The Dark Knight Rises The TDKR General Discussion Thread - Part 123 (NO SPOILERS)

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I'm going to watch this in a regular theater first and then when demand dies down, I'll watch it in real IMAX.
So, can anyone tell me how much spoilers do we have? Should i start avoiding spoiler forums or the internet already if i don't want anything major spoiled?
So, can anyone tell me how much spoilers do we have? Should i start avoiding spoiler forums or the internet already if i don't want anything major spoiled?
The next 2-3 days will hell for those who want to avoid spoilers.
From 27 minutes to 72 minutes. Nolan and Wally were not f'ing around this time!

Yep, upping the ante big time. Will be interesting to see how much IMAX footage is in the Star Trek sequel. That one is being converted to 3D, which seems to undermine the point of shooting in IMAX to begin with IMHO.
So, can anyone tell me how much spoilers do we have? Should i start avoiding spoiler forums or the internet already if i don't want anything major spoiled?

I think that question is best answered with this scene from Star Trek III
F'n hell. There are hundreds of articles on that Letterman "spoiler". Unbelievable really.
Yep, upping the ante big time. Will be interesting to see how much IMAX footage is in the Star Trek sequel. That one is being converted to 3D, which seems to undermine the point of shooting in IMAX to begin with IMHO.

Yeah, that one is interesting. What kind of job do they have to do in order to convert IMAX images to 3D, along with putting in 4k to 6k digital effects in those shots?

That's going to be a massive, massive undertaking.
I'm wondering, are most of you ok with no 3D? I personally don't care for it. I thought it would have gone away by now, but the trend continues. I'd prefer 2D if not IMAX.
Found a few pics I hadn't seen before.




A few new pics in the Photo thread I see?

So, can anyone tell me how much spoilers do we have? Should i start avoiding spoiler forums or the internet already if i don't want anything major spoiled?

It depends on how disciplined and strong you are really. Some "spoilers" out there are complete non-sense, while others have some merit (and you'll start scratching your head), and of course there are some things you'll read...and you will end up HATING yourself for having that bit of knowledge going into the film.

I prayed to God the other day to erase my memory, or at least help me block out some of what I read. Because I'm weird like that...
I'm wondering, are most of you ok with no 3D? I personally don't care for it. I thought it would have gone away by now, but the trend continues. I'd prefer 2D if not IMAX.

IMAX > 3D > 2D, IMO

3D serves a purpose (expanding the field of view beyond the screen) which is great for very large open shots of foreign places as in "Avatar". But it doesn't need to be in every bloody movie that comes out. And it's not worth the over-bloated price compared to 2D. I'd rather save my cash and catch the 3D when/if it will make any difference.

IMAX actually improves the quality of the picture and doesn't require anything of the viewer (such as glasses) which is great for epic, large scale action as in most of Nolan's recent endeavors. He makes very good points on the matter in most of the interviews he does.
IMAX > 3D > 2D, IMO

3D serves a purpose (expanding the field of view beyond the screen) which is great for very large open shots of foreign places as in "Avatar". But it doesn't need to be in every bloody movie that comes out. And it's not worth the over-bloated price compared to 2D. I'd rather save my cash and catch the 3D when/if it will make any difference.

IMAX actually improves the quality of the picture and doesn't require anything of the viewer (such as glasses) which is great for epic, large scale action as in most of Nolan's recent endeavors. He makes very good points on the matter in most of the interviews he does.

I don't know about Imax, but it's 2D>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>... 3D to me.
I don't know about Imax, but it's 2D>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>... 3D to me.

I'm wondering, are most of you ok with no 3D? I personally don't care for it. I thought it would have gone away by now, but the trend continues. I'd prefer 2D if not IMAX.

I've seen several movies in 3D, and to be honest...I have no real need to see anything else in that format. I think it's a waste of money to be honest. I'm not going to go so far to say it's a scam, but I don't think any movie I've seen in 3D has justified the additional $$$ in ticket price.

Plus, I don't think I could take this movie as seriously if it was in 3D. I can't even support that statement really...just a feeling/conviction I have.
Welp, bye Bat-Boards. See you on July 20th.
If the choice was to see TDKR in 2D or 3D I would have seen it in 2D. I just saw TASM in 3D and I wish I hadn't.
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