Fantastic Four reborn! - Part 6

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I think they will cobble together a good cast but this time the movie will be dark and gritty and realistic.
2015 release date. lol, at least it's earlier in the year so it won't be in direct competition with Avengers and the potential JLA movie. FF could be a great undercard movie leading up to the heavyweight bout of avengers2 v Justice League(assuming it gets done)

2013-2015 is STACKED for CBMs
I think they will cobble together a good cast but this time the movie will be dark and gritty and realistic.

Fantastic Four Begins.. That's just what I want... The fantastic four is pretty fantastical..not only by it's namesake. I think the effects will be way better this time around and less CGI-ey and The Thing could have a hulk effect if done right, but yeah, Kind of tired of everything being tossed into the 'dark gritty' ring. These are comic book characters, Suspension of disbelief is okay, people. It's okay.
I am not happy about that. If they oversaturate the market there will be a backlash. It's bound to happen.

yeah, sure it's possible, but as long as they put out good solid movies, they'll be fine. I'm not worried about that with Marvel Studios.
but hasn't millar flat out said it wont be dark and gritty
"You can tell from Chronicle that it was a new way of looking at superheroes, and I think he’s going to apply that same slightly skewed way of looking at heroes to the Fantastic Four, but do it in a way that feels incredibly reverential to the Kirby and Lee stuff," Millar said to SFX Magazine about Fantastic Four director Josh Trank.

"I don’t think you could do Fantastic Four and try and make it grim and gritty," Millar added while discussing the direction of the movie.
They can treat the FF seriously without getting gritty.
Please, just don't "found footage" this film, that's all I ask lol
Ben Grimm MUST be CGI!! No more of this rubber rock suit with a guy that can barely move!! If the Hulk can be done as well as he has, there is no reason for The Thing to be crappy anymore.

Reed's power will still be hard to pull off.

Oh....and I want to see a real Baxter building! If we can have a Stark Tower in NY, surely we can have a Baxter Building.
Relax. It's not gonna happen. This is FOX after all...
I think they should embrace the classic era of comic books like The Incredibles did, which was heavily based on the Fantastic Four anyways. That would be how the movie would best work. The previous two films didn't work so well not because they were "lighter" but because they were so badly scripted and produced.
The previous two films didn't work so well not because they were "lighter" but because they were so badly scripted and produced.

Absolutely. The Avengers wasn't 'dark' it was just executed much better than FF. With the talk of cross-overs and time travel for the next X-Men, they are certainly setting up the possibility for a 60's era FF if they choose to go that way.

I think the big question and uncertainty we all have is "will Fox actually spend what they need to spend to do this right?"

Their history would indicate 'no', but I think they'd be fools to blow this opportunity. I think of all the Marvel and DC properties, FF stands alone as the highest profile poperty that has not yet been properly exploited.
Avengers was light and so were the Tim Story FF movies.

The difference was execution.
Ben Grimm MUST be CGI!! No more of this rubber rock suit with a guy that can barely move!! If the Hulk can be done as well as he has, there is no reason for The Thing to be crappy anymore.

Reed's power will still be hard to pull off.

Oh....and I want to see a real Baxter building! If we can have a Stark Tower in NY, surely we can have a Baxter Building.


Even Josh admitted they only enough budget to do the Hulk twice in THE AVENGERS - so how is a lesser budgeted FF movie going to have him through out...and have it look good...?

Reed's powers should be the easiest to pull off in CGI - it's all in the design of the shots and the effects...
I just don't want them to do stupid little crap to show off Reed's abilities...that crap was just stupid in the first two movies.
I hope we dont get another origins story. I hope that the FF are already established and if anything recount their origin to dialogue and short flashbacks

Id also prefer it if Reed and Sue are already married. Maybe the film can end with her finding out she's pregnant, paving the way for Franklin in the future.

Seriously though, i like your sig man.

I find it funny how no-one mentions Avatar 2 as a major film of 2015, alongside SWVII, TA2 and JL. I actually didn't care much about the story in Avatar. Just like The Avengers, it had good character interactions and amazing visuals, so the less than stellar plot was always in the background for me.

And thanks, man!
The Avengers had a great plot. It was all about how people need to stop worrying about their egos and start actually working together which couldn't be more relevent in this day and age.

Anyway, I don't much care they've announced a release date for FF. All I care about is the casting and what the filmmakers intend to do with the story!
Why hasn't a Sub-Forum been made for the Fantastic Four yet?

Lol, even Star Wars has one.
I'd be cool with another origin as long it's exactly the way I envision it in my head. But since that's a tad too much to ask for, I'd be cool with an origin if it is done quickly and efficiently, rather than taking up the whole damn movie like we got the first time.
Relax. It's not gonna happen. This is FOX after all...

Again, why does it have a release date? And more importantly, why does it have the date so early?

Fox must like Trank's pitch and Slater's rewrite, and they want it to do well without opening after The Avengers 2. Of course, they could be down to producing the film quickly just to keep the rights... like Sony did for Ghost Rider 2. But if that was the case, wouldn't they schedule a late 2014 date instead?

But since Trank is attached to direct... I don't think it's going to be a rush job. Fox so far has been two for two in terms of successful reboots... Rise of the Apes and X-Men: First Class.

If the trend continues, Fox is on the right course.
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