May 2008 Solicitations

Cap is only getting to get bigger eh?I want that image on a t shirt.Epting is killing it with these covers.
Marvel 1985 - Sounds like an interesting idea.

Captain America #38 - Ha, I called it! The Skull has a political patsy running for the White House (presumably the mystery character behind Faustus in the last issue). I thought this being an election year would be too good an opportunity to pass up.

Fantastic Four #557 - Is that Galactus' shadow on the cover?

Young Avengers Presents #5 - So they're going to play the "heart attack" card with Cassie; I was wondering how long that would take. Great cover (though note that they went with giant-sized Stature, perhaps to deal with Ant-Man II's rather limited bibliography).

Thor #9 - Only two issues off for Coipel? This series has a serious case of generic cover syndrome and generic solicit syndrome. Anyway, hopefully Thor turning his attention beyond the city means he'll get to reconnecting with all his old comrades.

Angel: Revelations - I'd be interested to know what prompted this, although it's nice to see Warren get some attention, between this and UXM, after so long a time in limbo.

Am I the only one who hates it when Invisible Women uses her forcefields like that?
Captain Britain and MI-13 - I'm surprised they didn't go with Excalibur; I would have thought that would be a lot more marketable. So the team has Captain Britain, Spitfire, Black Knight, Wisdom, and John the Skrull; and a couple of people I don't recognize.

Uncanny X-Men - Emma's got some weird Medusa hair on that cover; the solicits for this arc have been a bit repetitious.

X-Force - Cool cover (reminds me of AXM #19).

X-Men: Divided We Stand - Havok and Vulcan, eh? So they must be picking up on this plot fairly soon, if they're bothering to include it.

Young X-Men - lesbo-rific!

There's a passel of one-shots out this month.
Crap, does that mean Ms. Marvel's gettin cancelled?
Knew it wouldn't take long for Nova to mix it up with the Surfer and Galactus. This will be awesome. :up:

So is the Fantastic Four story sort of like John Henry the Steel Driving Man? Man versus Machine?
I'm officially psyched about Nova vs. the Silver Surfer.
Thor #9 - Only two issues off for Coipel? This series has a serious case of generic cover syndrome and generic solicit syndrome. Anyway, hopefully Thor turning his attention beyond the city means he'll get to reconnecting with all his old comrades.
I'm guessing the tiny bit that's been revealed in what little we've seen of the comic so far has limited their choice of things to hype in Thor's solicitations. :o

I was a bit pissed about "Captain Britain & MI: 13" instead of "Excalibur," but I see Spitfire and Black Knight on the cover there, so I'm pretty excited now. Even though Hitch ****ed Dane's helmet up pretty bad.

X-Men Origin? They're revamping Colossus' origin now? Ugh. :(

A:TI gives me mixed feelings, which it does more and more every issue since that Slapstick one. First off, the cover's by Uy, so my eyes hurt just looking at it. But on the other hand, it's PRODIGY! :D But on still another hand, he's... joined the Initiative after fighting tooth and nail against it and even taking on Iron Man during CW. That's a bit disheartening. Oh well, I'm just interested to see what Slott does with him.

The God Squad? Honestly, I love Marvel's mythology characters, but why does every team they ever form have to have staggeringly ******ed names? The Thor Corps, the Godpack, and now the God Squad? Blurgh. Other than that, though, the issue looks pretty awesome. Romita Jr. cover, too! :D

X-Men: Divided We Stand sounds pretty cool, actually. Far more like what I expected a post-MC X-Men comic to sound like than Uncanny X-Men or X-Men: Legacy. Plus, Beast. :up: And a surprisingly healthy Forge? :huh:

Immortal Iron Fist looks even more amazing than usual, given that the cover artist is apparently handling interiors as well. That should be great visually, and Bei Bang-Wen sounds like a cool past IF to explore.

King-Size Hulk, huh? With art by Art Adams! I'm in just for that. I hope the Hulk kicks those question marks' collective ass, too.

That Franklin Richards cover almost makes me like Secret Invasion. :)

Much as I hate both Avengers titles, the prospect of a new Howling Commandos sounds pretty awesome. I'll have to flip through it to see who's on the team.

Nova already rocks my socks off with its cover alone. Why don't awesome comics like this sell in the top 10?

I was thinking of dropping Punisher War Journal after the abysmal Gibbon issue last week, but Jigsaw's ultimate revenge scenario sounds good enough for me to stick around.
Yeah, that's a ton of variant covers. I was surprised they decided to get that excessive, but I guess the movie's coming out that month, so it makes some sense. Maybe Joe Q thinks he can trick moviegoers who develop an interest in the comic into thinking each cover represents a different issue and get them to buy more copies.
I think you read that Thor solicit wrong,the 2 issues were referring to Djurdjevic's.Regarding the tltle,I hope we see some sort of reaction out of Thor concerning Cap's death.It's been long overdue.

Giant Size Hulk and King Size Hulk...I think I'm in.As long as we get alot more new story than old reprints.

That Cap cover is stunning,kudos to Epting.So getting that on a shirt.

PWJ looks to be clear of any SI tie ins,looking forward to how this is all going to come together.

I haven't followed any Avengers while Bendis has been on,but the return of Fury with brand new HCs sounds cool,I hope Dugan is one of them at least

God Squad for the win.

Looking forward to more of the Knaufs Iron Man,Madame Masque and lots of mobster action,I love this book.

There are no more words to describe the goodness of IIF,I love these flashbacks and any chance they they get at telling these done in ones.#7 was one of the best stand alones last year,looking forward to this one.Fraction looks to be taking the reins himself more and more.
I'm pretty sure he read the Thor solicit right. He was surprised that Coipel only got 2 issues off.
I'm pretty sure he read the Thor solicit right. He was surprised that Coipel only got 2 issues off.

my bad then,I thought he was saying that OC was only coming back for 2 more issues
Nah. I think he's concerned that a mere 2-issue break will just see Coipel fall behind on the 'monthly' schedule in another 3 or 4 issues.

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