Justice League Justice League: News and Speculation - Part 6

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It was an editing trick. If you watch again closely, you'll see that there's a reason why Nolan showed that shot of The Bat passing by what looks like the sideview of a beach. It's shown out of sequence to give the audience the feeling that he dies with the explosion, until the final moment where we learn that he's alive with Selina in Europe.

That's one scenario, but if you followed it literally, he was in the Bat until it was over the ocean. When he started out on the suicide mission, there was about 1:53 left before the explosion. He spent more a third of that time saying his goodbyes and maneuvering the Bat out of the city to the shore (remember, he exploded a building just to clear a path. That would have left him with 1:00 or less to eject. Even the fastest helicopter (which is pretty much what we could assume the Bat was) can only go just under 300 mph so at 1:00 he still would have been within the blast radius (6 miles) if he ditched before the explosion. My only conclusion is that he died or was somehow rescued by somebody very fast.
That doesn't make any sense. They ended the story. Bruce Wayne is a penniless and broken man. He gave up Batman and gave the mantle to someone else. Nolan said these characters have nothing to do with each other and that they are separate.

Bruce Wayne is a very smart man. He was keeping back a lot of his tech. You don't think he is smart enough to leverage that to get himself back into wealth again in the future?
That's one scenario, but if you followed it literally, he was in the Bat until it was over the ocean. When he started out on the suicide mission, there was about 1:53 left before the explosion. He spent more a third of that time saying his goodbyes and maneuvering the Bat out of the city to the shore (remember, he exploded a building just to clear a path. That would have left him with 1:00 or less to eject. Even the fastest helicopter (which is pretty much what we could assume the Bat was) can only go just under 300 mph so at 1:00 he still would have been within the blast radius (6 miles) if he ditched before the explosion. My only conclusion is that he died or was somehow rescued by somebody very fast.
But it wasn't literally because he survived. The scene with Fox, Gordon and Alfred proves this. So it's either out of sequence which is pretty much it, or Superman saved him at the last second. And im sure we'll be seeing him meet Supes for the first time in a Justice League.
But it wasn't literally because he survived. The scene with Fox, Gordon and Alfred proves this. So it's either out of sequence which is pretty much it, or Superman saved him at the last second. And im sure we'll be seeing him meet Supes for the first time in a Justice League.

Originally Posted by dnno1
That's one scenario, but if you followed it literally, he was in the Bat until it was over the ocean. When he started out on the suicide mission, there was about 1:53 left before the explosion. He spent more a third of that time saying his goodbyes and maneuvering the Bat out of the city to the shore (remember, he exploded a building just to clear a path. That would have left him with 1:00 or less to eject. Even the fastest helicopter (which is pretty much what we could assume the Bat was) can only go just under 300 mph so at 1:00 he still would have been within the blast radius (6 miles) if he ditched before the explosion. My only conclusion is that he died or was somehow rescued by somebody very fast.

It'll be veeeerrry interesting to find out how the Nolan(s), Goyer, Snyder play it if this all comes to fruition.

Even if they want to say Superman saved Bruce at the end of TDKR, say for example during the end credits of MOS, or in beginning of Worlds Finest.

I could see where Superman finds Bruce and Bruce says...."I was wondering when you would show up again......since you did save my life afterall."

That would EPIC!
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But it wasn't literally because he survived. The scene with Fox, Gordon and Alfred proves this. So it's either out of sequence which is pretty much it, or Superman saved him at the last second. And im sure we'll be seeing him meet Supes for the first time in a Justice League.

Yes. It was all done out of sequence.

However, it could possibly be a mix of both hmm? :oldrazz:
But, you had a feeling Alfred knew Bruce was alive all along.

You would think, but Alfred was pretty emotional at the make shift funeral.

I think Bruce let Alfred know afterwards that he was alive.
But it wasn't literally because he survived. The scene with Fox, Gordon and Alfred proves this. So it's either out of sequence which is pretty much it, or Superman saved him at the last second. And im sure we'll be seeing him meet Supes for the first time in a Justice League.

If you believe he survived, then he had to ditch at no less than t-minus 1:15. If you check the video, he was about clearing the skyscraper at that time, so he had to be still in the vehicle. He had to be in there when he hit the shoreline since we didn't see him eject. If he ejected somewhere out in the bay he would have been too close to the blast radius. Unless he had some kind of rocket ejection seat with an invisible rocket plume, he couldn't have escaped the blast without some help.
One theory is that after jumping out of The Bat which was carrying the bomb, Bruce entered a second Bat (there was more than one, since you see the second at the end when Lucius asks about the autopilot).

So, the shots of Bruce in the cockpit after The Bat flies over the bridge are actually of him in a different Bat. Just a theory. Don't turn this into a Nolan hate thread.

Or, it was out of order to confuse the audience. Or, since we keep seeing Robin Blake watch The Bat fly the bomb away, we can assume the shots of Batman in the cockpit are Robin's imagination.
If you believe he survived, then he had to ditch at no less than t-minus 1:15. If you check the video, he was about clearing the skyscraper at that time, so he had to be still in the vehicle. He had to be in there when he hit the shoreline since we didn't see him eject. If he ejected somewhere out in the bay he would have been too close to the blast radius. Unless he had some kind of rocket ejection seat with an invisible rocket plume, he couldn't have escaped the blast without some help.

Or, he could have ejected the bat feet first into the water. But, the ejection seems like best choice superman flies by catches him brings him to the cave.
Originally Posted by dnno1
That's one scenario, but if you followed it literally, he was in the Bat until it was over the ocean. When he started out on the suicide mission, there was about 1:53 left before the explosion. He spent more a third of that time saying his goodbyes and maneuvering the Bat out of the city to the shore (remember, he exploded a building just to clear a path. That would have left him with 1:00 or less to eject. Even the fastest helicopter (which is pretty much what we could assume the Bat was) can only go just under 300 mph so at 1:00 he still would have been within the blast radius (6 miles) if he ditched before the explosion. My only conclusion is that he died or was somehow rescued by somebody very fast.

It'll be veeeerrry interesting to find out how the Nolan(s), Goyer, Snyder play it if this all comes to fruition.

Even they want to say Superman saved Bruce at the end of TDKR, say for example during the end credits of MOS, or in beginning of Worlds Finest.

I could see where Superman finds Bruce and Bruce says...."I was wondering when you would show up again......since you did save my life afterall."

That would EPIC!

or....it's just a plothole
One theory is that after jumping out of The Bat which was carrying the bomb, Bruce entered a second Bat (there was more than one, since you see the second at the end when Lucius asks about the autopilot).

So, the shots of Bruce in the cockpit after The Bat flies over the bridge are actually of him in a different Bat. Just a theory. Don't turn this into a Nolan hate thread.

Or, it was out of order to confuse the audience. Or, since we keep seeing Robin Blake watch The Bat fly the bomb away, we can assume the shots of Batman in the cockpit are Robin's imagination.

A number of potential hidden meanings with that ending.

Love it!
Or, he could have ejected the bat feet first into the water. But, the ejection seems like best choice superman flies by catches him brings him to the cave.

If he ejected into the water, he would have had to sink pretty deep to shield himself from the heat and radiation. Even then the water on the surface would be contaminated for several miles. I could see them explaining that as a scenario, but as far as it being a feasible escape plan, I don't know.
If he ejected into the water, he would have had to sink pretty deep to shield himself from the heat and radiation. Even then the water on the surface would be contaminated for several miles. I could see them explaining that as a scenario, but as far as it being a feasible escape plan, I don't know.

I still say he ejects before he blows up that building but that's just my many theories.
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I could see where Superman finds Bruce and Bruce says...."I was wondering when you would show up again......since you did save my life afterall."

That would EPIC!
I was always against the idea but for some reason this sounds epic now! The only thing is that the timeline of MOS is very important in the grand scheme of things. The second half of MOS once Clark suits up will need to take place after TDKR otherwise where the hell was he during the Bane siege. So they would have to be careful with that.

If you believe he survived, then he had to ditch at no less than t-minus 1:15. If you check the video, he was about clearing the skyscraper at that time, so he had to be still in the vehicle. He had to be in there when he hit the shoreline since we didn't see him eject. If he ejected somewhere out in the bay he would have been too close to the blast radius. Unless he had some kind of rocket ejection seat with an invisible rocket plume, he couldn't have escaped the blast without some help.
He definitely survived. He fixed the autopilot, set up a bat signal and Alfred had no idea Selina and Bruce were chummy chummy. It wasn't in his imagination. JGL even confirmed this. It's been told that it's a happy ending. So it means that Bruce got out. But how?

I still say the beach shot is the key. I watched the movie a couple of days ago and I was like BINGO when that scene happened. Now georgec brings up another good option....

One theory is that after jumping out of The Bat which was carrying the bomb, Bruce entered a second Bat (there was more than one, since you see the second at the end when Lucius asks about the autopilot).

So, the shots of Bruce in the cockpit after The Bat flies over the bridge are actually of him in a different Bat. Just a theory.
I've heard this theory before, and the argument is always about the shadows around Batman while he's in The Bat. It's like he just passed by some buildings or something. If this is a possibility, i'd say he could have ejected into another Bat right when he blew up those buildings (before he heads towards the bridge). Blowing up the buildings could have also served as a distraction for when he fakes his death. The Bat then autopilots over the bridge.

So what ur saying could hold some water.
I was always against the idea but for some reason this sounds epic now! The only thing is that the timeline of MOS is very important in the grand scheme of things. The second half of MOS once Clark suits up will need to take place after TDKR otherwise where the hell was he during the Bane siege. So they would have to be careful with that.

He definitely survived. He fixed the autopilot, set up a bat signal and Alfred had no idea Selina and Bruce were chummy chummy. It wasn't in his imagination. JGL even confirmed this. It's been told that it's a happy ending. So it means that Bruce got out. But how?

I still say the beach shot is the key. I watched the movie a couple of days ago and I was like BINGO when that scene happened. Now georgec brings up another good option....

I've heard this theory before, and the argument is always about the shadows around Batman while he's in The Bat. It's like he just passed by some buildings or something. If this is a possibility, i'd say he could have ejected into another Bat right when he blew up those buildings (before he heads towards the bridge). Blowing up the buildings could have also served as a distraction for when he fakes his death. The Bat then autopilots over the bridge.

So what ur saying could hold some water.

Unless, the bat could turn into a submarine!
What about the events of MOS and TDKR coinciding? Maybe the final confrontation in each movie happens at exactly the same time (or maybe MOS's slightly earlier). If MOS happens first, then it would be old news by the time Bruce comes back to Gotham which would take precedence. If they happen at the same time, the news stations would be focusing one whichever event is closer to them so obviously, the ones surrounding Gotham would report more on the Gotham crisis.

And since Bane had the city so locked down with communication and what not, the citizens of the city would have been outside of the loop as far as current events in the outside world... specifically those of flying alien superbeing kind.
What about the events of MOS and TDKR coinciding? Maybe the final confrontation in each movie happens at exactly the same time (or maybe MOS's slightly earlier). If MOS happens first, then it would be old news by the time Bruce comes back to Gotham which would take precedence. If they happen at the same time, the news stations would be focusing one whichever event is closer to them so obviously, the ones surrounding Gotham would report more on the Gotham crisis.

And since Bane had the city so locked down with communication and what not, the citizens of the city would have been outside of the loop as far as current events in the outside world... specifically those of flying alien superbeing kind.

My thing is how the heck did Bruce get back into Gotham?
What about the events of MOS and TDKR coinciding? Maybe the final confrontation in each movie happens at exactly the same time (or maybe MOS's slightly earlier). If MOS happens first, then it would be old news by the time Bruce comes back to Gotham which would take precedence. If they happen at the same time, the news stations would be focusing one whichever event is closer to them so obviously, the ones surrounding Gotham would report more on the Gotham crisis.

And since Bane had the city so locked down with communication and what not, the citizens of the city would have been outside of the loop as far as current events in the outside world... specifically those of flying alien superbeing kind.
Good point. Would be tricky though when you could just set it a couple years later. But you never know!
What if the first thing Clark does when he dons the suit and flies into the sky/outer space is to listen to the Earth to see where he's needed the most.

He hears the commotion at Gotham when Bruce is flying the bomb out to sea, and faster than a speeding bullet, he swoops down to save Bats.

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