Apocalypse Things you didn't like in X-Men: Apocalypse (Spoilers)

Jubilee was useless like i said. More useless than her cameos in OT. Just how to make one more incoherence.

Havok's death is completely idiot

Mostly, Mystique didnt have any fight, Psylocke have deleted scenes in final footage, no kicks, nothing, ... just sword and whip

Damn, for these reasons, this movie is a garbage!
It doesnt matter if they made Apocalypse motion capture or cgi or better costume, the lines of dialogue they gave him on the whole were not good enough to fully realise Apocalypses true character.
It doesnt matter if they made Apocalypse motion capture or cgi or better costume, the lines of dialogue they gave him on the whole were not good enough to fully realise Apocalypses true character.
Agree completely. The villain should have gotten a better focus, more backstory and development. At least show some previous fights he had and how he owned them.

Instead, we got a glimpse of his past being, when he was trapped.
The villain was definitely underdeveloped, considering his tons of appearences, and significance, both in comics and animated series.
Why the F was Magneto working at a factory like an average Joe? :huh: Why would he try to fit in with humans? He's a supervillain who freakin hates them. If really he has gone off the deep end and wants to be human, show us how! That really annoyed me.

This movie is so bad.
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Apocalypse as a villain was the wrong choice to bring into the 80s, he's a big villain and this movie didn't do him justice at all.

I loved how they took advantage of the time period setting in the prequels and they didn't do that for this movie and didn't really feel like it was in 1983. In that sense, it felt tonally inconsistent in this trilogy.

In the climax, I would have him put back to sleep and not killed off, saving him for a future movie set in the 2020s or beyond adapting an "Age of Apocalypse" story with him already awakened and ruling the world.
Apocalypse is a great villain but too ambitious for Bryan Singer to bring to life. We need someone who is actually fan of the Xmen to bring Apocalypse to life, I want to see him back but under a different director/writer/team . They can erase everything Singer did cause its a damn mess.

I also didn't like how little lines Storm/Psylocke/Angel had. Their screen time was ok but they were just silent henchmen. Also wtf at Storm being scared at that end battle. She would have lunged that car back at Beast and kicked all their assess. Didn't Apocalypse make her stronger? Hmmm everything she did was usual Storm stuff nothing she couldn't do without an upgrade. She has never reached for full potential because she always holds back.
Why the F was Magneto working at a factory like an average Joe? :huh: Why would he try to fit in with humans? He's a supervillain who freakin hates them. If really he has gone off the deep end and wants to be human, show us how!.

Did you not watch the film?
Starting off with him in Poland with his wife and kid is not an explanation. Why would the self proclaimed king of mutants want to fit in with lower life forms? It didnt feel like Magneto to me.
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Because it wasn't, it was Erik. He repressed his mutant side. You can see Apocalypse, a radical version of Magneto, as a result of that. Coming from where it was burried.

It's the theme of the film, repressed emotions and potential, therfore mutant side. You made me realize in parallel Mystic is not in her mutant form either. Wait ... is that cohesive story telling?
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My two biggest complainss would be

1-Apocalypse's rise was rushed, turning what could be a great villain (the base concept is there) into a "destroy the world" generic villain

2-The Weapon X scene, totally shoe horned into the movie. In the year of the shoe-horn (WW and JL cameos in BvS, Spidey in CW) this one takes the prize as the most disconnected and inconsequential
Starting off with him in Poland with his wife and kid is not an explanation. Why would the self proclaimed king of mutants want to fit in with lower life forms? It didnt feel like Magneto to me.

now that I think about yeah you bring up a good point and especially after the humans built the sentinels
My two biggest complainss would be

2-The Weapon X scene, totally shoe horned into the movie. In the year of the shoe-horn (WW and JL cameos in BvS, Spidey in CW) this one takes the prize as the most disconnected and inconsequential

More than email trailers ???????
Apocalypse is a great villain but too ambitious for Bryan Singer to bring to life. We need someone who is actually fan of the Xmen to bring Apocalypse to life, I want to see him back but under a different director/writer/team . They can erase everything Singer did cause its a damn mess.

I also didn't like how little lines Storm/Psylocke/Angel had. Their screen time was ok but they were just silent henchmen. Also wtf at Storm being scared at that end battle. She would have lunged that car back at Beast and kicked all their assess. Didn't Apocalypse make her stronger? Hmmm everything she did was usual Storm stuff nothing she couldn't do without an upgrade. She has never reached for full potential because she always holds back.

Wasted opportunity for her to display her full powers.. a global scale disaster movie with Storm and no weather destruction? zzz
More than email trailers ???????
Well... yeah! Totally out of place: Stryker arrives and captures just the right mutants, they have that little intermission, and then they escape and end up right where they were at the mansion exploded (ok, with stolen uniforms and the jet that could have easily been the blackbird and uniforms from the X-Mansion)
Well... yeah! Totally out of place: Stryker arrives and captures just the right mutants, they have that little intermission, and then they escape and end up right where they were at the mansion exploded (ok, with stolen uniforms and the jet that could have easily been the blackbird and uniforms from the X-Mansion)

I just can't wait to hear Singer and Kinberg's commentary like, what the hell were they thinking when developing the story?? It's like they.. picked what they think would sell, not caring if it makes sense to the story:

"Quicksilver! Got to have him, they loved him in DoFP! JLaw's face! More of that because she makes us $$$ and cost efficiency for make-up. Jubilee! We just gotta have her in because she looks super 80's, oh we'll cut her if she's redundant plus she's not even part of any of the story so it'll be okay! We need Angel because he was a Horseman in the comics so even if he get no character development or many lines, fans will be happy!"

Please, no more ***** writing Kinberg.. :cmad:
My two biggest complainss would be

1-Apocalypse's rise was rushed, turning what could be a great villain (the base concept is there) into a "destroy the world" generic villain

2-The Weapon X scene, totally shoe horned into the movie. In the year of the shoe-horn (WW and JL cameos in BvS, Spidey in CW) this one takes the prize as the most disconnected and inconsequential

1- he embodies the sun and is linked to the "eye" (horus one maybe, it appears throuhough his introduction). He beggin his movie following Mystique, who doesn't want to shape in her mutant form, finally he catch her back and take Xavier away from her.

Apocalypse, even though he can absorb others power, is pretty alone. So he desire Xavier power to be over "connected" to other (wich is maybe the true definition of God), this is reminded to him by Charles and it why they defeat him as a family, "connected".

2-Weapon X represent bestial form of unlished power. Through the movie most of the young mutant are afraid of this dormant power of them. Jean calming is Bersek Logan is important, it built a paralle with Scott, and Xavier later in the movie who will "unlish" her.

Apocalypse is also a representation of that dormant power and infinite destruction. A bit like human's and there nuclear weapons, "false idols". The true dormant power of the phoenix will be free and will consumed him "All is revealed". And the movie ends with conscient ree-creation of "home", Apocalypse also said he came from the bottom of the earth, and wants to ruined civilization and machines. he wants to go back "Home". Just like Erik who called his lost daughter and wife his "Home".

i think the story is great and cohesive
ApophènX;33724951 said:
1- he embodies the sun and is linked to the "eye" (horus one maybe, it appears throuhough his introduction). He beggin his movie following Mystique, who doesn't want to shape in her mutant form, finally he catch her back and take Xavier away from her.

Apocalypse, even though he can absorb others power, is pretty alone. So he desire Xavier power to be over "connected" to other (wich is maybe the true definition of God), this is reminded to him by Charles and it why they defeat him as a family, "connected".
But Apocalypse is connected enough to his horsemen, and I can't remember any desire of further connection with anyone (maybe he could have absorved Caliban to show that?)

ApophènX;33724951 said:
2-Weapon X represent bestial form of unlished power. Through the movie most of the young mutant are afraid of this dormant power of them. Jean calming is Bersek Logan is important, it built a paralle with Scott, and Xavier later in the movie who will "unlish" her.

Apocalypse is also a representation of that dormant power and infinite destruction. A bit like human's and there nuclear weapons, "false idols". The true dormant power of the phoenix will be free and will consumed him "All is revealed". And the movie ends with conscient ree-creation of "home", Apocalypse also said he came from the bottom of the earth, and wants to ruined civilization and machines. he wants to go back "Home". Just like Erik who called his lost daughter and wife his "Home".

i think the story is great and cohesive
I don't think that's the case. If all that was intentional, then power unleashed shouldn't be both the cause and the solution to problems.
Wasted opportunity for her to display her full powers.. a global scale disaster movie with Storm and no weather destruction? zzz

I agree she could have done more but the destruction she's capable of would probably involved injuring/killing people. She wouldn't have been able to just jump into the X-Men after that.
But Apocalypse is connected enough to his horsemen, and I can't remember any desire of further connection with anyone (maybe he could have absorved Caliban to show that?)

I don't think that's the case. If all that was intentional, then power unleashed shouldn't be both the cause and the solution to problems.

he want connection with every person on the planet through Charles's power.

It is not and it is. You shouldn't over control things, as we saw where that lead Phoenix in the first trilogy. It is also man should not control woman. Lots of the story revolvs around woman, Mystique on the run, Moira memory hidden, Erik's familly and you cloud linked it to mother nature. Apocalypse wanting to go back to before civilization, building his pyramid on the "bottom of the world", it wants to go back primal, "rules of the fittest".

Unlished power is a main theme in the X-Men in general. That's why they are feared. That's why the audiance can identify to them, we are the mutant species on the planet, with overall powers of great creations and destruction.

When Jean ease Logan rage, a rage wich was necessary, and that build up to the Phoenix liberation. First Charles had to let go of the control he had other woman, Jean and Moira. This is because his nemesis Erik on the opposite cannot let go and therefore is chained in rage where Xavier is compassionate and a buddhistic figure (thus the "open" baldness and the helmet of Magneto, who ccannot get out).
I agree she could have done more but the destruction she's capable of would probably involved injuring/killing people. She wouldn't have been able to just jump into the X-Men after that.

But Magneto can?
Well... yeah! Totally out of place: Stryker arrives and captures just the right mutants, they have that little intermission, and then they escape and end up right where they were at the mansion exploded (ok, with stolen uniforms and the jet that could have easily been the blackbird and uniforms from the X-Mansion)

From my understanding, Stryker and his team came because of the big disturbance caused by apocalypse. Remember, charles was mentally connected to everyone at that moment. Stryker took the adults at the mansion. Also the mansion was completely destroyed. That includes any uniforms and jet. Which is why they had to steal them.
Well... yeah! Totally out of place: Stryker arrives and captures just the right mutants, they have that little intermission, and then they escape and end up right where they were at the mansion exploded (ok, with stolen uniforms and the jet that could have easily been the blackbird and uniforms from the X-Mansion)


How were they going to use the Blackbird and get the costumes from the X-Mansion when the entire thing blew up?
I didn't like how Havok's death was treated. It wasn't completely clear that he did die. It was a rather muted death. Didn't give his character the emotional weight that he deserved.
From my understanding, Stryker and his team came because of the big disturbance caused by apocalypse. Remember, charles was mentally connected to everyone at that moment. Stryker took the adults at the mansion. Also the mansion was completely destroyed. That includes any uniforms and jet. Which is why they had to steal them.

Stryker came because Apocalypse used Charles to launch all the nukes into space.
Not sure why Magneto can again cause mass destruction, this time globally and never really pay for it. Charles just lets his old friend walk off again.

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