Justice League Justice League: News and Speculation - Part 1

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Seems a bit soon for this forum but post news and such
When Superman and Batman meet for the first on the big screen it has to be Clark and Bruce. I really don't understand how anyone could not want that.
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There's no reason for JGL to be Batman in JL except to force a sense of continuity.
Never liked the idea of having a John Blake as Batman and while I think that JGL is a good actor, I never liked the idea of him playing Batman.

In case of a Justice League movie, only Bruce Wayne should be Batman.
Nolan himself wanted his trilogy to be a stand alone trilogy with no ties to Justice League, I prefer it that way.

Forcing Blake into JL movie as Batman would be risky move, general audience have always associated Batman with Bruce Wayne, just last ten minutes of TDKR would not make them change their minds.
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Bruce as Batman is best for the movie and the future of the franchise (with the solo films) and i would much rather think of JGL as Robin or Nightwing. But it still fascinates me to think of how they could tie in Blake's character & Nolans universe into JL. Of course only if it was done successfully and by the right people. Then id be extremely interested in seeing it happen. Whether the fans on here like it or not.
Yeah, if Bale said he would like to wear the cape and cowl again WB should jump all over that sh-t right there. Plus add Robin/Nightwing in as a small role for the lulz.
Yes because attaching yourself to the most successful, both critically and financially, single superhero franchise in existence is a bad business move.

I recognize the business side of it, however, the Nolanverse is done with. Time for a fresh take on Batman.
If the rumors of Alfred making an appearence and JGL Batman are both true it'd be kinda awkward. Assuming WB is keeping the Nolanverse , it would be kinda weird to have Alfred involved in the story or have him aid Blake given all the moaning he did about Bruce being Batman.

However , if they wanted Bale back , an interesting way to resolve the whole Nolanverse/ Bruce retirement , along with JLA, would be to have the film take place sometime in the 8 year gap between TDK and TDKR hence opening the door to the return of Bale's Batman. It would certainly further explain why Bruce's leg is messed up, why the Batcave has been rebuilt even though he really didn't have a need for it , and how he has a massive amount of scars after less than a year of crime fighting. He could have been gone for sometime which would explain his absence beyond just giving up after Rachel and Harvey died.
Why wouldn't he just help because he believes he can? If a firefighter is off duty, is he going to leave people to die in burning buildings? Is a doctor going to let someone choke because he's not working?
It doesnt need to happen in the 8 year gap at all. Not that i would mind, but he can be retired, in peace with Selina Kyle on the other side of the planet for X amount of years. Until he NEEDS to be Batman one more time. Even if he's reluctant this time. Bruce would do it, especially if it means he doesn't have to be in Gotham as the Batman but in a completely different way.

The problem is the logic of how would he be able to get a new suit, etc from Fox? And how would he be able to do it in time? There's also the question of how long is this after TDKR...and wouldn't a new Batman exist at this point? Bruce would leave it up to Blake. Unless he feels Gotham needs him there while Bruce tends to the mission with Superman, etc.

I'm afraid that Bale just isn't coming back and if he were to be there, it would be to serve as the head figure who put it all together with his money. And not with the suit. It's probably either JGL in the cape and cowl or it's a completely different universe.
If Bale were to return, a story could be fairly easy to create:

Blake begins his career as Robin/Nightwing/Batman whatever. Speaks to Gordon about other vigilantes rising in other cities and needing "his" help. Leaving it ambiguous as to who.

We see a man walking through a fairly low key city. The camera revolves to reveal Clark Kent, who says "I'm a big fan of your work, Mr.... Malone? Is it?"

"Please call me Bruce"

Bruce can then be shown to have in his home a memento style wall with him revealed to have been following the recent uprising of heroes, and believes he has deciphered their identities. But is reluctant to return to active duty until Blakeman is injured.
The problem is, I can't buy Bale's Bruce as the guy who keeps taps on all superhumans, as well as having deduced their identities. We got the tech savvy Bruce during the Trilogy, but not the brilliant detective.
I like the idea that WB is bringing back Ryan Reynolds and Henry Cavill. I hope they will bring back Christian Bale as Batman too. First, it would really help the movie to be successful at the box-office, second TDKR is still new and I don't think its the right time that they should recast/reboot the character of Batman, third I don't think its really impossible to include Nolan's Batman in a different kind of movie, and fourth, no need to introduce Batman. We know happened to him in the Dark Knight trilogy and the JL movie wouldn't need much introduction and explaining how Bruce Wayne became Batman and that would be the same case for Ryan Reynold's Green Lantern and Henry Cavill's Superman. And there would be more time and space to develop the characters that haven't had a movie before (in this decade) like Wonder Woman, Flash, Aquaman and Martian Manhunter.
However , if they wanted Bale back , an interesting way to resolve the whole Nolanverse/ Bruce retirement , along with JLA, would be to have the film take place sometime in the 8 year gap between TDK and TDKR hence opening the door to the return of Bale's Batman. It would certainly further explain why Bruce's leg is messed up, why the Batcave has been rebuilt even though he really didn't have a need for it , and how he has a massive amount of scars after less than a year of crime fighting. He could have been gone for sometime which would explain his absence beyond just giving up after Rachel and Harvey died.

I think the whole one year gap between BB and TDK was retconned by Nolan himself and per the The Dark Knight Manual's timeline. 5 years is the appropriate number he spent fighting crime which only makes sense considering the amount of things that have happenend between the two films would take considerably longer than only a year. Plus everyone looks just alittle bit older in TDK than they did in BB. Not to mention the age of Gordon's son from BB to TDK. Wayne Manor being a 42,000 sq. foot structure would take a longtime to rebuild and considering how busy Bruce was who's to say he got right on it. They could've started work on the Batcave and he may have infact operated out of it and still lived in the undamaged portions of the manor until he was set up in the city. Some may complain how the TDK trilogy's timeline is messed up, but honestly it's not nearly as screwed up as the comic current timeline. Bruce Wayne having mentored 4 Robins, has a ten year old son, and yet has only been Batman for about 6 years....try wrapping your head around that! lol!
The problem is, I can't buy Bale's Bruce as the guy who keeps taps on all superhumans, as well as having deduced their identities. We got the tech savvy Bruce during the Trilogy, but not the brilliant detective.

Yes, but who's to say the filmmakers couldn't incorporate that element into his character for JLA. I can very much envision Bale's Batman now in this strange world where things have changed, metahumans and aliens now walk among us. This could be a factor that brings him out of retirement once again. So many of you keep going on and on about how Nolan's Batman world doesn't fit into a universe with other superheroes, but what if your wrong? What if it can be done and still maintain the proper tone? I can see Bale's Batman and Cavill's Superman meshing alot easier than I can see Ryan Reynold's Green Lantern with either one of them.....As it stands right now I really want to see Bale and Cavill as our World's Finest. It just feels right to me after seeing the approach taken for Man of Steel. If Bale is willing than for god sake sign the man.
Yes, but who's to say the filmmakers couldn't incorporate that element into his character for JLA. I can very much envision Bale's Batman now in this strange world where things have changed, metahumans and aliens now walk among us. This could be a factor that brings him out of retirement once again. So many of you keep going on and on about how Nolan's Batman world doesn't fit into a universe with other superheroes, but what if your wrong? What if it can be done and still maintain the proper tone? I can see Bale's Batman and Cavill's Superman meshing alot easier than I can see Ryan Reynold's Green Lantern with either one of them.....As it stands right now I really want to see Bale and Cavill as our World's Finest. It just feels right to me after seeing the approach taken for Man of Steel. If Bale is willing than for god sake sign the man.
I hate to be selfish, but it wouldnt bug me one bit if they postponed JL for several years if it meant WB were pumping out 'Worlds Finest'. With Cavill and Bale like you said.

It would give them time to focus on a Wonder Woman project, a Flash project, let Green Lantern take a rest through the decade & complete the Man Of Steel trilogy. When the next decade approaches, you reboot Batman and do a one-off Justice League film with an all new generation of young actors. In an entirely different universe.

In the 2015 slot would be Worlds Finest and possibly a Nightwing spin-off with JGL about a year later.

But i agree with you Dusty. I can see Bale's Bruce conflicted with coming out of retirement and wondering if he's a fit in a world that now includes superheroes and aliens. A Justice League can work all you have to do is do it well. Make Bruce just as shocked as the rest of us, that his world has been invaded. If it's set after his Batman movies then it shouldn't be a problem. It doesn't take away the fact that his world (his Gotham) WAS a gritty and regular place. It would be the equivalent to our own real life being turned upside down tomorrow morning by an alien invasion. How we react is how they should react.

It doesn't conflict with Nolans vision at all. If you write it like "Man Of Steel or Green Lantern takes place in the midst of the Dark Knight trilogy" then that's a problem.
The final 7 members of the JUSTICE LEAGUE members are not locked down yet. They're tinkering with possibilities during rewrites (cont) RT

Let's say for sake of conversation AQUAMAN was in the first draft. In the rewrite WB CE mentions, "Gee, hey let's try HAWKMAN instead."

Then the CE mentions, "Hal Jordan didn't work out for us a couple of summers ago, can we perhaps try John Stewart instead?"

So then they get 7 & go out to directors, then director has his notes & maybe a member or two he wants to see in the next rewrite.

What's true today might not be in next draft tomorrow, hence why that story yesterday was BS. Had they locked down the 7 I would been on it.

Dudes, I'm not saying that John Stewart is your Green Lantern, was merely making a comedic Creative Exec comment.

There is a director who read it over the holiday
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Now we know that there are 7 members on the team at this point.
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