The Dark Knight Rises Nolan...add Robin!!!!!! - Part 1

The only thing I'm not liking is how short his cape is. I always liked that Tim's costume lengthened the cape significantly.
Aside from the callback to another Robin (Hood), I think it also serves as a great cloak in conjunction with the domino mask. Never did fancy such an open look, when Bats himself is almost completely covered.

Me too.
Am I the only one who this his cape looks WAY too small?
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Good lord. You people are so homophobic that they caved in and turned Robin into generic badass #42. Hey Tim! Male Shepard, Marcus from Gears, Cole from Infamous and Star-killer from Force Unleashed called, they want their look back.

Lose the shaved head and make him at least 18 or 20 years old. He looks way too old here. I like the hood though, goes well with the domino mask.

You read that IGN article, did you?
you said it before I did. He looks just like Cole.

Robin in a Nolan film?

There are a million reasons why this isn't a good idea.

Chief among them, the dynamic of Bruce, training and allowing a kid to put himself in danger on the streets of Gotham while people are getting murdered, probably can't be pulled off in his eventual favor.

Bale's Wayne just wouldn't allow anyone else to do his job, for/with him for fear that he'll get someone else killed. You can argue that Robin can be older but, if you're talking about Robin we're talking about a young kid to begin with.

It's much too risky for Bruce to do this and in the end, I'm afraid Wayne would look like a creep if Robin was included.

I think Robin could work in a Nolan film if the story makes sense. Start out with an older Robin, a "circus" acrobat" and/or parkour champ who sets out to find the killers of his parents, brother, etc. He's an older teen or in his early 20s (and definitely not 12). He may be partly inspired by Batman and sets out on his own as a young and reckless vigilante who ends up working with Batman. And take it from there.
Guys, I found a great Robin costume right here on the Hype!

I think I'd like the AC one if there were no green. It's too dark, doesn't suit the style of the costume and doesn't really fit thematically with the established universe.
Looks cool, but LOL @ them making him an MMA fighter in his spare time.

Robin is a bro now.

Sidenote, what does homophobia have to do with this redesign?
I like AC Robin I don't like the hood though.
I have it on good authority that we will be seeing Grayson in this film.
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"Grayson?" What's bother making an "homage" like that to a major character? Why include it at all? What a stupid idea. I hope for the credibility of this movie that GRAYSON is not in this movie
I could care less if we see Grayson in this movie... whats the big deal?? he plays a signifigant role in the comics, it doesnt have to be campy, so let Nolan have a nod to Grayson. in fact, i kinda like it. let him be a pro athlete with MMA background or something. i am one to try to stay open-minded with these movies and if Nolan thinks it works, then i trust in him....

aaaaannnnnndddddddd let the flaming begin..... :woot:
am i the only one who would rather jason instead

you know that way somebody can kill him
I could care less if we see Grayson in this movie... whats the big deal?? he plays a signifigant role in the comics, it doesnt have to be campy, so let Nolan have a nod to Grayson. in fact, i kinda like it. let him be a pro athlete with MMA background or something. i am one to try to stay open-minded with these movies and if Nolan thinks it works, then i trust in him....

aaaaannnnnndddddddd let the flaming begin..... :woot:

with num chuck skills
hi, gota share my theory on grayson apearing in TDKR. it comes from reading about how the origional costume design for robin and the name was insired by robin hood.

i think john blake is grayson. and he will show up to the ballroom scene shown in the trailer in a robin hood costume. this will provide the perfect "robin" cameo, he can wear the domino mask (that wouldnt actualy make sense for hidding idintity) and some sort of red/green/black tux outfit. and will probobly even fight some thugs in it.

but i doubt there will be any robin body armor/ crime fighter suit.

i think he will take over the roll of azreal from knightfall (taking over as the bat when bruce is down)

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