The Official "Ask A Brotha" Thread - Part 3

Though unless you're like some hipster or have mostly black friends, I doubt some black chick calling you cracker is going to shut you down.
Yeah, that's how I pretty much view it. It's the whole thing of simply looking at the dictionary definition compared to how it really works in society.

That's a pretty interesting story. Maybe the army thinks it's helpful in someway to have Asian Americans stationed there. Like how Hollywood likes to hire Asian actors to help sell films over there. And I'm not going to lie, I assume the dude's adoptive parents were White or Asian. :woot:

On a sort of side note, I highly recommend 30 for 30's OJ: Made in America. It's 5 parts so it'll take some time to get through. It's pretty fascinating and was a good example of how race works in the US and its effects on certain things. And a warning, they show pics from the evidence used in the case. I wasn't expecting it, so it threw me for a loop.

Yeah, I watched all 5 episodes. I wasn't expecting to see those gruesome images either. I don't think it was necessary and I'm still surprised they did that.

I found it interesting when they were discussing the Hertz Commercials in the '70s and how they framed it so that it was culturally acceptable for this particular Black dude to be running through an airport like that. Very interesting psychology involved.

As far as Asian-Americans being stationed in Korea I first noticed it when I was working in Ft Gordon, GA. I was doing admin work (Very long story) in a TRADOC or training unit. As new recruits would graduate I'd let the Soldiers know where their first assignments would be. Typically a whole class would be stationed together so let's say everyone is assigned to Ft Bragg, NC, the lone Pilipino would somehow be sent to Korea instead. If Half the class went to Alaska and the other half to Germany, the Japanese guy would be sent to Korea. I wasn't the only one who noticed that trend. I'm not sure of the reason but I think the Army wanted to show the ROK (Republic of Korea) Army that the U.S. was much more diverse.
Yeah, I watched all 5 episodes. I wasn't expecting to see those gruesome images either. I don't think it was necessary and I'm still surprised they did that.

I found it interesting when they were discussing the Hertz Commercials in the '70s and how they framed it so that it was culturally acceptable for this particular Black dude to be running through an airport like that. Very interesting psychology involved.

As far as Asian-Americans being stationed in Korea I first noticed it when I was working in Ft Gordon, GA. I was doing admin work (Very long story) in a TRADOC or training unit. As new recruits would graduate I'd let the Soldiers know where their first assignments would be. Typically a whole class would be stationed together so let's say everyone is assigned to Ft Bragg, NC, the lone Pilipino would somehow be sent to Korea instead. If Half the class went to Alaska and the other half to Germany, the Japanese guy would be sent to Korea. I wasn't the only one who noticed that trend. I'm not sure of the reason but I think the Army wanted to show the ROK (Republic of Korea) Army that the U.S. was much more diverse.

What struck me the most outside of the pictures was Simpson's relationship with Black people and how for someone who didn't want to be seen as "Black" had to use that to his advantage during the trial. Also, the people who supported him because of it. It actually made my heart sink when some of the interviewees said so. But, I guess it's a product of race in the US (and Los Angeles in particular).

Yeah, since so much of who he was and what made him popular was before my time and I was never exposed to anything about him other than the trial, I was appreciative of the approach the documentary took to explain why he was so famous. I truly didn't know he was that much of a deal back then.

Hmm... is there some belief/impression that the US (and military) is just made of Black and White people or something?
White racism = deadly virus

Black racism = antibody

Black racism is usually overcompensation for being treated as inferior.

Having said that, there are better ways to deal with white supremacy than becoming a racist yourself.
What struck me the most outside of the pictures was Simpson's relationship with Black people and how for someone who didn't want to be seen as "Black" had to use that to his advantage during the trial. Also, the people who supported him because of it. It actually made my heart sink when some of the interviewees said so. But, I guess it's a product of race in the US (and Los Angeles in particular).

Yeah, since so much of who he was and what made him popular was before my time and I was never exposed to anything about him other than the trial, I was appreciative of the approach the documentary took to explain why he was so famous. I truly didn't know he was that much of a deal back then.

Hmm... is there some belief/impression that the US (and military) is just made of Black and White people or something?

O.J. was before my time too. I only knew him as that guy who always got killed in the "Naked Gun" movies. It wasn't until I started talking to older cats that I realized just how popular he was. They would say stuff like, "Imagine if Michael Jordan was accused of killing his wife, It would be inconceivable to imagine that he'd do that." So for a majority of older blacks it was unimaginable for O.J. to commit the murders so clearly he must have been set up. I watched the trial religiously and I was convinced he was guilty. It saddened me that so many people celebrated when he was acquitted.

While watching the O.J. series I kept thinking back to when a Professor was explaining to my class about Anti-Social behavior. I spoke up and said that many people say I'm Anti-Social and she laughed at me and said that I'm "Definitely" not Anti-Social. She then begins that Anti-Social people are typically really attractive. The whole class started to laugh and I'm like "Whatcho tryin' to say lady?" She proceeds that they're also extremely charismatic. At this point I'm getting offended. lol, Then she says that they have no moral conscience and lack empathy to anyone. They can also become impulsive and aggressive. All that describes O.J. to a T

I don't think Koreans view Americans as only Black & White. It's mandatory for males to join either the Police force or the ROK Army when they turn 18 and they're obligated to do at least 2yrs. Each U.S. unit are assigned KATUSAs (Korean Soldiers augmented to the U.S. Army) so you get to work and interact w/ the Korean military. It may be helpful to have more Asian-Americans at the forefront to bring a more familiar face if you get my drift.
O.J. was before my time too. I only knew him as that guy who always got killed in the "Naked Gun" movies. It wasn't until I started talking to older cats that I realized just how popular he was. They would say stuff like, "Imagine if Michael Jordan was accused of killing his wife, It would be inconceivable to imagine that he'd do that." So for a majority of older blacks it was unimaginable for O.J. to commit the murders so clearly he must have been set up. I watched the trial religiously and I was convinced he was guilty. It saddened me that so many people celebrated when he was acquitted.

While watching the O.J. series I kept thinking back to when a Professor was explaining to my class about Anti-Social behavior. I spoke up and said that many people say I'm Anti-Social and she laughed at me and said that I'm "Definitely" not Anti-Social. She then begins that Anti-Social people are typically really attractive. The whole class started to laugh and I'm like "Whatcho tryin' to say lady?" She proceeds that they're also extremely charismatic. At this point I'm getting offended. lol, Then she says that they have no moral conscience and lack empathy to anyone. They can also become impulsive and aggressive. All that describes O.J. to a T

I don't think Koreans view Americans as only Black & White. It's mandatory for males to join either the Police force or the ROK Army when they turn 18 and they're obligated to do at least 2yrs. Each U.S. unit are assigned KATUSAs (Korean Soldiers augmented to the U.S. Army) so you get to work and interact w/ the Korean military. It may be helpful to have more Asian-Americans at the forefront to bring a more familiar face if you get my drift.

Ah, it makes sense with that comparison to Jordan. Still pretty wild how that trial went. The tactics used on both sides were a little baffling. The documentary made me want to check out the recent FX show. The celebration was sad and interesting to see due to the fact that in the minds of many, it was "revenge" through having a Black guy beat the system that wasn't made for them.

Hmm... based on my understanding of it, I wouldn't have called him that. Either way, the dude was pretty much on the top of the world and seemed like a smart guy as far as knowing he needed to do something after his football career. And in a way, it was smart how he positioned himself to be a source of income so many around him, that it influenced people to turn a blind eye. But, he also sounded like a scary dude.

Yeah, that makes sense. Korea sounds like an interesting place to be sent to though. But, for some reason I'm imagining the US military being like Chris Tucker in Rush Hour, "All y'all look alike!" and sending those guys over there. :o
Hmm... based on my understanding of it, I wouldn't have called him that. Either way, the dude was pretty much on the top of the world and seemed like a smart guy as far as knowing he needed to do something after his football career. And in a way, it was smart how he positioned himself to be a source of income so many around him, that it influenced people to turn a blind eye. But, he also sounded like a scary dude.

Yeah, most people misunderstand many psychological terms. Anti-Social behavior is a form of Sociopathic tendencies. Think Ted Bundy. He was able to get close to girls and young women because they believed him non-threatening.

Lencho01 said:
Yeah, that makes sense. Korea sounds like an interesting place to be sent to though. But, for some reason I'm imagining the US military being like Chris Tucker in Rush Hour, "All y'all look alike!" and sending those guys over there. :o

It's funny, I had a white friend who brought his Chinese-American wife to live w/ him over there. She would get mad because many Korean women would come up to her speaking in Hangul (Korean) thinking that she was Korean. I would laugh and say, "See, all y'all do look alike." Even y'all can't tell each other apart." She had a pretty nasty attitude though. On T.V. they would play Chinese Kung-Fu movies in Chinese but would have Korean subtitles so I'd be lost as to what was going on. Sometimes I would call her to ask what was the title of the movie and general sense of what the plot was. She sometimes responded "They're speaking Mandarian, Only poor uneducated people speak Mandarian. I speak Cantonese." Man, that chick was a snob
Yeah, most people misunderstand many psychological terms. Anti-Social behavior is a form of Sociopathic tendencies. Think Ted Bundy. He was able to get close to girls and young women because they believed him non-threatening.

It's funny, I had a white friend who brought his Chinese-American wife to live w/ him over there. She would get mad because many Korean women would come up to her speaking in Hangul (Korean) thinking that she was Korean. I would laugh and say, "See, all y'all do look alike." Even y'all can't tell each other apart." She had a pretty nasty attitude though. On T.V. they would play Chinese Kung-Fu movies in Chinese but would have Korean subtitles so I'd be lost as to what was going on. Sometimes I would call her to ask what was the title of the movie and general sense of what the plot was. She sometimes responded "They're speaking Mandarian, Only poor uneducated people speak Mandarian. I speak Cantonese." Man, that chick was a snob

I mostly wouldn't go with it since he seemed so normal. But, then if you look at him as a career/lifetime criminal, then yeah.

Ha! That's hilarious. Speaking of interacting with the Korean locals, do any of them walk up and touch Black people? Or even ask way too personal questions. I saw some video of a dude (I think he was in China), and expressing some issues he had with the questions they would ask.

I had no idea there was a sense of elitism when it came to which language the Chinese spoke. Interesting.
Don't know how many times you received this question, but here goes:
What will you do if Trump won?
I mostly wouldn't go with it since he seemed so normal. But, then if you look at him as a career/lifetime criminal, then yeah.

Ha! That's hilarious. Speaking of interacting with the Korean locals, do any of them walk up and touch Black people? Or even ask way too personal questions. I saw some video of a dude (I think he was in China), and expressing some issues he had with the questions they would ask.

I had no idea there was a sense of elitism when it came to which language the Chinese spoke. Interesting.

My only interactions outside of work were w/ street vendors or someone providing me w/ a service or something. The internet guy who installed my modem. The guy who supplied the black market DVDs. Stuff like that. I was in Waegwan which was a small town so most there were all too familiar w/ Americans so there was nothing really interesting about us to them. On the other hand one of my sons were born in Germany and German women would come up to the stroller wanting to touch him. I don't know why they were so intrigued by black babies lol.

Korea is a wild place. I lived on the 2nd story of this small house and I had a tiny old dude deliver a Clothes Dryer to my place. He showed up standing no taller than 5' 1" and he threw that dryer on his back and balanced it going up the flight of stairs like it was nothing. I was there for a year and a half and almost everyday I would try and lift that dryer and couldn't. I'm still amazed at how he did that. You'd see old dudes balancing all types of furniture while riding scooters and mopeds weaving in and out of traffic. That place is unreal.
My only interactions outside of work were w/ street vendors or someone providing me w/ a service or something. The internet guy who installed my modem. The guy who supplied the black market DVDs. Stuff like that. I was in Waegwan which was a small town so most there were all too familiar w/ Americans so there was nothing really interesting about us to them. On the other hand one of my sons were born in Germany and German women would come up to the stroller wanting to touch him. I don't know why they were so intrigued by black babies lol.

Korea is a wild place. I lived on the 2nd story of this small house and I had a tiny old dude deliver a Clothes Dryer to my place. He showed up standing no taller than 5' 1" and he threw that dryer on his back and balanced it going up the flight of stairs like it was nothing. I was there for a year and a half and almost everyday I would try and lift that dryer and couldn't. I'm still amazed at how he did that. You'd see old dudes balancing all types of furniture while riding scooters and mopeds weaving in and out of traffic. That place is unreal.

Cool. My uncle lives in Germany and I have some half-German cousins. But, we didn't talk much about race when we visited them years ago. So, I don't know of any of their experiences.

That sounds wild. But, I guess it's a case of people doing what needs to be done to get the job done with whatever resources (or lack of) they have.
Has the hype always been home to the rotters?
Don't know how many times you received this question, but here goes:
What will you do if Trump won?
nothing but Stay here Aziz! that dude wont just give black people problems and i want to be close to the titanic when it goes down! Hahaha
and that leaving for another country is just all talk! Most of the people taking about leaving are just blowing hot air anyway! i know at least 10 people who dont even own a passport and wouldn't know what to do in another country. i lived in another one its a big culture shock!Some of of the people i know couldnt handle it! they would lose their minds not being able to see "Empire "on Tuesdays nights!( me it would be FLASH!):cwink:
Alot of people are just talking out their butts like when Obama was going to get elected!!

and yeah watching that OJ was insightful about race in the US! i wasnt expecting to see those crime scene photos at ALL!! that was some gruesome ^&*!!
Any of you watch the BET Awards?
nothing but Stay here Aziz! that dude wont just give black people problems and i want to be close to the titanic when it goes down! Hahaha
and that leaving for another country is just all talk! Most of the people taking about leaving are just blowing hot air anyway! i know at least 10 people who dont even own a passport and wouldn't know what to do in another country. i lived in another one its a big culture shock!Some of of the people i know couldnt handle it! they would lose their minds not being able to see "Empire "on Tuesdays nights!( me it would be FLASH!):cwink:
Alot of people are just talking out their butts like when Obama was going to get elected!!

and yeah watching that OJ was insightful about race in the US! i wasnt expecting to see those crime scene photos at ALL!! that was some gruesome ^&*!!
That's good.
No one should leave their homes because one disappointing human being takes charge, it will only help him further the damages he promises to cause.
I did see he speech on YouTube per the bet awards.
Don't know how many times you received this question, but here goes:
What will you do if Trump won?

Nothing. The Constitution, Supreme Court, and Congress would hold back his most ludicrous ideas. He's also not so smart to really manipulate the law the way the Bush/Cheney administration was, so unless he gets a super smart running mate like Dick Mumm-Ra then I won't fear him. He's an idiot, but not as dangerous as people make him out to be.
I doubt Trump is going to follow through on much of what he says. He has already backpedaled on a number of things he has said.
Maybe Trump flip and flops just to get elected.

He might be dead serious about his neo fascist rhetoric.

Nobody knows what he'll do without electing him. No thanks.
I'm still baffled how the Republicans let him get that far. But, then again, look at what they've done with their past elections.
People went after Justin Timberlake due to what he said.
They called him out about leaving Janet Jackson high and dry after the superbowl fiasco.









They called him out about leaving Janet Jackson high and dry after the superbowl fiasco.

People been talking about that for years. It of course never gets traction with the mainstream and since it's been years, probably never will.

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