinder of last series?

- Give me more Ando!

- I'm not happy about Claire's blood opening up new possibilities. Granted, comic book characters never stay dead...but this, this is a little too soon for my liking. Whilst some sub plots were rather slow, we get this thrown into our faces and I don't like it.

- How come Peter couldn't tell that Adam is a murderer? He believed Hiro's word on the train back in the first series, but even if Hiro mentions he killed his father...it doesn't matter! :s

- Maya has turned completely, all due to the ever helpful Sylar. But seriously, she went to the 'dark side' that fast? I can see myself enjoying Sylar using Maja...but still, ugh. Too fast for my liking.

Personally, I think the show is terrible right now at pacing things. Things don't make sense, and they aren't connecting as well as they should be. Whilst I have listed a bunch of problems with the show, at least Matt seems to be kicking it up a little bit. I'm also interested in Adam, a lot more than I thought I would be. Thankfully, we do have some great talent on the show. But please, use it to it's best advantage Heroes...:csad:
I agree with most of your points. This season ender so far doesn't have the same umph as last seasons's. It does feel rushed and disjointed to me and I'm having a really hard time caring about these folks like I did last year. :(
But it also isn't season one anymore. These people know they have powers and that other people have powers. They also know that those other people with powers think they can run things.

That still does not take away from the fact that they are still just normal, working people who are not going to go out of their way to put themselves or their families in harms way if they don't have too.

So many people who watch this show want these people to be the X-Men or the Justice League or whatever superpower team-up, but that is simply not what this show is about.

This is about normal people dealing with extraordinary changes in their body and how they cope with that and the effects it has on their lives and the people around them. Its not about actively seeking out the bad guys or having some mega ultimate showdown just for show, although some of the HEROES seem to stumble upon these events by random chance.

And that's the one thing that makes this show unique. Like an older quote I found about the show, the title tells you what it's about and what it isn't about.
I also want to note that it's pretty lame that nobody puts up much of a fight against Sylar. Alejandro seemed like he could take someone like him, and instead he gets stabbed in the chest. Pathetic. I hope the next person Sylar kills isn't made so helpless.:down

True true. If Sylar kills someone else, hopefully they atleast draw some blood from him. But atleast we know one of the next people he encounters will indeed put up a fight.

Wasnt that surprised that Alejandro died since if Maya gains control of her power, he pretty much becomes uselsss anyway.
I agree with most of your points. This season ender so far doesn't have the same umph as last seasons's. It does feel rushed and disjointed to me and I'm having a really hard time caring about these folks like I did last year. :(

Maybe it's for the best. Last season's finale was pretty anticlimactic.
I think something this season has been missing is a catch prahse to hook everyone in. Last year "Save The Cheerleader, Save The World" was big and exciting. Even "Are You On The List?" was ok.
That still does not take away from the fact that they are still just normal, working people who are not going to go out of their way to put themselves or their families in harms way if they don't have too.

So many people who watch this show want these people to be the X-Men or the Justice League or whatever superpower team-up, but that is simply not what this show is about.

This is about normal people dealing with extraordinary changes in their body and how they cope with that and the effects it has on their lives and the people around them. Its not about actively seeking out the bad guys or having some mega ultimate showdown just for show, although some of the HEROES seem to stumble upon these events by random chance.

And that's the one thing that makes this show unique. Like an older quote I found about the show, the title tells you what it's about and what it isn't about.

I haven't completely dismissed the home town hero thing. If you'll see in my post, I've dismissed these home town heroes. Micah/Monica is the worst storyline in the entire show. At least Maya stumbled upon Sylar in her story. But really... the second that Monica kicked that crook through the window is when I said, I don't really care about this storyline at all.

Really, I'm not against home town heroes. I loved the graphic novel that just was about Nathan saving a woman from a burning building. Stolen comics does not a good secondary storyline make.
Stinking writers and their need for solid gold plated H2 and diamond studded swimming pools


If it wasn't for writer's, we wouldn't have TV, movies, video games, etc. Don't blame them for this. Blame the people who aren't paying them.
"Caitliiiin!!" just sounds more and more like "Adriaaaan!!"


Just for the record, they were filming episode 14 when NBC pulled the plug and said it is ending with 11 this season due to the strike, so claiming its a "rush job" doesn't hold much water.
I wonder if they're gonna use those episodes after the strike or are they gonna shoot new ones.

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