*sigh* We're gonna have to play this game huh?
Ok well then since I have to go to work in a few let's get this over with.
Peter was using his powers in Six Months Ago.
Than it was accelerated.......that's wasn't my initial point.
The Eclipse had an effect, that's all I'm saying and that it's not a fact that it's the origin of powers yet.
You brought up Lost first... sounds like you might be jealous that Lost actually got its act together and stopped sucking to high heaven, unlike NBC's answer to Lost, Heroes.
Really? I did first right.... go back a couple of pages and do some reading just to make sure you're right.
Dude it's just a show, If it fails I'll live. I'll be disappointed and I might b!tc# about it a bit, but I'll live.

but no you're right I'm very jealous......
Um... yes, I see the million of threads here saying that. I also see all those posts too.
Yea, you're so right millions......
It happens, that's all I'm saying.
Yes. Matt isn't doing his job and this board is filled with Losties mocking Heroes.
Who said it's filled with these people? I didn't say it. I just said some people do it. Big woop.
When did some become so many? You might want to get a dictionary and stop trying to look for hidden meanings that aren't there.
Way to blow it out of proportion buddy.
Let me guess though, I'm the one taking it personally by making one comment about it?