The Amazing Spider-Man Will the clocktower/train sequence ever be topped?

Now there's a huge challenge for Marc Webb. But in my opinion, a fight sequence doesn't have to be as spectacular visually to beat it. If it's thrilling and emotionally engaging, I definitely think a Lizard battle can beat it. Personally, I love fight sequences that are "simple" (okey neither Spidey nor Lizard should fight "simple" but you get the point) but very personal, and where you can really feel the hurt, the desperation etc of the hero while the villain has the upper hand. So yeah, I think a Lizard battle can top it. But it won't be easy in any way.

I agree. My favorite fight in all the Matrix movies is still Neo's and Mr. Smith's final confrontation in the first film. Visually, it's nowhere near on par with their final fight in the third movie, but because the storyline was so much better in the first movie, I was much more emotionally engaged.
I meant in terms of action scenes. He could've passed Spidey vs Ock.
In terms of a superhero vs. supervillain scene? Probably not. I could easily see a Thor vs Hulk fight being something to behold, though.
I doubt this can be topped. It imo is one of the best superhero action sequences if not the best ever.
as cool as the train sequence was i never truely felt it was as good as it could have been. for a pg-13 movie, ocks glasses should have been broken or came off for as many hits to the face as he got, spider-mans outfit wasnt really damaged and the people inside made the scene cheesy. plus, as soon as peter takes his mask off its nothing but a whole bunch of weird faces from tobey.

i definetly believe if the scene was a tad grittier and there were smart and funny remarks from peter throughout it would have been better. i fully believe it can be topped. for the sequence that needs to be the one that gets topped is the end fight from the first movie where peter gets the pumpkin bomb to his face and green goblin is just a physical powerhouse. you see peter getting hurt and his costume appropriately damaged from the heavy action.
I also love the end battle against Green Goblin in SM1. I think that's more the kind of battles I want, however with a bit more usage of both parts' powers. It's more raw.
In terms of visual spectacle, I do think the train sequence in SM2 is by far the best superhero action scene, and heck, just downright one of the best action sequences in a movie I've seen in a while.

However, I agree with Oscorp in the idea that sometimes I like the more gritty, dirty, and in your face battles. The Green Goblin fight in SM1 had that. But I don't really think either is better, they're just two very different styles.

The only criticism I had of the train fight was the people on the train and the demasking. That really bugged me. But that was a storyline issue. As far as the action goes, it was superb.
My one criticism is Ock shrugging off Spidey's super punches in this otherwise amazing set-piece.
The demasking is my only gripe with this sequence.
I think Snyder might top it in his Superman reboot. Especially if the baddie is a physical threat to Supes.
Yeah well with TDR and the new supes movie coming out the same year as this new spidey flick, I jus hope Webb bears this in mind and uses it as ammo to really up the ante for this movie.
I'm sure he is aware. I'm sure they are all aware no matter what any of them say.

With that said they all seem like strong will minded people so I'm sure their dedication won't lie in fearing competition but rather making their movie the best it can possibly be.
TBH, while I like the train sequence, I always preferred the Bank fight, especially when they're scaling the walls and fighting, the feeling of vertigo, the whole thing was just exhilarating, and still is.

In terms of comic book movies overall, I would still say Hulk vs. The Army in Ang's movie is quite hard to beat. Sure they plodded their way most of the movie, but that sequence was nuts. From the underground bunker, through the desert, ontop of a fighter jet almost to outerspace, back down into the streets of San Francisco, that scene was crazy, and yeah I'm partial, but so what, it was fantastic.

I also love TDK chase scene. For one, the absence of music until Batman breaks out the Pod made that moment even more epic. The flipping of the truck was pretty nuts, and the Joker standing in the middle of the street shooting cars out the way so he can be hit, intense would be an understatement.

It was mentioned earlier too, but that SR plane sequence was also quite good.
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Spider-Man 2 has some of the best and most impressive fightsequences EVER put on film! They're amazing. Period.
it has some impressive moments but overall they arent the best ever. lost of good ideas and definetly entertaining but theres always room to improve. i remember my first reaction to the end of the film the first time i saw it, i didnt feel like it had much of a conclussive encounter with ock. the train sequence was good, and long but then at the end it just seemed to fade quickly and ock was magnificently changed for the sake of the story.

i still think that the sandman fight from the 3rd movie should have been left intact the way it was originally intended. it would have been up there with the best. the armored car sequence was supposed to lead directly into the sewer fight. had that all been one piece, it would have worked better

and i agree, the bank fight had some good moments as well. the only thing that bothered me with either of those fights is just how ock never even gets a bloody nose or busted lip, leta lone lose his glasses. his glasses breaking and him getting a new pair everytime we see him would have been an amusing thing to notice after every time they fought
There's no need for the scene to be topped. What makes the train fight great is that you have two distinct characters displaying the full range of their abilities, mixed with intense drama and even humor.

Rather than trying to top it, filmmakers on this and future Spidey films should simply be thinking about how can they keep up that standard. The Lizard is a totally different villain from Ock. They need to do the same. Show his abilities at full titl and then present how Spidey deals with that challenge.
My one criticism is Ock shrugging off Spidey's super punches in this otherwise amazing set-piece.

I know, I couldn't stand Spidey punching Ock and it was like nothing. That was pretty much...
I can't see the above guy's post. Wonder who it could be?
I love the train sequence but I personally thought the action scenes in Spider-Man 3 were even bigger and crazier...the opening New Goblin fight alone is just incredible.

The best part of the train sequence was seeing Spidey in full costume in daylight fighting a villain.
Spider-Man 2 remains the definitive comic book movie IMO. Everything is right about it especially the fighting and web swinging sequences.

Wonderful movie.

So very true. I'm glad some people are mentioning the fights from SM3. I know certain fanboys have made a career out of whining about that film but I absolutely loved some of the action in SM3. The air battle between Pete and Harry is still one of the best action sequences EVER put to film.

The bar is set pretty high for this reboot and I wonder if the budget will allow them to come even close?
I agree with some of the above posters. It doesn't matter if the fight scenes match or surpass the fight scenes of the previous films in terms of epic-ness, as long as they fit into the story, and both effect the characters emotionally and are effected by what the characters bring into the situation from their lives.

I mean, take Star Wars for example. In the prequels, the light saber duels are awesome and way more epic and over the top than they were in the original trilogy. But what is usually considered to be the best duel in the entire franchise?


Why? Because of how it resonates emotionally, how the story has built up to this point. Not because it's flashy.

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