The Dark Knight Rises The TDKR General Discussion Thread - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Part 146

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So I had brunch today at what I consider to be LA's real life "Clean Slate" program - Homeboy Industries. A priest set it up so that former gang members who have felonies on their record can learn job skills and earn money. As some of you may know, a felony on your record often makes you permanently unemployable, so it's a huge reason why so many people who go to jail are repeat offenders. They can't rejoin society because of their records, so they have no choice but to go back to their old lives. Homeboy Industries breaks the cycle and helps people who want to turn their lives around. That's something I really believe in - empowering people who want to change their lives for the better.

Obviously, it got me thinking about the film and how I love the overall journey that both Bruce and Selina take. :yay: I think it's so much more powerful than Bruce not learning anything and being Batman forever. Sure most of TDKR (and all of TDK) is a downer, but in the end it's a story about hope. :yay:

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If Warner Brothers can, they should really have something similar like this as the cover for the trilogy ultimate collection.


So I had brunch today at what I consider to be LA's real life "Clean Slate" program - Homeboy Industries. A priest set it up so that former gang members who have felonies on their record can learn job skills and earn money. As some of you may know, a felony on your record often makes you permanently unemployable, so it's a huge reason why so many people who go to jail are repeat offenders. They can't rejoin society because of their records, so they have no choice but to go back to their old lives. Homeboy Industries breaks the cycle and helps people who want to turn their lives around. That's something I really believe in - empowering people who want to change their lives for the better.

Obviously, it got me thinking about the film and how I love the overall journey that both Bruce and Selina take. :yay: I think it's so much more powerful than Bruce not learning anything and being Batman forever. Sure most of TDKR (and all of TDK) is a downer, but in the end it's a story about hope. :yay:

This trilogy's journey of Bruce really was something incredible and it's fitting that Bruce could not truly move on until Selina entered the picture :up:

What's weird is that after TDKTrilogy, I don't know if I want to see a singular Batman that does this forever.
This trilogy's journey of Bruce really was something incredible and it's fitting that Bruce could not truly move on until Selina entered the picture :up:

What's weird is that after TDKTrilogy, I don't know if I want to see a singular Batman that does this forever.
I'm not sure if WB would let someone else do it. :funny: It's something that only Nolan could have pulled off in the movie world, and it's definitely his individual stamp on the character. I hope the subsequent versions don't just copy it....there's still a lot of directions to take our beloved Bats. :yay:
Well, yah, I am aware that someone will do it differently, but I think I've become so enthralled with the idea of Bruce Wayne creating the symbol, passing it down and getting a happy ending so much that I can't think of any other way, lol.
I'm bringing Craigdbfan's post here just because I want to. :awesome: :hrt:

The Dark Knight and the Man of Steel wore a black dress shirt and a pair of pre wash denims during their TV appearance.


Batman has been king long enough, time for us to share with our com padre Superman some of that epic love our Batman films received
I'm bringing Craigdbfan's post here just because I want to. :awesome: :hrt:
:cool: :up:

Pretty awesome huh. I know it's something so small to get excited about but I had to point it out. :hehe:
Well, yah, I am aware that someone will do it differently, but I think I've become so enthralled with the idea of Bruce Wayne creating the symbol, passing it down and getting a happy ending so much that I can't think of any other way, lol.

This. All day.
Random question, but I'm trying to buy the Dark Knight Trilogy on iTunes and can't find it for some reason? I look for it online and it takes me to the store, but I have to buy it in Pounds? I'm confused, anybody know what I should do?
I'm bringing Craigdbfan's post here just because I want to. :awesome: :hrt:
Don't bring that into the JL thread. They'll site that as proof that Bale is coming back as Batman. :oldrazz:

But seriously, they will.
Still thinking about Batman's Last Stand being in the light. It's symbolism being in line with "the Night is darkest just before the dawn", Batman of course being that dawn, the war ending the change he wanted to see in the city. The good people of Gotham actually doing something for their city.

TDKR also has a theme of the truth having its day. Light, thematically, has always been a symbol of the truth. So at the beginning Batman literally has a gadget that sucks the light out of a room. That he is so far consumed by the monster he has created that he only lives in the dark recesses of his mansion. Bane makes mention of his experience with light as nothing but blinding.

However, at the end of the film Batman has climbed out of the shadows and the darkness, and so it is important that he fights in the day.

What gives Bane power is lies and deception...darkness. If the shadows belong to Bane fight him in the Light.
Still thinking about Batman's Last Stand being in the light. It's symbolism being in line with "the Night is darkest just before the dawn", Batman of course being that dawn, the war ending the change he wanted to see in the city. The good people of Gotham actually doing something for their city.

TDKR also has a theme of the truth having its day. Light, thematically, has always been a symbol of the truth. So at the beginning Batman literally has a gadget that sucks the light out of a room. That he is so far consumed by the monster he has created that he only lives in the dark recesses of his mansion. Bane makes mention of his experience with light as nothing but blinding.

However, at the end of the film Batman has climbed out of the shadows and the darkness, and so it is important that he fights in the day.

What gives Bane power is lies and deception...darkness. If the shadows belong to Bane fight him in the Light.

Well said.
TDKR also has a theme of the truth having its day. Light, thematically, has always been a symbol of the truth. So at the beginning Batman literally has a gadget that sucks the light out of a room. That he is so far consumed by the monster he has created that he only lives in the dark recesses of his mansion. Bane makes mention of his experience with light as nothing but blinding.

Wow man, never even thought of that one. Nice observation :up:

Dark and light are very strong themes in any Batman story, but especially TDKR. It's pretty overt in instances like the pit, where we're constantly looking up at a big circle of pure white light, but that example you just gave is way more subtle.
Still thinking about Batman's Last Stand being in the light. It's symbolism being in line with "the Night is darkest just before the dawn", Batman of course being that dawn, the war ending the change he wanted to see in the city.
I remember several people pointing this out when we first saw set pics/videos of the cityhall fight. I know Rag did.

The good people of Gotham actually doing something for their city.
You mean the cops right? The actual people were hiding in their holes.
You mean the cops right? The actual people were hiding in their holes.

Cops are actual people too. And there were people who were on Bane's team who believed they were fighting for a better Gotham as well. The brother of that kid who Blake knew at the orphanage had worked for Bane, and so did Catwoman. In a way, The League of shadows believed that they were doing a good thing and making a difference.

There is a point being made by Bane's making ordinary citizens memebers of his organization. Its like in BB, there is Batman taking the law into his own hands. In TDK, Batman and a couple of copycats taking the law into their own hands. Then in TDKR, the whole city takes the law into their own hands.
Yeah, considering my late grandfather was NYPD, I always get a bit offended when people act like the cops don't count as "actual" citizens in the TDKR finale.

As a NYer, nope.

Cops are actual people too. take that back! :o

And there were people who were on Bane's team who believed they were fighting for a better Gotham as well.
But do they matter? We never see them and their struggles. it might as well be nonexistent.

The brother of that kid who Blake knew at the orphanage had worked for Bane, and so did Catwoman.
You mean the kid we see dead at the beginning? He wouldn't be much of a help in taking back the city unless his spirit can be physically summoned or something.

In a way, The League of shadows believed that they were doing a good thing and making a difference.
But since we don't see their struggles, they might as well be evil. Can you imagine if TDK didn't actually show the struggles of the people in the boat that the Joker threatened? There would be no reason to be anything other than apathetic to them, like I am totally apathetic to the LOS member's supposed humanity.

There is a point being made by Bane's making ordinary citizens memebers of his organization. Its like in BB, there is Batman taking the law into his own hands. In TDK, Batman and a couple of copycats taking the law into their own hands. Then in TDKR, the whole city takes the law into their own hands.
Not the whole city. Just the cops and the exceptional (Bas, Gordon, Blake, Catwoman), and the downtrodden, the ordinary middle class (it seemed) were cowering in their holes. You actually see them crawl out of there at the start of the ending montage.
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I also don't get why people act like character development for Gotham from BB and TDK doesn't carry over to TDK. It's all the same city that Bruce is fighting for over the course of 3 movies after all.
The idea that policeman are some kind of subspecies is offensive. Batman would disapprove.
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