Justice League Justice League: News and Speculation - Part 10

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There's no doubt that one day Batman will be rebooted. However, I absolutely feel now, meaning anytime within the next ten years, just isn't the right time. Look at The Amazing Spider-Man. Sure it made good money, but is it really setting the cinema world on fire by comparison of it's predecessor. Batman Begins took a quiter approach as well but strong word of mouth launched massive hype for it's sequel with TDK. The Amazing Spider-Man 2, it's like nobody even cares sadly. WB should be looking at this. With Bale all they need is a couple more performances out of him for a World's Finest and a couple of Justice League movies. He could easily play this role until he's 50.

Its predecessor only did so because there were no other superhero movies at the time. The only other franchise that was running at the time had been X-Men. The last successful one had been Batman and that crashed and burned. X-Men and Spider-Man were both mediocre movies, but they got attention because they were two of the very first CBMs based on major characters. But that's about it. Period. And how exactly does nobody care about TASM 2? It's been getting as much coverage as Iron Man 3 when it was filming, maybe even a bit more. It already got more coverage than Thor or The Wolverine. Heck, it gets more press than half the MCU.

Also, if James Bond can go a maximum of 4 years without a new movie, I don't see why Batman can't especially since Batman is a bit more iconic than he is plus much like Bond, he has had multiple different interpretations of him and different actors playing him within a very short gap of time. Bale is not attached to Batman in the same way that Christopher Reeve is attached to Superman, RDJ is attached to Iron Man, and Hugh Jackman is attached to Wolverine.
Its predecessor only did so because there were no other superhero movies at the time. The only other franchise that was running at the time had been X-Men. The last successful one had been Batman and that crashed and burned. X-Men and Spider-Man were both mediocre movies, but they got attention because they were two of the very first CBMs based on major characters. But that's about it. Period. And how exactly does nobody care about TASM 2? It's been getting as much coverage as Iron Man 3 when it was filming, maybe even a bit more. It already got more coverage than Thor or The Wolverine. Heck, it gets more press than half the MCU.

Also, if James Bond can go a maximum of 4 years without a new movie, I don't see why Batman can't especially since Batman is a bit more iconic than he is plus much like Bond, he has had multiple different interpretations of him and different actors playing him within a very short gap of time. Bale is not attached to Batman in the same way that Christopher Reeve is attached to Superman, RDJ is attached to Iron Man, and Hugh Jackman is attached to Wolverine.

Not to mention that my generation (the now 18, 19, 20 year olds) grew up with those movies so a lot of them whine that their memories are being toyed with. Personally, I welcomed a new take because I fell in love with the character rather than the movies. The GA will only ever see it as the latter which is why they'll get upset in that way which is why I think the Batman reboot could spell trouble. Lots of people like the Nolan Batman movies but they'll praise different parts of it like the actors, the story, or Heath Ledger's portrayal of the Joker rather than the character of Batman himself.

So a new Batman comes along that looks, sounds, and acts differently than Bale/Nolan's take and it'll be an uproar. Which is why casting will be absolutely crucial for Batman's part in this new shared movie universe followed by the quality and depth of the stories that his solo films will tell. Rather than attempt to sell the character, they'll want to sell the movie to the audience and... "teach them that this man is to be trusted"

Probably misquoted that but I vaguely remember that from somewhe- you know what, forget it >_<
Also, if James Bond can go a maximum of 4 years without a new movie, I don't see why Batman can't especially since Batman is a bit more iconic than he is plus much like Bond, he has had multiple different interpretations of him and different actors playing him within a very short gap of time. Bale is not attached to Batman in the same way that Christopher Reeve is attached to Superman, RDJ is attached to Iron Man, and Hugh Jackman is attached to Wolverine.

IMO at this point in time, the Nolan series said a lot about the character of batman and bruce wayne. If you're just going to make new batman films in order for people to see their favourite villains, its not exactly the best basis for a new series. Seeing as how the last series pretty much was dependent on the villains, but it was more or less a rinse and repeat formula.

That's why I think the character's next logical step is either a JL movie (which changes things up) or waiting a while for the next series to build up anticipation of seeing a new take. As fans of batman its easy to say, oh wouldnt it be cool to see the penguin, riddler, croc etc. The main problem is if they pump out a movie every 2 years, is the general audience going to care.
A bat reboot may not take the time to say much about the character like u said. It could be a rinse and repeat formula where it's strictly about the visual and making a batman movie for the sake of getting a new Joker back on screen or bringing in some villains that haven't been used in a while (riddler, penguin).

I guess a part of me doesn't mind that if it's done with respect. I mean, if they make it with the intention of adapting a comic or a video game for live-action. A Batman Beyond or an Arkham Asylum. Or a loose take on Heart of Ice. The batman fan that I am loves this but is it saying something about the character? Is it a story worth telling or is it just eye candy?

I guess Beyond can say something about old Bruce but we're years away from seeing something like that. Arkham sounds cool but mainly a visual experience. We could get Dick Grayson's origin again but will general audiences care for seeing the "serious take on Batman Forever"? And do we learn something about Bruce in the process or is it like the old movies where the villains and sidekicks become more of the focus..

Burning out the audience is never a good thing.

TDK films seemed to say something strong about the character of Bruce Wayne, it wasn't just spectacle, and now MOS has that same thing going for it.
The only thing I want to see or know from Batman on film is that he will go on to make an impact on the world, as a God Amongst Men.

That means Bruce going on in his spare time from JL to train other hero wannabes in other cities.

Of course it can happen in a reboot, but I'd prefer it from Bale's Bruce.
Seems more fitting after TDKR.
Ya it does, im not sure if they'll go that route in the movies though which would be a missed opportunity.

I was thinking about Cyborg just now, what if they bring him into JL because they want their "racial diversity" and have plans for a rebooted Hal Jordan? Also because of the more recent lineup of JL of the past couple of years...

Chadwick Boseman suddenly sounds more appropriate for that character than John Stewart.
I just can't see him going back to France and retirement after JL :oldrazz:

Bale might only be back for the JL movies. And I can't picture him sitting around waiting for something else to happen.

If Bruce forms the JL to protect Earth, then I see him expanding on those feelings to go on and form other heroes in other cities. Could even be Green Arrow in this universe!

Beats retirement :D
I just can't see him going back to France and retirement after JL :oldrazz:

Bale might only be back for the JL movies. And I can't picture him sitting around waiting for something else to happen.

If Bruce forms the JL to protect Earth, then I see him expanding on those feelings to go on and form other heroes in other cities. Could even be Green Arrow in this universe!

Beats retirement :D

bruce is setting up franchises.
the first rule of justice league: you don't talk about justice league.
the second rule of justice league: you DON'T TALK about justice league.
I was thinking of parallels between the League of Shadows and Justice League.. Maybe Bruce's experience with Ra's will influence his decision to form a League of Justice to restore balance
We need a name

The League of Justice

How about...The Justice League of America? :D
I was thinking of parallels between the League of Shadows and Justice League.. Maybe Bruce's experience with Ra's will influence his decision to form a League of Justice to restore balance
Yup a few of us have brought that up before. Im a huge supporter of that idea. JL is Bruce's version of the league of shadows, been saying it for months and Ill keep thinking it's a great idea even if it's rebooted!

I just can't see him going back to France and retirement after JL :oldrazz:

Bale might only be back for the JL movies. And I can't picture him sitting around waiting for something else to happen.

If Bruce forms the JL to protect Earth, then I see him expanding on those feelings to go on and form other heroes in other cities. Could even be Green Arrow in this universe!

Beats retirement :D
Sounds great! Im not sure if it beats having Selina every night though :yay:. Bruce has quite the dilemma on his hands!
i don't get why people want bale to come back and have his bruce "train" people. the training is nothing. blake was never trained. in his eyes anyone can be a superhero. it's about the will to act. the nolan bruce was a slow fighter, and not even close to as intelligent as his comicbook counterpart. fighting for nolan continuity for continuity's sake is unsettling. why not put out a good story?

if batman never takes the mask off in justice league, then i doubt anyone will have a problem. that or a slightly younger bruce(bomer) could be a good restart for the character.
That's what we're trying to do, a good story. We've come up with many scenarios for a good story with Bale's Bats and I cant really think of any with the rebooted one, other than throwing him in there just cuz they need a new Batman for a team-up.
Scrap the America part though.
It did come from Superman :D

How about....The Justice League Of America?

Wonder Woman
Justice League

Perfect! America makes it sound too exclusive, thus leaving Canada feeling very isolated! :p
Yeah, I would leave the America part out of it. If they're going to be saving America from stray nukes or economic collapse, then I guess they can go ahead with that title.

If it's saving the world, leave it "Justice League".
i don't get why people want bale to come back and have his bruce "train" people. the training is nothing. blake was never trained. in his eyes anyone can be a superhero. it's about the will to act. the nolan bruce was a slow fighter, and not even close to as intelligent as his comicbook counterpart. fighting for nolan continuity for continuity's sake is unsettling. why not put out a good story?

if batman never takes the mask off in justice league, then i doubt anyone will have a problem. that or a slightly younger bruce(bomer) could be a good restart for the character.
Blake needed Bruce's push in the direction.

And Bruce has always been a teacher and trainer, so why not? It's an evolution of his character that makes him closer to the comics counterpart.
That's what we're trying to do, a good story. We've come up with many scenarios for a good story with Bale's Bats and I cant really think of any with the rebooted one, other than throwing him in there just cuz they need a new Batman for a team-up.

they did just that with the dcau. world's finest episode of superman introduced a "new" batman that existed in a world with superheroes. he was more streamlined in design to match the stas world, but he still kept a lot of the history from his original series. after that episode arc, what happened? this "new" batman got his own show. then a few years later, this new batman and the stas superman came together again, and justice league was formed.

it doesn't matter that it was in the animated universe, they still did it, and told a great story. it can be done because we've all seen it. the next step is for them to actually do something with it.

bale's batman is retired. the nolanverse did something that the comics can't; they ended bruce wayne's story as batman for good. why bring it back? he's old , psychically and emotionally damaged. he would never be able to keep up with the justice league, but for the sake of continuity, that can't be continued since it ended, that's ok?

i like bale.i liked him as batman, but the only way i can see him playing batman again is if they reestablish a different, yet similar, batman just like they did in the animated universe.
i'm not saying they should just do a live action version of the justice league cartoon. like a direct translation, but use it as a guide to show the studio heads that we could do it in animation, think about how big it could be if we did a live action version akin to this.
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