BvS Ben Affleck IS Batman - - - - - - - - - - - - Part 39

At least he wasn't flipping police cars like he did in TDK trilogy. Everyone he killed was a bad dude. There were no innocents being tossed around.

What's your point? Batman is a criminal? He is. He operates outside the law. But if killing a rapist, a serial killer or a terrorist with the intent of stopping them from doing whatever bad they're doing makes him a bad guy, then cops and soldiers are bad guys too, since that's exactly what they do. They stop bad guys, and if the bad guy shows much resistence, they might kill him too. The difference is what they do is considered "legal". Doesn't make it right. Only makes it legal. Soldiers steal, soldiers kill, soldiers invade. That's all legal. Batman's job isn't that much different. He simply isn't recognized or authorized by the government, but at the end of the day, the purpose is the same.

again, during the Batmobile chase scene, Batman killed without the intent of stopping them from doing whatever bad they're doing.
he was just trying to steal weapons. to kill Superman.

that's the difference between the warehouse scene and Batmobile scene.
again, during the Batmobile chase scene, Batman killed without the intent of stopping them from doing whatever bad they're doing.
he was just trying to steal weapons. to kill Superman.

that's the difference between the warehouse scene and Batmobile scene.

You can't really steal something from dozens of heavily armed criminals without taking out at least some of them. The movie isn't trying to give you a perfect being. Batman isn't perfect. He can't do absolutely anything he wants to do. He is a human. A fantastic one, but even for a guy like him there should be limits. There should be stuff that he simply can't do. A human who takes on dozens of dangerous criminals alone is already far-fetched enough. You just wanna add another layer of unrealism. That's boring.
are you purposefully missing the point?
naw, forget it. i'm out lol
Batfleck is not a perfect being.

Even though he's a 45 year old guy who's a perfect physical specimen

Even though he's a 45 year old guy who can take out a warehouse full of guys with little to no problem.

Even though he's a 45 year old guy who managed to be Batman for 20 years straight without accumulating serious, lingering injuries.

Even though he's a 45 year old human being who not only managed to withstand an alien god, but also beat him.
Are people still arguing in here of Batman killing? It's been months now guys, time to move on. :D
This is the hype. People still debate whether the infamous neck snap was right or not.
The movie isn't trying to give you a perfect being. Batman isn't perfect. He can't do absolutely anything he wants to do. He is a human. A fantastic one, but even for a guy like him there should be limits. There should be stuff that he simply can't do.
Batfleck was made older to contrast against the younger Superman. Yes, he's human, but he's embodying experience. He's been around the block and knows how to handle himself. In that sense, he's the most fully formed Batman we've ever had. He can take down a warehouse full of goons. He's someone who could feasibly take on an alien and win. The imperfections come from his crueller methods. He has pushed himself too far to the point of losing himself. But indeed, he's not going to go toe to toe with someone like Doomsday.
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Desperate situation? Dude, you're really analysing this from your couch. Any situation where you have people shooting at you is a desperate situation. Batman doesn't have to kill anyone but he chooses to put himself in a situation where he might have to. Everyone Batman killed in BvS was in self defense. If that makes him "bad", then soldiers are bad too, cops are bad too. They also kill.
Not only was he the instigator, he wasn't in any danger and attacking the truck when he had already put a tracker on it and blowing people away when he went to save Martha works against his own goals because any destruction should alert the trigger man to his presence and get Martha killed. Batman must've detected the plot contrivance in the movie that kept her alive. It's just him being bloodthirsty. He murdered needlessly. Have a very great day!

God bless you all!
What's your point? Batman is a criminal? He is. He operates outside the law. But if killing a rapist, a serial killer or a terrorist with the intent of stopping them from doing whatever bad they're doing makes him a bad guy, then cops and soldiers are bad guys too, since that's exactly what they do. They stop bad guys, and if the bad guy shows much resistence, they might kill him too. The difference is what they do is considered "legal". Doesn't make it right. Only makes it legal. Soldiers steal, soldiers kill, soldiers invade. That's all legal. Batman's job isn't that much different. He simply isn't recognized or authorized by the government, but at the end of the day, the purpose is the same.

How many people did Bale's Batman kill when he was plowing through the highway trying to save Rachel in BB? Wasn't he hitting cop cars?
People who hate his death causing in this film are just going to ignore the fact that he has killed people in movies since 1989.
But he did not kill Harvey in TDK.

Anyway I feel this is the year of redemption for actors who did bad in previous superhero movies. RYan did good as Deadpool and Ben is officially Batfleck. The warehouse scene was phenomenal and that alone showed what a good choice he was.
How many people did Bale's Batman kill when he was plowing through the highway trying to save Rachel in BB? Wasn't he hitting cop cars?
People who hate his death causing in this film are just going to ignore the fact that he has killed people in movies since 1989.
But he did not kill Harvey in TDK.

Anyway I feel this is the year of redemption for actors who did bad in previous superhero movies. RYan did good as Deadpool and Ben is officially Batfleck. The warehouse scene was phenomenal and that alone showed what a good choice he was.
None. They say so. But there's a difference between being reckless and getting people killed to murdering people with extreme prejudice. Have a very great day!

God bless you all!
You'd figure people would be able to defend Affleck without trying to rewrite the history of previous Batmen.
You'd think the people hating Bens Batman killing would be able to see the hypocrisy of it when previous Batman actors have done the same in their movies and did so on purpose.
I'm over this killing thing, Batman has done it before I'm not paying attention to this anymore.

Like with Supes little details the movie team have done stand out. Zack and Co are clearly influence by past interpretations of both characters and I wonder I'd they got the great idea of the voice modulator from Smallville's Green Arrow. Either was it was a fantastic improvement.
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They do;



They just don't make up instances of it, or argue that because that mistake was made in the past that it justifies it here.

This largely echoes my own feelings. In many ways what's being described here is the Batman of Grant Morrison, of Batman Incorporated, which I have a deep affinity for. In particular, a Bruce Wayne who has matured enough to manage his trauma and isn't a completely unhinged--not to say there's no place for that, I'm just not super interested in it right now.

I would also love to see the tankmobile go away.
OK no, Batfleck had the best Batmobile ever. A combination of the 90s version and Nolan's.
I like this Batmobile, but I do feel like I'd love something a little more sleek and fresh. The BVS-mobile looks a bit Nolan-adjacent to me.
I like this Batmobile, but I do feel like I'd love something a little more sleek and fresh. The BVS-mobile looks a bit Nolan-adjacent to me.

There's nothing wrong with it (aside from the ugly gun on the front). Like with most things about Batman, I like many different interpretations--but I've been seeing a hell of a lot of tank cars for the last ten years, so it's time to switch it up, in my opinion. Same reason I'd love to see the oval come back.

I'd love to see some of the more subtle, sportscar-like vehicles of the seventies and eighties.
I must admit I was one of those who just burst out laughing when I read Affleck was going to play Batman. I thought it was the most ridiculous thing in the history of Batman films aside from Clooney playing him, but I must admit, I was surprised at how he was into it and how much he put into the role. He really did well imo, very well to that. I was really surprised at both how good he was and the whole killing thing, I knew its gonna make a lot of people rip their hair of their heads but since Batman killed MANY times occasionally throughout his career (although not to that extent) I both recognized the thought behind it and they were going for the Miller Batman more so I welcomed this take. Very ballsy and , like with Bale, you could feel the rage and emotions of the guy when you saw him onscreen. After all, it wasnt as he was killing every single one of the goons he encountered, that would be a bit too much, but not overly dancing around trying not to kill a single goon/murderer/mercenary is a welcomed change
Dunno what you're talking about, Bale killed left and right, recklessly or not, with or without prejudge, cry me a river, at least Batfleck was less of an hiporcyte about it.

On the other hand, althoug I love TDK trilogy, I was never satisfied with Bale as Batman; Bale had no big presence on the role and was the most boring thing in his second and third movie (only Begins has a good Batman), Ledger and Hardy pretty much chew him out, which is incredibly weird as Bale is a great actor, in parts Bale decided to ridiculousy overact and in others he was just wooden.

Affleck has more of a natural Batman presence on screen without the need to overact, to me it actually results exciting having him on screen, even on Suicide Squad and how lame it was that movie overall, Batman had my eyes glued to the screen, Bale only managed to really impress me on some scenes of Begins.
I still think WB could have made a better choice than Affleck, but I must admit that he had his moments. His performance was uneven, but when it mattered most, he rose to the occasion. The post-funeral scene was his best work in the film. Affleck captured a Bruce Wayne who was coming back to his senses after falling far and nearly making the worse mistake of his life.
There's nothing wrong with it (aside from the ugly gun on the front). Like with most things about Batman, I like many different interpretations--but I've been seeing a hell of a lot of tank cars for the last ten years, so it's time to switch it up, in my opinion. Same reason I'd love to see the oval come back.

I'd love to see some of the more subtle, sportscar-like vehicles of the seventies and eighties.

I want the oval to make a comeback so bad.

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