The Ultimate Marvel RPG Season I Sign-Up/OOC Thread

Matt Murdock

Jun 29, 2005
Reaction score

The "Ultimate Marvel" RPG

GameMaster: Matt Murdock
Assistant GameMasters: Catman_Prb, Gallagher, SenseiofCheese, Johnny Blaze

This game is similar to the Marvel RPG, only based off of Ultimate continuity.


-Players can choose any hero in the Ultimate Marvel Universe. Players who have proved themselves as good RPer's will also have the option to Ultimize a character, and/or take up a second character. No God-Like characters.

-Everyone exists in the Ultimate Marvel Timeline. No 616 or other alternate items may be used.

-No Killing. Unnamed faceless NPC's may be killed, but not comic characters. Someone else may want to take up the character, or they may be important to another story.

-You can go anywhere on Earth, or travel off planet, but do so within your characters means.

-You are your character, so act like it. Talk like them, use there dialouge. Do not exaggerate your powers, or pop-up here and there without explanation.

-Several stories can be going at once, and you have the freedom to interact with other characters.

-No Time Travel.

-You must post at least once every two weeks, though it is preferred that you post more. If you go two weeks without a post without prior notice, your character is up for grabs.

-And of course, all regular rules of the Hype apply.

-Have fun.

The Following Continuity Cut-Offs Have Been Established:
Ultimates - The Ultimates (#1-13)
Ultimate Spider-Man - Public Scrutiny (#28-32)
Ultimate X-Men - Return of the King (#26-33)
Ultimate Fantastic 4 - Tomb of Namor (#24-26)



Screen Name:

Character you would like to play:

Has this character appeared in the Ultimate comic books? If not, how will you 'Ultimatize' him or her?:

Is the character a hero, a villain, or walking the line?:

The big question - Why this character?:

Brief background information of the character:

Powers, abilities, and noteworthy equipment:

What can you bring to this game?:

What color and font would your character use? (Please fully type the font out):

How many times per week do you plan on posting?:

Do you know how to post pictures on the Hype! boards:

Provide a small sample post for your character, about 4 paragraphs with at least one line of dialog:


"A Hero is a man who does what he can." - Romain Rolland

Captain America
Johnny Blaze


The Wasp

The Black Panther
Johnny Blaze


Moon Knight

Byrd Man

Iron Man


Luke Cage

Walking the Line
"Morality is the best of all devices for leading mankind by the nose." - Nietzsche

"We are each our own devil, and we make this world our Hell." - Oscar Wilde



The Red Skull
Johnny Blaze

U.S. Agent

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Screen Name:
Matt Murdock

Character you would like to play:
Attorney Matthew Murdock, aka Ultimate Daredevil

Has this character appeared in the Ultimate comic books? If not, how will you 'Ultimatize' him or her?: This character has not appeared in the continuity cut-off points that have been established. This Matthew Murdock will be far more calculating in his methods. Unlike previous incarnations of Matthew Murdock and his alter ego, this Daredevil will not be an island. In fact, there will be more than one individual who knows his secret. Matt Murdock will not be a struggling attorney but he will, rather, be a prosperous one, who has successfully established a law firm in Manhattan, not strictly in Hell's Kitchen. In fact, Murdock and Nelson will not be the only named partners at their law offices. Offices of his law firm will be scattered about the city. Unbeknown to much of the staff, however, the top floor of Murdock's offices will all be dedicated to storing his equipment. Each will have several costumes, billy clubs, and medical kits for Murdock to use. After all, he is one of the more brutal heroes in the UMU.

As far as development goes, this Matthew Murdock will have the same feelings of animosity and distrust in the legal system as his mainstream counterpart. Instead of trying to solve the issues he sees from within the courtroom, however, he will solve them as Daredevil. He will not be afraid to kill when necessary, and he will be far more sadistic than any character I've ever written including, quite possibly, the Joker.

Ultimate Daredevil will also be far more of a public menace. While he will be appreciated and adored by the people who know how unsafe the conditions in the city are, he will be vilified by the media. Like Spider-Man and the Daily Bugle, every media outlet will label this Daredevil as psychotic scum. Unlike the Webbed Wonder's case, however, there are people who will believe it.

There will be changes to Daredevil's supporting cast, as well. Foggy Nelson won't be a bumbling fool who fears for his life. Instead, he will be a competent, level-headed outlet for Matthew. Karen Page will play a roll, as will Bullseye. Both, however, will be altered. Bullseye will, at last, be given a complete origin story, and Karen won't be built up and torn down time after time.

Of course, I cannot leave out the explanation of how this Murdock will feel about The Church. As I note in the background information section, Matthew will, indeed, resent The Faith. He will, however, turn to it on a regular basis as Daredevil. He needs an outlet and, more importantly, validation. He will get both from his priest.

The big question - Why this character?: Daredevil has always been, for the most part, the same character in every universe. Red spandex, billy clubs, and a pair of horns on his mask. With the reboot of Ultimate Marvel, I have a chance to take the character in a completely new direction. That's something I'm itching to do.

Brief background information of the character:
Matt Murdock is a native of Hell's Kitchen. The real estate agents and politicians call it Clinton, now. But, just like everything else in the world, nothing changes with a name. The essence and character of a place or person do not change when they are simply relabeled. Hell's Kitchen has long been the underbelly of the city, where the filthy and corrupt have long prospered. This depraved borough is where Matt Murdock was reared.

The early years of Matt Murdock's life were relatively normal and pleasant. Until he was six years old, Murdock's father was a prosperous prize-fighter in the heart of the city, gaining title after title. Having a child, though, took a toll on the man, and, despite his young age, the stress of trying to, literally, fight to put food on the table and take care of a wife and son forced Jack Murdock to look for ways of self-medicating. He found peace in drinking. After that, everything began to go downhill. His fighting career began to decline, and, with it, his marriage. His wife left him, seeking to find stability once again. In doing so, she turned to the church and found a life in the Faith.

By the time he was 15, Murdock had grown to resent his mother and the church that had, in his eyes, taken her from him. He refused to go to mass, and dedicated all of his time to trying to save his father, who had only grown more habitual in his drinking. Jack Murdock did his best to provide for his son, imparting to him all of the values and characteristics he found himself to be lacking. Honor, courage, and curiosity were just a few of the traits Jack hoped to impart to young Matt. He worked tirelessly to find decent fights, but there were few promoters and agents in the city who would back a broken man. He found a way to earn money, though. One by one, Murdock threw fights. Day after day, he made his son watch as he traded his pride for dollar signs. The pair were powerless to break out of the life they found themselves in.

Everybody in his school knew just what Matthew's father was doing, despite how much he tried to deny it. He was ridiculed and bullied relentlessly. He fought back, of course, earning himself the nickname "Daredevil." It stuck.

On his way home from school one day, Matthew saw an elderly man struggling in the street. His walker had wedged itself in a crack in the pavement, and he was having difficulty setting himself free. Reacting as quickly as he could, he sprinted forward, and shoulder-charged the only man, sending him out of the path of an oncoming truck. The truck swerved, slamming on its brakes. The radioactive chemicals stored in the back of the truck leaked, splashing against Matthew's face and neck. His eyes were severely burned, blinding him. His remaining four senses, however, functioned with superhuman sharpness. His brain processed the sensory information it was receiving from his ears to create an image in the world around him. The radioactive material had granted Murdock the ability to use echolocation.

Inspired by his son's bravery, Jack Murdock made a resolution to stop throwing fights and, after several years of not doing so, try and make a comeback. And, for a while, he succeeded. Matthew and his father, both fighters on the comeback trail, seemed to doing well for themselves. One night, though, Jack was approached by his manager, who told him to throw a fight. Finding conviction with the morals he shared with his son, Jack refused. That night, he was beaten to death. The only witness was his son, Matt, who, despite what anyone though, saw it at all. Nobody, however, believed him.

With no material witnesses, and little physical evidence, the killer of Matthew's father was acquitted, and Murdock swear not to let the same happen again. The only person who did so much as console Murdock was his priest, who, despite the boy's former angst towards the church, knew that young Matthew needed someone in his life he could count upon.

Years passed, Murdock attended Columbia law school, and established a prominent law office in the city, earning the respect of several other notable attorneys. Soon, he and his roommate, Franklin Nelson, started a practice and grew into one of the most effective law firms in the city.

Now, Murdock moonlights as the vigilante, Daredevil, seeking to put right as many injustices as he can find.

Powers, abilities, and noteworthy equipment:

  • Enhanced taste, touch, smell, and hearing
  • Radar Sense
  • Acute balance
  • Superhuman strength
  • Considerable combat training
  • High-powered multi-use billy club that can serve as a grappling hook, staff, and nunchucks.
What can you bring to this game?: Someone who has shown unwavering dedication to the Ultimate Marvel game for close to two years. I've been a consistently reliable poster who does his best to write fun and engaging stories.

What color and font would your character use? (Please fully type the font out):
Dark red, Trebuchet MS, bold. "Like this."

How many times per week do you plan on posting?:
It depends, really. This reboot is designed to get the action going again. For me, Daredevil has always been the character with whom I take my time. I don't want to rush his stories and, now, with this brand new direction I'm taking him in, I want to make sure I do it right, and don't rush anything. If there's interaction, I'll do my best not to keep anyone waiting, but, if there isn't, I'll just take my time. I might get two or three posts in per week, in that case.

Do you know how to post pictures on the Hype! boards:

Provide a small sample post for your character, about 4 paragraphs with at least one line of dialog:

I used to believe in this city.
On the west side of Hell's Kitchen, there is an alleyway located between the Law Offices of Nelson, Weisman, and Murdock and O'Toule's Bar and Grill. It's one of those uninteresting corners of New York. It's not especially seedy these days. After Giuliani's hard-line on crime, the city had grown much safer. Lightning cracked angrily in the sky as rain poured, illuminating a stoic figure who stood on the damp pavement. His frame was rigid and muscular, his shoulders broad. A twinge of crimson reflected from the full-body suit he was wearing. The eyepieces on the mask that covered half of his face seemed to glow in the darkness. Rain slid down his face, over his mouth, bursting forward as he exhaled.

He threw himself up into the air, wrapping his hands around the bottom of a fire escape attached to the law office. With a grunt he heaved himself up onto the bottom level of the rusted frame.

He ascended the stairs quickly, tromping against the metal as if he was furious. As lightning flashed again, bullet holes in the chest and thigh portion of his costume. He sighed and breathed heavily as he awkwardly heaved himself up.

Tonight, though. Tonight something changed. Something was different. Tonight I was shot at by people with badges, not with dimebags.

After several stories of climbing, he reached the top of the fire escape and reached a sealed-up window. On the surface, it appeared to be little more than a smashed window, boarded up with several planks. He reached forward with his left hand, though, and pressed on one of the bricks next to the window. A loud tone echoed through the alleyway.

"Unlock and open." He said, in his brooding voice. It was the first time he had spoken in close to an hour and a half.
The crooked panels boarding the window up slid straight, and pulled back into the sides of the window frame. A steel plate behind the planks lifted upwards slowly, and Daredevil stepped into the upper level of his offices. The room, a corridor for the most part, had several rooms branching off of it, each with differing interiors. One was a furnished weightroom, complete with a punching bag and dozens of barbells. Other rooms held alternate suits, some made of vibranium and spandex, others made out of mesh and steel plates for protection.

Daredevil groaned, and flicked a switch on the wall, staggering through the hallway.

Panels on the walls slid open, revealing several large subwoofers built into the very walls themselves. They all began to emit the same, low, pulsating tone. As the soundwaves bounced off of the walls and ceiling, they illuminated the entire room for Daredevil, who made his way the area in the room where he stored his costumes.

The suit he was wearing was bulky. A vibranium under-suit, clinging close to his frame, was covered by a 1/4 inch thick suit of plastic, rubber, and kevlar. The lower portion of the suit, including the legs, were all made of a vibranium and rubber composite, allowing for maximum motion with maximum protection.

The Kingpin owns this town, now... even the police are his thugs. And that cannot stand.

Daredevil ran a hand around the back of his neck, clutching a zipper that held his mask to the main body of his suit. He pulled the headpiece off, easing the lenses over his forehead. Beneath the protective piece of headwear, his eyes were scarred. Burn marks lined his upper and lower eyelids, and had led to severe discoloration of his cornea, sclera, and iris. Taking his time, he wrapped the mask on a mannequin head mounted on the wall. Several others were mounted next to it. One was bright yellow, and severely battered. Next to it were two red masks, both made of spandex. Next to those, a leather headpiece that showed few signs of use. Two black headpieces lay beneath them, each with armored pieces around the neck.

Daredevil stepped a few feet down the room, to where several pieces of equipment were stored. on the shelves in this portion of the room lay swords, staffs, billy clubs, and unique weaponry which Murdock himself had designed. One such item was the unique pair of nunchucks he held in his hand, having slid them out of the holster on his thigh. Meant to serve as a multi-functional tool, the nunchucks he held were lined with over 50 feet of high-strength airline towing cable. Mounted on the end of one of the clubs was a grappling hook. Once deployed and fired, the cord could be fired and retracted. The cable also served as a useful way to improve the effectiveness of his nunchucks, lengthening the distance they could be hurled, or ways they could be used.

It's true that the city has seen a sharp decline in sporadic violent crime. Rapists aren't as common, and the muggings seem to have slowed.

He pulled off his gloves and tossed them onto a table beneath his shelves of equipment. The pair he had worn were heavily padded and layered with insulation and foam.

He moved on to an area with costumes had been stored on thick, metal hangers. Each matched up with a mask to the left. He ran a hand over the gash one of the bullets that had been fired at him left. It had only left him with a small bruise, but the impact was never something he'd get used to. Reaching down, Murdock pressed and held a button mounted just over the area where the torso of his costume met the legs. A sound of pressure being vented could be heard, and a seam along both sides of the suit's main body expanded. The arms of the suit loosened, allowing him to slide his arms out of the apparatus and pull the thick, rigid torso off his own. Scars lined his chest and upper arms. Just below his neck lay chemical burns, a scar and remnant of his accident. His eyes, staring forward, didn't moved as he wrapped the torso of his suit around a headless and armless mannequin. He pressed the button again, and the suit sealed itself, another night of crimefighting finished.

He pulled his pants off and put them on a hanger next to the mannequin, and wandered into the adjacent room.

Now in the bathroom, Murdock turned on the shower and flicked another lightswitch. The subwoofers in the other part of the room disengaged and slid back into the wall. He pulled himself into the glass shower and winced as the steaming water ran over new and old wounds alike. After half an hour, Murdock turned the water off and stepped out, wrapping himself in a freshly cleaned bathrobe that was draped on the granite countertop, waiting for him when he arrived.

That's left a power-vacuum, though. One which white collar crooks and mobsters are more than happy to fill. In this economy, I can't say I even blame people for turning to crime. It's a difficult world in which we live. But, with judges and attorneys on the take, someone has to stand up for what is right. Someone has to have moral convictions, despite lacking criminal ones.

Next to the bathrobe were a pair of crimson sunglasses, which Murdock slid on out of habit. He sighed as his exhaustion began to catch up with him.

That makes me judge, jury...

He stepped across the hallway, snapping every few seconds so as to illuminate his path, into a makeshift kitchen. There, he found a kettle already boiling. Next to it, a mug with a ginseng teabag. He poured the water into the mug and sipped from it as he made his way to the end of the hallway.

And executioner.

Murdock stepped through the door at the end of the hall and found himself looking down a flight of stairs. One by one, he made his way down, leaving Daredevil behind for yet another night.
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Edit: Well ladies and gents, we all live in democracys. Except Sensei. Seeing as our GM's just been banned, what say we have a vote for the new GM?
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Screen Name: Catman_prb

Character you would like to play: Brian Braddock/ Sergeant Britain

Has this character appeared in the Ultimate comic books? If not, how will you 'Ultimatize' him or her?: Braddock's an ex-squaddie. Nuff said.

The big question - Why this character?: Why the **** not.

Brief background information of the character: Sergeant Braddock was serving a tour in Hellmand, when his patrol was ambushed. Their jeep was run off the road by IEDs and Braddock's men were cut down by enemy fire. Braddock single handedly fended off the ambush and waited for reinforcements. For this action he earned a commendation, and he quickly volunteered for new trials of the Super-Soldier serum. The Serum he recieved was...different from Captain America's, but equally effective. Two years later and Sergeant Britain is being seconded to SHIELD by the EU Security Council after the Chitauri Incident.

Powers, abilities, and noteworthy equipment: Superhuman strength, flight, Excalibur

What can you bring to this game?: My usual wit and charm.

What color and font would your character use? (Please fully type the font out): Arial dark blue

How many times per week do you plan on posting?: As many as I damn well feel like.

Do you know how to post pictures on the Hype! boards:


What he said.

Provide a small sample post for your character, about 4 paragraphs with at least one line of dialog:

"So why the hell are you here?" Fury asked the Sergeant, who was sitting in the chair opposite him with a slightly bemused look on his face.

"A few weeks ago, SHIELD fought off an invasion from the...Chitauri, wasn't it?" Braddock said, managing to sound vaguely bored but respectful at the same time.

"And what has that got to do with you? As far as I recall, we were doing the world a favour,"

"The EU and NATO were not involved, consulted or even spoken to during this event, even though SHIELD had recieved more information about the...incident. Needless to say they freaked out and insisted that a representative of the EU joined the Ultimates and reported back to Brussels,"

"This is insane,"

"Not if you don't want an international incident. Look, I'l be honest; I couldn't care less about the EU and their jumped up little men. There's a hundred more important things I could be doing without having to babysit you guys. Just be happy that you didn't end up with Lieutenant France," Braddock said, standing up "He's an utter prick,"

"What's with the sword?"

"Your guy can have a shield and I can't have a sword? It completes my look,"
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Screen Name: Catman_prb

Character you would like to play: Karolina Dean

Has this character appeared in the Ultimate comic books? If not, how will you 'Ultimatize' him or her?: She ain't no hero. Also she has a very slightly altered power set.

The big question - Why this character?: Cos I'm Gallagher's *****. And I love it.

Brief background information of the character: The daughter of a two aliens who have settled on Earth as actors (though now largely retired), Karolina knew she was an alien from an early age. Seeing as her parents spent a disproportionate amount of time fighting crime as superheroes, Karolina spent most of her life listening to music from decades before. This also crossed over with her meeting and greeting the children of the other superheroes in her parents 'Pride'. As she was slowly pressured into becoming a superhero herself, Karolina snapped, going on the run.

Powers, abilities, and noteworthy equipment: Manipulates solar light energy, can cause epileptic fits, and can use pheromones to create a 'trip'.

What can you bring to this game?: The legend of rock.

What color and font would your character use? (Please fully type the font out): Pink Comic Sans

How many times per week do you plan on posting?: As many as I goddam feel like!

Do you know how to post pictures on the Hype! boards:

I think so.

Provide a small sample post for your character, about 4 paragraphs with at least one line of dialog:

Picture yourself on a boat on a river

She pulled the deadbolt across her door, shut her window and flicked her iPod speakers on.

With tangerine trees and marmalade skies

Karolina lay back on the bed with a sigh, closing her eyes and letting the music wash over her.

Somebody calls you, you answer quite slowly

She took a puff of the roll up that sat loosely between her fingers, exhaling slowly and watching the smoke fill the room.

A girl with kaleidoscope eyes

Idly, Karolina pulled at the medical emergency bracelet that was slipped over her wrist.

Cellophane flowers of yellow and green

With a final tug, the bracelet came off of her wrist and went scattering off into the mess that was the floor of her bedroom.

Towering over your head

An unearthly light filled the room, reflecting off of a series of strategically placed mirrors and refracting off the smoke in the room. Karolina lifted her glowing hand, a smile on her face.

Look for the girl with the sun in her eyes

"And she's gone," Karolina said, taking another puff.
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Screen Name:

Character you would like to play: Alex Wilder

Has this character appeared in the Ultimate comic books? If not, how will you 'Ultimatize' him or her?: You'll see... I can't really explain it without giving away everything awesome.

The big question - Why this character?: I've been wanting to do Ultimate Runaways for awhile now.

Brief background information of the character: Alex Wilder was born to two very wealthy parents in Malibu and lived a normal, odinary, boring childhood with little in the way of real friends other than the children of his parent's business partners. The children formed a reluctant bond over the years and are now the closest thing each of them have to friend.

Powers, abilities, and noteworthy equipment: Very good logical thinker and strategist.

What can you bring to this game?: ULTIMATE RUNAWAYS BIIIITCH

What color and font would your character use? (Please fully type the font out): Black Century Gothic

How many times per week do you plan on posting?: AS MANY AS HUMANLY POSSIBLE (read: some)

Do you know how to post pictures on the Hype! boards: Yeaaaaaaah Boooiii

Provide a small sample post for your character, about 4 paragraphs with at least one line of dialog:

Purplehaze66 has Logged On.

The digital landscape of New York loaded up on screen, the artificial sun blazing between the skyscrapers, the scene spoilt only by a complex looking HUD and a pop-up box.

You have recieved a Message from Jumpin'JackFlash89

The gamer sighs slightly as he hovers his cursor over the message, clicking to display it's contents.

Re: Hey

'Sup bro? You ready for our parent's lame D&D super-club thing tomorrow? I'll bring back your John Carpenter DVD's man, sorry I had 'em for so long, got held up with School this year.

Escape from New York was ****ing amazing, you were right.

Peace out bro, see you tomorrow night.

Closing the message down, Alex Wilder felt himself sigh again. If there was one thing worse than his parent's extra-curricular activites it was having to stomach the other children, especially him, Chase.

As Alex ran around the digital New York, using his avatar to move around and take in the sights and talk to his 'friends', he felt a wave of complete boredom wash over him.

"There has to be something better to do than pick pretend super-powered fights over the internet."
He groaned taking off his glasses and rubbing the bridge of his nose.

Purplehaze66 has Logged Off.

He pushed himself away from his computer, letting the chair take him across the room and idly switched on his television, holding the remote loosely in one hand as he stared off into the middle distance. Flipping through the channels, he found the same thing on every news station. The same thing that had been on ever since the Ultimates were formed, ever since first sightings of a so called 'Spider-Man' were taken seriously.

"Super heroes."
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Screen Name: Jbizzle

Character you would like to play: The Red Skull

Has this character appeared in the Ultimate comic books? If not, how will you 'Ultimatize' him or her?: He's an American neo-nazi instead of an anctual Nazi from WWII Germany. He's more Ed Norton from American History X meets Hannibal Lecter.

The big question - Why this character?: Because he's a villain, and it seems, least judging by the roster, that you could use a few more of them. Out of all the villainous concepts I was considering, playing a modern day rompa stompa appealed to me the most. Go figure? :o

Brief background information of the character:

the Red Skull is a psychotic skin head who leads the largest underground neo-Nazi movement in America. Little is known about the Red Skull's past, but the man who has seemingly came out of nowhere has brought nation-wide organization to the American-Nazi movement.

Never appearing anywhere without his red colored skull mask that covers his entire head, the Skull has spent countless hours upon hours studying the major figures from the movement's past. He's as skilled a speaker and manipulator as Hitler. As brilliant a tactical mind as Rommel. And as ruthless and cunning as Himmler.
The Red Skull is the ultimate symbol of the Nazi ideal. Blending the core beliefes and tactics of the old guard with the new methods of the modern age.

With the power of the internet backing him, the Red Skull has brought together thousands of skinhead gangs across the country. Now under his yolk, the Red Skull is now planning to begin his campaign against all the inferior races and the government that protects them.

Powers, abilities, and noteworthy equipment: None; The Red Skull is a skilled hand-to-hand combatant and possesses a keen intellect. He is a master manipulator and planner, as well as an excellent battlefield strategist.

What can you bring to this game?: Experience in RPing.

What color and font would your character use? (Please fully type the font out): Red, Bold, Century Gothic

How many times per week do you plan on posting?: As many as need be, life permitting.

Do you know how to post pictures on the Hype! boards: Yes

Provide a small sample post for your character, about 4 paragraphs with at least one line of dialog:


"I do so love punctual people", he smiled.
"So, we ready to get down to business?"

"Indeed we are", the Skull smiled.
"Klaw, my friend. You look well."

"Skull, it's been a while", Klaw nodded.

"So, you're working for Jakkara I see? Interesting."

"With him running Wakanda now, it's ripe with opportunities. How could I pass up a chance to get blind, stinking rich?"

"Yes, how could you", the Skull said with an almost bored look.

"Now, about my weapon?"

"It's right here"
, Klaw snapped his fingers, and a man in civilian clothes that was sitting on a crate gets up. Cracking his neck, the man then proceeds to push his seat towards the Skull.

"One high grade vibranium warhead. The vibranium in the bomb magnifies the blast, doubling it's destructive power. This **** here is better than what the US is packing."

The Skull inspected the crate and opened it. Inside, surrounded by protection that held it in place was a small device the save of a carry on suitcase.

"Perfect", the Red Skull grinned as he ran his hand over the weapon.

"Now, let's see the goods."

"Of course", the Red Skull turned and nodded to his men who brought the briefcase up to him. The man who wheeled the bomb to the Skull inspected it's contents and then nodded the "ok" to Klaw.

"We're good then", Klaw smiled.
"You're getting a deal here, Skull. Don't forget that. And you never acquired this from us."

"Auf Wiedersehen, Klaw. As always, it has been a pleasure", the Skull clicks his boot heels together and gives Klaw a curt nod.

"See you around, Skull. Have fun", Klaw chuckled as he and his men exited out the back.

"****ing swine", the Skull grumbled when the Klaw had left.
"It figures he'd be in bed with a ******. Crossbones..."

"What's up, Skull?"

"Secure the weapon into the van and let's get back to the base. We have a message to send, and we need to get ready."
Screen Name: Jbizzle

Character you would like to play: The Black Panther

Has this character appeared in the Ultimate comic books? If not, how will you 'Ultimatize' him or her?: As described in the background below, T'Challa will still be a Prince of Wakanda. He and Jakkara are brothers here, and his father and mother were brutally murdered by his older brother as he made a play for the throne. T'Challa is now in exile from Wakanda, trying desperately to get help in freeing his country.

The big question - Why this character?: Because I wanted to play him? :confused:

Brief background information of the character:

T'Challa was born to the royal family of the African nation, Wakanda. A technological juggernaut compared to the rest of the country, Wakanda was one of the most powerful nations in the world thanks to their stanglehold on the metal, vibranium. One of the strongest and unique metals in the world. Ruled by his father, the wise T'Chaka, Wakanda did much to help it's war torn and plagued continent by way of cures for diseases and food to those starving.

T'Challa grew up a pampered life along side his older brother, Jakkara. Since he was born, his father saw to it that they were both trained to perfect their mind and body. T'Challa quickly showed himself to be better than his brother in all areas, excelling in his martial, survivalist, and weapons training to his studies in the fields of science, language, and diplomacy. It was clear that T'Challa would succeed his father as ruler of the nation. And that was a fact that caused resentment and anger to well up in Jakkara.

Not ready to be stepped over, Jakkara used his cunning to stage a cue. With the military behind him, one bloody night Jakkara killed his father, mother, and all politcal members loyal to the old regime. Now a military state with Jakkara appointed King, Wakanda has shut it's borders with the outside world. With a warning to the US and the rest of the world to stay out of Wakandan affairs, Jakkara has halted the trade market of vibranium from leaving the country. Many now believe that he is using his stockpile of the mineral to build weapons of mass destruction that Jakkara will use to attack his rivals and expand his domain.

T'Challa barely was able to escape the palace alive that fateful night. But he was able to flee the country thanks to his grandmother, Chanda. Before they parted ways, Chanda gave T'Challa a special suit. A suit given to Wakanda's protector throughout the years. His father, T'Chaka wore it in service of his country, and now it was T'Challa's turn. He would be the new Black Panther, and would one day avenge the murder of his father and mother, and save his homeland from his brother's iron grip.

To complete the transformation into the Black Panther, Chanda gave T'Challa the special herb of the Panther Clan that increased his abilities and senses. Now the Black Panther travels to America, seeking asylum and aid in restoring his country to peace once again.

Powers, abilities, and noteworthy equipment: The ingesting of a special herb has granted T'Challa feline-like senses (enhanced smell, sight, hearing, etc), increased his already formidable physical attributes (strength, speed, stamina, durability, etc), and enables him to heal in half the time as it would take a regular human.
T'Challa is a genius tactician as well as a scientist. Since he was a child, T'Challa has been trained to expand his mind as well as his body. The suit of the Black Panther is a technilogical masterpiece. Equiped with energy-dampening boots, eye-lenses that enhance his already potent vision, advanced cloaking technology, claws made of antartic vibranium, vibranium throwing daggers, and made of vibranium microweave mesh providing protection from being stabbed and even being impervious to small arms fire.

What can you bring to this game?: Experience in Rping.

What color and font would your character use? (Please fully type the font out): Navy, Bold, Garamond

How many times per week do you plan on posting?: As many as need be, life permitting.

Do you know how to post pictures on the Hype! boards: Yes

Provide a small sample post for your character, about 4 paragraphs with at least one line of dialog:

T'Challa leaped from rooftop to rooftop across Hell's Kitchen as the muggy night breeze whistled around him. He had been in the states for just two weeks, but T'Challa was already familiar with the lay of the land.

He had made sure to study the area extensively on his journey to New York, as well as familiarize himself with the plethora of super-humans in the country, from the Ultimates to the Sinister Six.

It was what had taken up most of his time even upon reaching the states. Tonight was actually the first night T'Challa had been able to get out and feel the freedom of this concrete jungle first hand. He crouched on the side of the complex building, looking out into the night.
T'Challa closed his eyes, allowing his senses to take center stage.

He felt the temperature drop, alerting him to the coming rain...the smell coming from the fresh baked breads from the shop across the street tantalized his taste buds...the sound of a woman, crying for help a dozen or so blocks away.

T'Challa immediately went into action, racing across the rooftops like a hunting cat towards the sound of the imperiled innocent.

Rushing to the edge of the roof, T'Challa looked down to the street below to see a dozen men armored with medieval weaponry attack the horrified citizens below.

The Black Panther didn't hesitate as he dived down from the rooftop feet first, smashing into one of the warriors like a living missile.

The enemy dropped to the ground, unconscious, but two of his comrades came at T'Challa. The Panther flipped over the slashing blades and the two men, slashing at their faces with his claws as he passed over their heads.

The men dropped to their knees, screaming in pain as they clutched at their faces.
T'Challa ran to warrior who was about to kill a young woman, grabbing him by his head and snapping his neck.

"Get to safety", he commanded as he delivered a sidekick into the ribs of an attacking warrior.

"I will hold them off!"

The woman stood in shock as the Panther smashed the nose of one of the attackers with a palm strike, dropping him to his knees.

"GO", T'Challa roared as he slashed the prone warrior across his throat.

The woman ran away, trying desperately to get as far away from the insanity as possible.

Her scream sent chills down the Panther's spine. T'Challa spun around in time to see a warrior pull his axe from her skull.

The Panther roared, a bestial sound, and dove at the warriors. The Panther's claws sliced through his neck like a hot knife through butter, lopping it clean off the warrior's shoulders.

The Panther turned around in time to slash a would-be attack across his stomach before knocking him away with a head kick.

The Black Panther looked around him and his heart sank. The waves of armored warriors seemed to keep on coming, and innocent frightened people were being slaughtered in the streets around him.

T'Challa knew he'd likely share their fate, but he couldn't stand by and watch this massacre continue.
The Panther leaped back into battle, silently praying to his god that help would soon arrive.

Screen Name:

Character you would like to play: Scott Summers/Cyclops

Has this character appeared in the Ultimate comic books? If not, how will you 'Ultimatize' him or her?: Yes. He first appeared in Ultimate X-Men #1

The big question - Why this character?: The X-Men are no longer bogged down by the partial continuity reboot, and thus are a clean slate. Who better to play than their field leader?

Brief background information of the character: Scott Summers was an orphan and one of the first recruits into Xavier's School for the Gifted and as such, one of his first X-Men alongside Jean Grey, Storm, Beast Colossus and later on Iceman and Wolverine.

Powers, abilities, and noteworthy equipment: Can fire powerful optic blasts from his eyes. Has a ruby-quartz visor to keep beams in check.

What can you bring to this game?: The Ultimate X-Men, in their prime this time around.

What color and font would your character use? (Please fully type the font out): Navy Blue Franklin Gothic Medium Bold

How many times per week do you plan on posting?: As much as possible

Do you know how to post pictures on the Hype! boards:

Provide a small sample post for your character, about 4 paragraphs with at least one line of dialog:

We thought it was a simple protest, but with us mutants, nothing's ever simple. As it would turn out, a few of Magnet's Brotherhood cronies hid among the protesting crowd, and attacked a reasearch facility working on a serum with a genetic marker used to track mutants, and blew the place up. Which is why it has come to this...

"MRD! All of you, put your hands in the air NOW!"

The Mutant Response Division. A group headed by Bolivar Trask himself to respond whenever mutants get out of hand, like right now, so here we are, trying to stop them before they try to capture, or kill, any of our kind because of the Brotherhood's actions.

Storm landed the Blackbird on the roof of the building adjacent to the protest, and the relatively small team of Logan, Bobby, Storm, Jean and myself. It was up to us to evacuate any mutants that were in danger. So Jean used her powers to land us all safely near the rioters, and the 'mardies' soon took notice.

"It's the X-Men! Take 'em down!

"Scott what's the plan?"

"Jean, I need you and Storm to get the rioters out of here, quickly and safely."

"Got it."

"Wolverine I need you to track down the Brotherhood's whereabouts, and see where they're hid--"

"Now you listen here, boyscout. I don't take orders from you!"

"You're lucky I even let you back ON this team after what you pulled in the Savage Land, Logan. Now you're gonna do exactly as I say from now on. Defy me again, Logan, and I'll blast you 'till there's nothing left..."

"Logan, what's he talking about? What happened in the Savage Land?"

"Nothin', Red. Just guy-talk..." he hissed.

Logan then turned back to me and unsheathed his claws, to which I didn't even flinch.

"You win this time, Slim. But you better watch yer' back out there, 'cause I sure as hell ain't got it for ya no more..."

"Fine by me."

I looked towards my last teammate. The young Bobby Drake. Codename: Iceman.

"Bobby, we're gonna have to hold off the MRD until the others get back..."


"Bobby, what did we say about the ice-puns? Save them for when we're off the field..."

"Right. Did I say 'Cool'? I meant 'Sweet'. This is gonna be sweet."

After making sure my directions were heard, Jean and Storm started heading over towards the angered mutants and tried escorting them away, meanwhile Logan reluctantly started sniffing about to get a scent he could follow. That just left me and Iceman...

"You ready, Scott?"

"Affirmative. Close ranks..."

The mardies had us both surrounded, and I placed my finger on the trigger of my visor, grinning.

"This is the fun part..." I muttered as my visor started glowing bright red and pressed the trigger...
Screw real life! I know I've burned some bridges but if you guys would have me I'd love to come back and play. :O


Screen Name: Venom160

Character you would like to play: Johnny Storm aka. The Human Torch

Has this character appeared in the Ultimate comic books? If not, how will you 'Ultimatize' him or her?: Yep. Ultimate Fantastic Four #1-60

The big question - Why this character?: Well the FF is the only major team in the Ult universe that I've never played before and really have been wanting to.

Brief background information of the character: Johnny Storm has always been in the shadow of his older sister Sue Storm. Even from an early age he was being compared to her. But all that changed the day of the experiment. Now armed with abilities matching his fiery personality Johnny is ready to make a name for himself alongside his new family.

Powers, abilities, and noteworthy equipment: Johnny possesses the ability to ignite his body using the microscopic film that covers his body. Fat cells withing his body goes into clean fusion and jet out through the film as hot plasma. Once the plasma hits the air they ignite. This film also makes his virtually fireproof. As for equipment Johnny and the rest of the FF has suits composed of unstable molecules that prevents it from being ripped, torn, cut, or burned.

What can you bring to this game?: Over four years of experience in these rpgs aswell an urge to redeem myself. Also somewhat decent storytelling and knowledge of the Ult Marvel Universe

What color and font would your character use? (Please fully type the font out): Red, Italic, for Johnny Red, Bold, Italic, for when Johnny is flamed on

How many times per week do you plan on posting?: As much as I can.

Do you know how to post pictures on the Hype! boards:

yep yep

Provide a small sample post for your character, about 4 paragraphs with at least one line of dialog:

Johnny Storm has had his share of dangerous missions in his short career as part of the Fantastic Four. But his current undertaking is hands down the most dangerous. He silently wipes the sweat from his brow as he sets the final canister into place. The room rumbles with the force of a thunderous roar. Johnny flinches slightly at the sound but never breaks his concentration from his work.

After running string through the canister's triggers Johnny attaches it to a secure location. Satisfied with his work he reaches into the open backpack at his side and pulls out the last bit of his plan, the flashbang grenade he "acquired" from one of the guards.

Okay how long did Reed say this thing had? Ten seconds? Five?

Shrugging Johnny quickly zips up, slings the backpack on his back, and pulls the tab from the grenade.


He drops the grenade and bolts for the door as another roar shakes the very ground beneath him.


Bolting from the door Johnny continues his run down the hallway.


Finally stopping around the corner Johnny kneels down and braces himself.


The flash bang goes off illuminating the darkened room for an instant.

"What the hell!?"

A loud crash echos down the hallway.

"Argh! Dammit!"

The large sounds of footsteps shakes the floor as the large form of Ben Grimm enters the hallway covered from the chest up in shaving cream.

"What the...."


Ben looks toward the voice just as the flash goes off.

"Nice one Stay Puff. I think this is the best oicture of you ever. And look the camera didn't even break!"

Ben's eyes burns with anger as Johnny disappears around the corner.

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Can I reserve a character before I make an application..? Have to be at work in an hour.

Probably not...
Quick question. Is the first UFF annual in continuity here? It was released before the cut off point.
K wasn't sure if annuals were gonna be counted. Thanks MM.
So we're waiting three days before approving apps right?

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