The Dark Knight Rises **OFFICIAL** TDK Rises merchandise thread - Part 1

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You guys were right, saw nothing rises related in time square except for the lame tiny figures.
On, the only MM I can find is Bats. I don't want to give an employee that DPCI #, and then they just bring out Batman. :/
They know that TDKR products is going to be a hot buy and people will spend the $$$
They know that TDKR products is going to be a hot buy and people will spend the $$$
Oh, I know, but that's just insane. If you want a TDKR case, just buy a regular case for $15-$20, get some TDKR stickers, and slap them on the case.
Oh, I know, but that's just insane. If you want a TDKR case, just buy a regular case for $15-$20, get some TDKR stickers, and slap them on the case.

People will buy.. starting tonight. I'm a man of my worddd
those don't say anything about TDKR. i think they are just batman products and have nothing to do with the movie.
Will be trying Target tonight, Dr. Who , I hate to be a bother but what exactly can I say to convince them to bring me out The Bat or a Bane?
Will be trying Target tonight, Dr. Who , I hate to be a bother but what exactly can I say to convince them to bring me out The Bat or a Bane?
Just ask them politely to bring them out, or you'll blow the place up.
Sooo got back from Target. I called ahead with the DPCI number and they pulled it for me when I got there. I was worried they wouldn't sell em to me because the box was covered in street date red tape but no problem. Weird thing though--the case pack only had Batman and Bane in it. 3 of each. Where's my Alfie?!?!
I may spring for a Bane figure. I like the quality in it. I only have a TDK-Batman, and right now, he's sitting on top of my fridge looking for any suspicious activity.
Batmanofbaylor Im sorry to bother, but what is the DPCI# ? I was hoping to get a Bane or The Bat
Sooo got back from Target. I called ahead with the DPCI number and they pulled it for me when I got there. I was worried they wouldn't sell em to me because the box was covered in street date red tape but no problem. Weird thing though--the case pack only had Batman and Bane in it. 3 of each. Where's my Alfie?!?!

Alfred isn't in the Target cases. Only Bane and Batman
Batmanofbaylor Im sorry to bother, but what is the DPCI# ? I was hoping to get a Bane or The Bat
The DPCI for Bane was the same as Batman actually. I think it's just an assorted pack. That number is 087-06-0472.
is Catwoman not shipping with the first round of Batman/Bane figures?!?! :csad:
Noticed the John Blake figure is absent in all this. What gives? :huh:
Noticed the John Blake figure is absent in all this. What gives? :huh:


CATWOMAN (Goggles up)
CATWOMAN (Goggles Down)
***The catwoman variants are randomly packed. goggles up is rarer***

WAVE 2: (July)
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