Justice League Justice League: News and Speculation - - - - Part 13

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I don't want any cameos in Man of Steel. Marvel Studios have their own thing going on and Warner Brothers do not need to emulate it, the characters don't need to pollute each other's series. Let them stand alone, and leave the crossovers to, well, the crossovers.
If there's no cameos (and possibly no post-credit appearances, only easter eggs) then I think Batman would need his first film released in 2016 or 2017 right before a Justice League film.

Because at this point, with Goyer having his contract that only includes MOS 2 and JL...I don't see a World's Finest happening. With cameos, MOS 2 will be the closest thing we'll get to that. So if you're not doing a Batman cameo they absolutely need a film of his own to kick things off.

I don't think it's a smart choice bringing him into JLA out of nowhere. Bruce and Clark need to meet first. The new Batman needs to be established. Even one scene is good enough.

I'm not a big fan of cameos to be honest :hmm
So you didn't like the Ras/Crane cameos in TDKT? Cameos are awesome if done properly.
The latest news seems to indicate man of steel 2 Is coming before Justice
league so we are looking at possable 2018 release for justice league with
2015/2016 for man of steel 2.

It seems like Henry Cavill as Superman,David Goyer as screenwriter,and Zach Snyder as director are assussed for justice league.

with all the critics gushing over Iron Man 3 that means little to me them prasing
Man of steel.All the reimaging and realstic talk for man of steel worrys me but
after I see It I can make better judgement

Besides who's villain the 2 big questions for justice league
1:batman-are they going to reboot Batman before justice league or will they try to connect the Dark Knight trilogy In Justice League
2:Wonder woman-they need to cast a real actress and not model.There are no shortage of suggestions.
Yep. That seems to be the timeline.

They cant just cast a model or a wrestler/MMA fighter for Diana. They need a proper actress, exactly.

Green Lantern needs to be rebooted through John or Hal.

Flash needs to look modern/bad-ass, with his humor intact and it needs to be Barry Allen.

Use Justice League to plant the seeds for Martian Manhunter and Aquaman.
I personally would keep league for first film to superman,Batman,WW,GL,and Flash.

My advise were to be massive alien invasion for league lead by darkseid.It has to be something superman can't handle himself.One advantage for justice league Is the heroes come together on their own and not do the shiled thing like In the Avengers.

depending on what happens to batman there Is danger justice league come come off as man of steel 3 guest starring other DC heroes.
Here's the MOS premier interviews. Some anyway.

Yep. That seems to be the timeline.

They cant just cast a model or a wrestler/MMA fighter for Diana. They need a proper actress, exactly.

Green Lantern needs to be rebooted through John or Hal.

Flash needs to look modern/bad-ass, with his humor intact and it needs to be Barry Allen.

Use Justice League to plant the seeds for Martian Manhunter and Aquaman.

I agree for the most part, but I feel like Aquaman would be perfect to introduce through a Wonder Woman movie. Essentially, it breaks down the mythology angle all at once, allowing the universe to take that step more quickly. If they don't go with a Wonder Woman lead-in, then easing Aquaman in the first Justice League movie may be the way to go.

And Green Lantern needs to be Hal!! :woot:
So. If he leaves, we're all screwed? Gotcha
I didn't say that...

But without the presence of someone infinitely more talented, these are the kinds of movies Goyer has chucked out.

- The Crow: City of Angels
- Nick Fury: Agent of Shield
- Minus Blade II (Thanks to Del Toro)... his entire Blade work is mediocre, as well as the downright awful Blade: Trinity.
- Ghost Rider
- Jumper
- The Unborn
- Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance

His more sucessful projects... such as the Batman trilogy... is where somebody more talented, such as Nolan, is breathing down his neck and cleaning up his work.

He's a good idea man, but he's terrible at fleshing out his ideas. Leave him to his own devices and the results are never all that great.

Not to mention the rumour we were hearing last year that (uncredited) Jonah Nolan was bought in to polish the Man of Steel script. I just don't have full confidence in Goyer.
I don't think it's that bad.
I would have the White Martians as the villains of the first film. It would also be the perfect opportunity to do Martian Manhunter's origin.
Not really interested in the white martians. They need a God who is a massive attraction, even if they don't know who it is, it feels like OH ****. Which is why people go to Darkseid or Brainiac when talking about a JL villain on the big screen.

BTW im watching the long MOS premier video on youtube and Chadwick Boseman is there. I hope he enjoys it to the point where he would be interested in playing Green Lantern for Zack.
I would have the White Martians as the villains of the first film. It would also be the perfect opportunity to do Martian Manhunter's origin.

I'd be down for that. Power in numbers would be a nice way to offset a lot of the superpowers, and if Batman needs (people think he needs) a reason to get involved with such a big scope powerful threat, they can have a White Martian shapeshifting into Bruce Wayne (a position of power), a mystery Batman would be very invested in solving
I really hope they draw from The New Frontier.

By far one of the best JLA stories.
So, WB is going to do what I said back a few weeks ago:

Glad to see WB still has some common sense left. :woot:

How are we drawing that conclusion?

It seems as though they will do the reverse of Avengers and introduce the characters in JLA and then do solo films.
Why would a Flash movie have less risk than a Wonder Woman movie? I would expect similar budgets...
Flash is far easier to do both financially and creatively. He is not a hard character to get as long as you have good writers for him. Wonder Woman, on the other hand, is a character that even comic book writers and fans have problems writing. She is a bigger risk than the Flash.
Why would a Flash movie have less risk than a Wonder Woman movie? I would expect similar budgets...

It's very obvious, the character is easier to adapt, has less superpowers and no gods mythology.
I saw a post on Facebook yesterday about a Comic Con goer that got made fun of for cosplaying as Wonder Woman and being heavyset. The post got a ton of likes and a little discussion trashing the character and the creators behind it for pandering to masculine, judgmental pigs and what not. I successfully resisted the urge to jump in there with my two cents, but it made me aware that many people still just see Wondy as a swimsuit model to act as the eye candy for the male dominated Justice League. That frame of mind may be tougher to get rid of than I though :/

Flash doesn't have the issue and like many articles have pointed out, he can sort of be remolded into whatever the crew of his movie want him to be as they did with RDJ's Iron Man. Since he's a slightly lesser known face among the big five, people will have less preconceived notions and probably be more open to liking the character if the writing and acting contains talent.

As much as I like and want to see Wonder Woman, those who say she's a risk are correct :(
It's very obvious, the character is easier to adapt, has less superpowers and no gods mythology.

I'm not necessarily disagreeing, I just don't know that I'm fully understanding. I feel like the Wonder Woman mythology attracts a larger chunk of the general audience than the Flash would. Clash of the Titans, Troy, 300 all did very well. I feel like this would be a chance for WB to double-dip.

The way I'd expect the Flash to come off would be more traditional superhero origin. We've had a lot of those at this point.

Like I said. I don't fully disagree, I just hadn't thought about it too much yet.
Because the mythology can be pretty grand. The shooting locations, sets.

Selling a film to the general audience and trying to attract female AND male viewers without sacrificing certain things. You don't want to insult the character or females by just casting models or hot actresses who are big names but are mediocre in the acting department, but you can't exactly cast the ugliest, most obscure actresses on the planet either even if they're great at selling the characters.

It's a tricky balance, especially because a lot of people don't find female hero-led films to be an attraction in Hollywood most of the time.

So they have to reinvent Wonder Woman. Write her origin (or whatever) and take it seriously. A good supporting cast if Diana is an unknown. She's a warrior, but she's a princess. She can't look like Chyna (ex-WWE) but she shouldn't be Megan Fox either. A solid actress who looks strong but is good looking too.

It could be easy to do or difficult. It has to be a good story and kick major ass. But a lot of critics and especially female fans can be very picky about how the women are portrayed. So it's going to take time and a lot of effort to do a WW movie.

Then there's Flash. A hundred times easier IMO. It could come off really cheesy but if they do it right for a modern audience, there's not much else going against it. Pretty easy stuff in comparison. Smaller scale too.
Because the mythology can be pretty grand. The shooting locations, sets.

Selling a film to the general audience and trying to attract female AND male viewers without sacrificing certain things. You don't want to insult the character or females by just casting models or hot actresses who are big names but are mediocre in the acting department, but you can't exactly cast the ugliest, most obscure actresses on the planet either even if they're great at selling the characters.

It's a tricky balance, especially because a lot of people don't find female hero-led films to be an attraction in Hollywood most of the time.

So they have to reinvent Wonder Woman. Write her origin (or whatever) and take it seriously. A good supporting cast if Diana is an unknown. She's a warrior, but she's a princess. She can't look like Chyna (ex-WWE) but she shouldn't be Megan Fox either. A solid actress who looks strong but is good looking too.

It could be easy to do or difficult. It has to be a good story and kick major ass. But a lot of critics and especially female fans can be very picky about how the women are portrayed. So it's going to take time and a lot of effort to do a WW movie.

Then there's Flash. A hundred times easier IMO. It could come off really cheesy but if they do it right for a modern audience, there's not much else going against it. Pretty easy stuff in comparison. Smaller scale too.

It's easier, but we can't honestly expect a budget under $120m for that kind of movie anyway. I love the character, but I feel like Wonder Woman comes with more ammo.

Like you mentioned, Wonder Woman would be more grand, but I think that's a better route to go if it comes down to $150m and one of these two get it. To me the risk isn't too different but I believe that there is more reward with Wonder Woman.

If WB doesn't expect a big return, why do either of them? They can just as easily move forward with Justice League and make about the same in the end of that. It may be viewed as an unnecessary risk. I think we can agree that we all want all of these movies, but unfortunately our tickets only count once.

PS: Free Hal!
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