Whats the difference between Emo and Grunge?
Emo's wear tight jeans and black; Grungeies wear flannel and shorts.
seriously, people need to knock it the f**k off with this emo s#!t.....especially considering that 99% of the poeple here using it use it improperly since they clearly dont know s#!t about it. its geting so damn annoying. if you wanna make fun of emo kids, thats totally cool, but if you dont know what your talking about then shut the hell up, because you look like a moron.
seriously, people need to knock it the f**k off with this emo s#!t.....especially considering that 99% of the poeple here using it use it improperly since they clearly dont know s#!t about it. its geting so damn annoying. if you wanna make fun of emo kids, thats totally cool, but if you dont know what your talking about then shut the hell up, because you look like a moron.
and for the record, anyone who thinks nirvana is emo deserves to be hit by a truck.
lots of people wear tight jeans and black, same with grunge. problem is, your trying to define emo and grunge by fashion, when in fact its the music you should be focusing on.
I definitely don't think Nirvana was emo, but you need to calm your ass down. Are you an Emologist?
seriously, people need to knock it the f**k off with this emo s#!t.....especially considering that 99% of the poeple here using it use it improperly since they clearly dont know s#!t about it. its geting so damn annoying. if you wanna make fun of emo kids, thats totally cool, but if you dont know what your talking about then shut the hell up, because you look like a moron.
and for the record, anyone who thinks nirvana is emo deserves to be hit by a truck.
No, Cobain was Grunge.
Yeah, that was a joke.
within the past 2 hours i have come across two threads and numerous posts completely misusing the word emo. its annoying. for whatever reason, using the word emo is the latest annoying fad on this board, and its made all the more annoying since the people using it clearly have no idea what they're talking about.
Don't be so emo.