Comics ASM #549 (Spoilers)

Kirk Langstrom

Apr 30, 2000
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Actually, i havent read it yet...:o

But as with the last arc, i'd like a thread soley for discussing the issue as it is. (feel free to pontificate and contemplate BND and how badly you hate the new status quo, etc., in the BND thread. :yay: )..

So what's the consensus so far? You guys think Marc's run will be as fun and interesting as Dan's was...?
As shocking as I'm about to say this in print, the 3 or 4 advanced pages that I've seen for #549 look even better than Dan's...

:wow: :wow: :wow:

Dan had the misfortune of having to take all the heat being the first guy up to the plate, and I think he connected with a solid double in the gap in left field... but the feel from Guggenheim on those few pages are SOLID!!!

Is this the issue with the Romita Sr. variant?

That does look pretty good, it almost makes me want to buy it. The whole Menace subplot looks interesting, and the art looks awesome. I wonder if:

Menace is the one that killed those people at the beginning of the preview. If so, I wonder how he could move so fast as to only be a blur.

Also, here's an interview with the writer of this arc, it kinda has to do with this so:
I have never really been impressed with Guggenheim as a writer, but that preview really convinced me otherwise. I think I might enjoy his run more than Slott's. :up:
As I said in the Brand New Day thread, I think ASM Issue #549 will very good. It seems really action packed and the art adds to the coolness to. :up:
Marc Guggenheim said:
That led us to create a very large spreadsheet, one that still exists in cyberspace and we all have access to. We all contribute to the spreadsheet and keep each other apprised, so I can say something like, "We need to keep this character open for Bob's issue, and then Zeb can pick it up here, and then we'll move on to Dan." It's really interesting in the sense that no one's done anything quite like this before. I have to say I'm pleasantly surprised that, a year into the project, it's still working pretty well. There are always little hiccups and mid-course corrections you have to make, but, generally speaking, everything you'll read should feel like a complete story.

Everyone's big concern was that this couldn't just feel like Amazing Spider-Man, Spectacular Spider-Man, and Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man slapped together under the Amazing banner. It had to have a consistent voice. And, at the same, time, a Dan Slott comic should still read like a Dan Slott comic and a Zeb Wells comic should read like a Zeb Wells comic. In the end, we're all telling our own parts of a singular story.

I was very concerned about how the revolving teams would fit together, and that answers it to my satisfaction.
That does look pretty good, it almost makes me want to buy it. The whole Menace subplot looks interesting, and the art looks awesome. I wonder if:

Menace is the one that killed those people at the beginning of the preview. If so, I wonder how he could move so fast as to only be a blur.

If you look at the first panel where some type of circular blades vut through the guns... I think that the bad guys are beheaded in the same manner.

Why doesn't anyone ever post the preview pages? If this were the x-boards, Some preview pages would have been posted in the first. I hate links.:(
I also thought hobgoblin when I read it. He's definately got an hobgoblin/crazy norman feel with all the laughing and @hit. My guess, it's ned back from the dead due to zaniness and amped up.

Did he really just sknt people's head's off though?
The Romita cover is very tasty looking... Does anyone know in how many books one variant appears?
If you look at the first panel where some type of circular blades vut through the guns... I think that the bad guys are beheaded in the same manner.


I'm pretty sure you're right... Some gruesome stuff, but it looks pretty good. I might look into the trade, or whatever they do to collect this Brand New Day stuff.
Re: 7 page preview of #549- Arghh it made me smile, Spidey singing his theme was great and I'm digging Larroca's art.
Even Spidey sporting the movie chest emblem did not bother me too much.
If this thing manages to hold out for any period of time ( the 3 x schedule, like say a year or more) and the 3 writers can mesh their style's together convincingly enough, these guys have got to be given credit for the job they doing. Even by those who have quit the book due to the horrid reset.
these guys have got to be given credit for the job they doing. Even by those who have quit the book due to the horrid reset.

I'm starting to feel really sorry by the people who art taking things too seriously and aren't even allowing themselves the chance to try it.

It's like refusing to try a burger with cheese just becuse you've never had it before and it's different. Hey, it might not be for you... Or you may and up like me and never turn back :word:

Ironically, is anyone else finding it's generally the people who have been reading ASM the longest that seem to be open to continuing reading the book :huh:
wolvie: I'm starting to feel really sorry by the people who art taking things too seriously and aren't even allowing themselves the chance to try it.

It's like refusing to try a burger with cheese just becuse you've never had it before and it's different. Hey, it might not be for you... Or you may and up like me and never turn back :word:

Ironically, is anyone else finding it's generally the people who have been reading ASM the longest that seem to be open to continuing reading the book :huh:

Well, i feel sorry for those that ARE just accepting Joe's insulting of continuity and lack of respect for the characters, and admitting he's forced them around to achieve his agenda for the past 2+ years. (However, i typically would NOT say i "feel sorry" for those reading, because i try to be respectful for people's tastes, regardless of my opinion.

As per your other question. I'm a person who is an "older reader" since the very beginning, have collected EVERY title ever out there, present and past, that was a spidey comic. The only time I've stopped was during Clone Saga, and now currently. And i DO NOT take the decision LIGHTLY at all. I would really LIKE to be reading right now, REALLY. It kills me to stop reading my favorite character. It's just that it is too hard to pretend that he is the same person now, because, imo, they've made him into a selfish loser, and i can't put blinders on and pretend he's the same and IGNORE the MAJOR continuity alterations, alternate history, and devil dealing away his marriage. (maybe that last point is because I AM married, and it is so out of character and such a twitty thing to do.)
Hey guys, lots of places for this *****ing. Cap specifically asked for it not to go on here.

And wolvie, you were baiting. So cut that out too.
Well, i feel sorry for those that ARE just accepting Joe's insulting of continuity and lack of respect for the characters, and admitting he's forced them around to achieve his agenda for the past 2+ years. (However, i typically would NOT say i "feel sorry" for those reading, because i try to be respectful for people's tastes, regardless of my opinion.

As per your other question. I'm a person who is an "older reader" since the very beginning, have collected EVERY title ever out there, present and past, that was a spidey comic. The only time I've stopped was during Clone Saga, and now currently. And i DO NOT take the decision LIGHTLY at all. I would really LIKE to be reading right now, REALLY. It kills me to stop reading my favorite character. It's just that it is too hard to pretend that he is the same person now, because, imo, they've made him into a selfish loser, and i can't put blinders on and pretend he's the same and IGNORE the MAJOR continuity alterations, alternate history, and devil dealing away his marriage. (maybe that last point is because I AM married, and it is so out of character and such a twitty thing to do.)

Dude, didn't mean to offend you, but those are my honest feelings.

And I was intentionally using the word 'general,' as I was making a generalisation.

Don't mean to be pissy, but I still believe in what I was saying.

And yeah, the fact that Cap said that at the start made think I wasn't going to come up against anti OMD/BND people so I felt free to say what I wanted.

Oh well, whatever.
Hey guys, lots of places for this *****ing. Cap specifically asked for it not to go on here.

And wolvie, you were baiting. So cut that out too.

No offense, but you don't really have a right to talk to like that. Like you said Cap specifically asked for anti BND peeps, so I didn't think I was inviting anything. I just wanted to hear you guys reaction to my comment is all.

In hindsight, it may look like it baiting, but that wasn't intended.

But still, this ain't a classroom and you ain't my teacher. A please would've been nice.

ANYHOOOOOOOOOOOO... No bad vibes peeps! Sorry for the misunderstanding! Let's rap Spidey love! :)
Wolvie: And yeah, the fact that Cap said that at the start made think I was going to come up against anti OMD/BND people so I felt free to say what I wanted.

Well....i don't consider myself an anti OMD/BND person...(although i choose not to read it...and civilly discuss why.) I consider myself the biggest Spidey fan in the world, but don't we all. :yay:

Iloveclones: Hey guys, lots of places for this *****ing. Cap specifically asked for it not to go on here.

And wolvie, you were baiting. So cut that out too.

Yeh, I've not posted on here, because of Cap's request, tho i did answer (very civilly like usual) Wolvie's question on the demographic of fans reading/not reading. (Reread it, it was just about my collecting history-answering his question.)

That being said, (respecting Cap's request) I've not posted HERE, but this IS a forum for opinions...and i am a little apprehensive about limiting free speech on different threads of what side of an opinion you can ONLY share here and there.

IMO, various opinions make the thread great. Just because someone read OMD/BND (at the store or bought it) and may not like it...shouldn't mean they can't share their opinion. (I've read BND, not bought, where allowed to do so...and i just feel insulted by the new alternate direction. That doesn't make my opinion something that should be banned anymore than a positive review. I thought honesty, well spoken, was a GOOD thing.)

But i regress.

That also being said, I am not to fond of those people that get on here and say Joe should die...etc...and hateful talk either. People can/should speak semi-intelligently.

But yeh, Spidey rocks, just not CURRENTLY for ME. :csad:
I'm not going to buy, EVER, until this re set is wiped out.
But as an out of continuity SM book, so far it's pretty damn good.
Don't mean I endorse it though.

Side note- The villain's (Menace ?) laughter 'Hahahahaha!' felt a bit too Green Goblin/Joker been done before.
Back to topic, who's menance?

Any opinions? I've already stated my guess that it's a dead ned leeds.

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