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Contest Of Marvels II Discussion Thread

Repeating locations doesn't bother me. I'd like to stick with Marvel locations if possible. If not, no big deal. Although maybe we could include pseudo-Marvel locations based on other comics published by Marvel. Like Star Wars or Malibu comic locations (since Marvel did buy them).
wiegeabo said:
Repeating locations doesn't bother me. I'd like to stick with Marvel locations if possible. If not, no big deal. Although maybe we could include pseudo-Marvel locations based on other comics published by Marvel. Like Star Wars or Malibu comic locations (since Marvel did buy them).

I think this sounds good. Maybe just for fun we'll have a select few weeks (maybe 5 or so) that's outside of the Marvel Universe than can be kept secret until the matches take place. It can be decided behind closed doors by Phaed, POWdER, and I. Just a thougth if anyone really WANTS to expand beyond Marvel, or beyond the Comic realm.
JewishHobbit said:
Maybe, if JB and whoever wins are up for it.

It's a passing thought, I was thinking of Ultimate Fighting when I thought of that.....

It was just a suggestion for fun. We can just lose the idea of known characters and just say that some greater beings are playing this game and that they are forcing the characters to battle for the fate of the universe or something.

Yeah it doesn't really matter, although I still want to be Gamemaster...:D

If we have someone not participating at all who wanted to be strictly the ref. then I'm okay with it. Truthfully, I wouldn't want the job and I don't think I'd have time to keep up with it. But if you or someone else wants the full time job of reading the write ups looking for broken laws, I'm okay with it. Phaed?

Meh, I am not opposed to doing it. I am a rules kind of guy, as long as the rules are more clearer this time around. Although with the rules a little more clearer we shouldn't have as much problems. So yeah I could do it, I read through the debates anyways, so it would just mean I'd have to pay more attention to the rules...

I'm okay with repeating locations if everyone else is. If we want to get beyond the Marvel Universe that's fine, provided others are okay with it, but I suggest running those at least by Phaed and I so we can decide if the feel is alright for the tournament.

There are still plenty of locations to explore. We could have 10 locations, the best ones from last season, 5 Secret locations (anwhere), and 20 new ones from Marvel (first being Zombie World since people liked it).
POWdER-man said:
Yeah it doesn't really matter, although I still want to be Gamemaster...:D

Okay, you can be Gamemaster :) Now remind me who the heck he is.

Meh, I am not opposed to doing it. I am a rules kind of guy, as long as the rules are more clearer this time around. Although with the rules a little more clearer we shouldn't have as much problems. So yeah I could do it, I read through the debates anyways, so it would just mean I'd have to pay more attention to the rules...

I think you'd do great. Provided Phaed's okay with it I say you have the job.

There are still plenty of locations to explore. We could have 10 locations, the best ones from last season, 5 Secret locations (anwhere), and 20 new ones from Marvel (first being Zombie World since people liked it).

I think this sounds good. Is everyone else okay with it?
JewishHobbit said:
Okay, you can be Gamemaster :) Now remind me who the heck he is.

Woops typo....I meant Grandmaster since he was a master of "games".
POWdER-man said:
Woops typo....I meant Grandmaster since he was a master of "games".

Ah, okay. I kept thinking of the Gamesmaster, who is actually IN the tournament.
Here is an idea I had about a prize that would be awarded for the character that wins. Since pretty much every character in this thing has lost someone they care about in the past, what if the person that wins would get to bring back someone from their past? This way, the prize is the same for them all, and it's something that each person would give their all for.

Now, I can agree with having someone who can judge the matches and debates, a third-party not effected by any outcome.

About locations outside the Marvel Universe: The only rule I would want to see is that it has to be a location that pretty much everyone would be familiar with. We thought about the island from Lost last season, but I think about half the people in our tournament hadn't watched the show. (Another factor that could make a location ok is if you can find a link on the internet that explains it.)
Phaedrus45 said:
Here is an idea I had about a prize that would be awarded for the character that wins. Since pretty much every character in this thing has lost someone they care about in the past, what if the person that wins would get to bring back someone from their past? This way, the prize is the same for them all, and it's something that each person would give their all for.

Now, I can agree with having someone who can judge the matches and debates, a third-party not effected by any outcome.

About locations outside the Marvel Universe: The only rule I would want to see is that it has to be a location that pretty much everyone would be familiar with. We thought about the island from Lost last season, but I think about half the people in our tournament hadn't watched the show. (Another factor that could make a location ok is if you can find a link on the internet that explains it.)

For my own matches either you or JH can make a ruling, or I could consult with either one of you and find out want your thoughts are. Like I said, as long as the rules are cut and dry than there wouldn't be much to argue....

I am sure with Lost that there is a HIGHLY detailed map of the Island on the web somewhere, and really there is not much special about it. It's an island with a bunch of hatches, an unpredictable monster which I would probably leave out, mountains, jungle, and wild animals....

Of course it would be hard to keep the extra locations a secret if we ask everyone if they knew this place. The best thing to do is just use locations that most people should know (like the Land of Oz) or at least know a little bit about and provide links of information. I am sure Wikipedia would be a good source for that kind of stuff.

As for giving them incentitive like that, that would be fine too, although there are some characters who probably wouldn't care or just wouldn't have anybody for whatever reason. Nimrod comes to mind as one....
LOST!!! I WAS SO MAD AT THE ENDING OF LOST LAST WEEK!!! There better be some explainable reason as to why one of my favorate characters is losing his mind :mad:

Sorry, back to our regularly schedualed CoMII
JewishHobbit said:
LOST!!! I WAS SO MAD AT THE ENDING OF LOST LAST WEEK!!! There better be some explainable reason as to why one of my favorate characters is losing his mind :mad:

Sorry, back to our regularly schedualed CoMII

I'm more upset that they killed you-know-who before we got to learn more of their story.
My theory is that...

Possible spoiler but really just IMO...

Michael is going to do anything he needs to get back his son. I believe he planned on killing someone all along when he returned, it just turned out to be Ana Lucia. I think Libby was an after thought that showed up at the wrong time. If you could remember Michael's face, he was shocked to see her because she wasn't in the plan, she wasn't supposed to be there. So he had to kill her because she would ruin his plan. And then when he opened the door and shot himself he is planning on blaming Henry because who would believe an other. Once everyone rallies behind Michael, they go together and attack the others and he gets his boy back. The one (possibly only) thing that matters to him.

On a side note it could be that Libby and Anna Lucia were killed because the actresses that play them were involved in a drinking and driving incident earlier in the year.

As well the 2 hour finale is going to be even more shocking so be prepared for further deaths.
Trigger said:
I'm more upset that they killed you-know-who before we got to learn more of their story.

She is going to be in
It doesn't matter. I wish she was still alive. Hell, couldn't they have just had her be put in a coma? LOL, I like Michelle Rodriguez's mugshot. I might make it my new avatar....
SMALL LOST SPOILERS (only if you didn't see last episode)!!!

Personally, I have never liked Michael. He's the most selfish character on the island. Thinks about himself and his needs before anyone else; so, I think the events of last episode totally fit his character.

BTW, I think only one of the characters will be gone. The other had the strategic blanket, that will help her out.
LOL, a blanket? I doubt it saved her life, escpecially since the fat dude was looking very moody and upset in the previews.
Trigger said:
LOL, a blanket? I doubt it saved her life, escpecially since the fat dude was looking very moody and upset in the previews.

I actually thought the opposite. I thought he looked like he wasn't as upset as if she died, therefor she lives. Just my thoughts. We'll find out tomorrow YAY!
Bahumbug! All we'll get tommorrow is 35 minutes of flashback and 15 minutes of actual plot development!
Eh, only what, two episodes left this season with no more repeats? I'm okay with the flashbacks, as long as the story moves forward.
JewishHobbit said:
Eh, only what, two episodes left this season with no more repeats? I'm okay with the flashbacks, as long as the story moves forward.

I was getting upset that all my favorite shows are about to end for the season; then, I remembered, that in less than 2 months, All-Star Big Brother starts!!! By then, we should have Season II up and running.
I stand corrected. NOW there are only two more episodes left. Not next week, but the week after is the season finale. Man, last night's episode was great (but I won't say anything as POWdER hasn't watched it yet)

And another randomly off topic post pulling us further from starting CoM II

THIS has got to be one of the funniest pranks I've ever seen!
Okay, back to CoMII for a moment...

Phaed: I think it could be good to edit the first post of this thread to include the rules that we establish so we can easilly go back and referance them as we need to. It'd be a heck of a lot easier than rooting through the thread for the answers to the questions that rise. You can probably arange it how you like, but I think that could be a good idea.

Below are the two posts that I think we can establish as definate rules:

Post 1

Post 2

I think the other rule that we established was that we are going to set up a ref. that is to be on the look out for rule breakers. POWdER sounds like he may end up being this ref. but of coarse of for whatever reason he decides not to do this then that's fine.

Now, is there anything else that needs decided on, or are we ready to move on to the character list? I don't think we officially decided on the "Current Version" of characters rather than the "Commonly Known As" rule, but if you're okay with it then I say make it official. We'll just lable the characters that we want to be a former version instead.
Sounds good JH, and don't worry about spoiling Lost for me I have read enough spoilers already...it doesn't bother me...

And yeah I can be the Ref, it wouldn't mean much more work for me...
Whoever's going to be the Ref, we need a backup plan incase they have to miss a week or something. Someone rady to Ref until they get back.

Another rule to consider is how to handle ties. I like having the rematch the next week. I even liked having the rerematch the week after that. But in the interest of time and avoiding burnout, we should let everyone know up front that if you tie, you rematch. If you tie again, it goes to Sparta's thread.

We also need to officially decide how we're going to handle anyone who drops out. What happens to their characters? Do we randomly distribute characters to the other owners automatically? What if there aren't enough characters to be fairly divided? That could give someone an unfair advantage/disadvantage. Should the characters be unowned for the life of the tourney, or until they can be divided evenly between the owners?

I'm thinking that if the owner drops out in the middle of the round, then we finish off the round with all their characters unowned. Once the round is over, we can figure out what to do with the characters before starting the next one.
Typically a ref is not really needed as long as everyone knows the rules. Last season, the rules were a bit up in the air, and did change (partially) on a few things so that got confusing. This time around we shouldn't have as many problems, since we will have a better idea of what we should and shouldn't do.

As for a backup, I have no problem with that. I was pretty active last year, and this year I am hoping to be the same so I shouldn't be away much.

As for how we handle the characters, we could leave it to the end of the round and than choose how we want to continue. Whether distribute or enroll a new person.

Although I think there should be a limit to when we want to allow someone new to sign up to maybe by the end of round 2. So after that, if someone has to drop out in the 3,4,5 round or more we will just distribute the characters, being fair to the ones who started at the beginning.

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