The Dark Knight Curious. plot twists?


Oct 26, 2007
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seeing as Nolan is known to have a twist ending in his movies and stuff do you guys think there will be a twist/surprise in this movie? Im curious to see what your guys theories would be..and if theres a thread like this im sorry
I'd say Ra's Al Ghul will appear at some point, but more than likely a flashback or something simlar to Norman Osbourn at the end of spider-man 2
I say it will all be a dream of Harvey Dents. Batman would represent his good side and Joker his bad...then he will find out he is dead
ZOMG! Teh perma-whitez
In the end it turns out that everything (even Batman Begins) was a nightmare, and George Clooney wakes up in his Batsuite with the nipples.... now that's a shocking ending :D
In the end it turns out that everything (even Batman Begins) was a nightmare, and George Clooney wakes up in his Batsuite with the nipples.... now that's a shocking ending :D


Lol but seriously I would hope it's Joker being perma-white or it's revealed at the end that Joker was a pawn of Ras who is still alive. Sure, some would disagree that Joker doesn't work well with people unless it's with Harley, but look at what happened to Scarecrow, "You make the fear gas for me and I'll get you a share of the money." Unfortunately, he never got paid.
the falafel cart guy is actually batman- and flass is batgirl.
In the end it turns out that everything (even Batman Begins) was a nightmare, and George Clooney wakes up in his Batsuite with the nipples.... now that's a shocking ending :D


I still think the Ledger Joker will take off his mask and we'll see a permawhite Hasselhoff.
The twist will be about Harvey Dent. There's something going on between him and the Joker, I'm pretty sure of that. Harvey will make a deal with the wrong people...

Stop with you Ra's Al Ghul thing. Nolan doesn't want to do BB all over again, he wants to move the story foward.
the twist does indeed involve mr. dent.

i wouldnt count on ras making an appearance until part 3 though:whatever:
Well, perhaps Rachel Dawes is indeed pregnant. With two(!) children.

But this would be a little bit toooo coincidental
There will be twist about Rachel and Dent:
Dent is pregnant, not Rachel! :wow:
Well, perhaps Rachel Dawes is indeed pregnant. With two(!) children.

But this would be a little bit toooo coincidental

but everything that is Dent related comes in twos. If i remember correctly. That would be pretty cool.
but everything that is Dent related comes in twos. If i remember correctly. That would be pretty cool.

Yeah, but I think it would be a little bit stretched. BTW, in the comics, Harlequin, Duela Dent, was speculated to be the daughter of Two-Face and he called her "Duela" because he was disappointed that his wife didn't get twins.
Here's your plot twist....................

Harvey Dent becomes Two Face...
Given the unpredictable/sneaky nature of the Joker I would guess there are many surprises in the film.
Bruce Wayne undergoes extensive surgery for a sex-change and becomes...

wait for it...

Rachel turns both Bruce and Harvey gay, and they kind comfort in each other's arms... and in their pants.
Yes. Right when this movie ends, we all wake up in bed and realize THIS was all just a dream and there was no Nolan making Batman movies.

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