TMOS Reviews Thread - Non Spoiler Review and Discussion

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^ IM2 was compromised. IM3 was better movie on a stand-alone basis, but an EVEN worse sequel than IM2.
Why are we posting this in here? A breakdown of some of the chronology of the movie is a spoiler!

Hence my use of spoiler tags. It was in response to a review someone posted. I suppose I could quote that review with my question in another thread? Which would you recommend?
and a HUGE spoiler at that!! I have no idea how the movie plays out chronologically and do not want to know. missed it though so its all good
Hence my use of spoiler tags. It was in response to a review someone posted. I suppose I could quote that review with my question in another thread? Which would you recommend?

General discussion or review and speculations thread (spoilers)
A critical chat about MOS:
Sideswipe2674: With a actor like Henry Cavill, being Clark Kent…
Sideswipe2674: …you’re a big handsome guy, and some characters that interact with Clark are lost on his size and charm. It didn’t feel realistic.
Sideswipe2674: He definitely felt out of place as Clark Kent, but he’s not the Clark Kent that we grew up knowing.
Sideswipe2674: He’s much more natural as Superman in this film.
EZP88: hahaha
Sideswipe2674: As slow as the story was, it made up for it with the action in the middle and end.
Sideswipe2674: The story lags in between, so I felt like pacing was off.
EZP88: So, you got a little bored after the first action scene?
Sideswipe2674: Yeah.
EZP88: How would you rank it with the rest of the blockbusters so far?
Sideswipe2674: I’d rank it, Star Trek, Iron Man 3 then Superman.
EZP88: Really?
Sideswipe2674: Iron Man 3 has comedy, charm and personality.
EZP88: I thought Iron Man 3 was far behind Star Trek.
Sideswipe2674: Superman feels more serious.
EZP88: I think I liked Fast and Furious 6 more than Iron Man 3.
Sideswipe2674: Star Trek is way beyond all of them.
Sideswipe2674: MOS feels like a movie with potential, and that’s the problem…
Sideswipe2674: …its still just a movie with potential.

Actually, I'm relieved to hear that he thought it "dragged" in the middle. From all the reports it was sounding like MOS was just wall-to-wall action, and I really want some of those quieter character-building moments to get a chance to breathe.

Also, not at all concerned about it having less "comedy and charm" because this is Superman - I WANT his story to be treated with more reverence and respect than your average superhero. I don't want him being apologized for, and a lot of times, I feel like the humor injected into recent CBM flicks (e.g. Thor, Iron Man, etc) is there to help the audience laugh at the inherently ridiculous aspects of the film. That shouldn't be the case with Supes. He should be more straightforward, seeing as he's the original mythmaker out of the bunch.
Hence my use of spoiler tags. It was in response to a review someone posted. I suppose I could quote that review with my question in another thread? Which would you recommend?

Well it wasn't in spoiler tags when I saw it!
Actually, I'm relieved to hear that he thought it "dragged" in the middle. From all the reports it was sounding like MOS was just wall-to-wall action, and I really want some of those quieter character-building moments to get a chance to breathe.

Also, not at all concerned about it having less "comedy and charm" because this is Superman - I WANT his story to be treated with more reverence and respect than your average superhero. I don't want him being apologized for, and a lot of times, I feel like the humor injected into recent CBM flicks (e.g. Thor, Iron Man, etc) is there to help the audience laugh at the inherently ridiculous aspects of the film. That shouldn't be the case with Supes. He should be more straightforward, seeing as he's the original mythmaker out of the bunch.

Yeah, me too. I'd rather it be "draggy" like Begins, than rushed.
Actually, I'm relieved to hear that he thought it "dragged" in the middle. From all the reports it was sounding like MOS was just wall-to-wall action, and I really want some of those quieter character-building moments to get a chance to breathe.

Also, not at all concerned about it having less "comedy and charm" because this is Superman - I WANT his story to be treated with more reverence and respect than your average superhero. I don't want him being apologized for, and a lot of times, I feel like the humor injected into recent CBM flicks (e.g. Thor, Iron Man, etc) is there to help the audience laugh at the inherently ridiculous aspects of the film. That shouldn't be the case with Supes. He should be more straightforward, seeing as he's the original mythmaker out of the bunch.

YES ^ Actually made me extremely happy. I don't need this movie to be ANYTHING like IM3 in terms of comedy.
^ It initially was untagged. And sorry for calling you dude. :/

No worries about the dude thing, and I'm sorry to have neglected to tag my post initially. You were right to advise me to do that and I appreciate you looking out for your fellow forum members. I hope we're good. :yay:

General discussion or review and discussion thread (spoilers)

Thanks for the advice. Sorry for my initial error. I'll definitely be more careful.
Sideswipe2674: With a actor like Henry Cavill, being Clark Kent, you’re a big handsome guy, and some characters that interact with Clark are lost on his size and charm. It didn’t feel realistic. He definitely felt out of place as Clark Kent, but he’s not the Clark Kent that we grew up knowing

I don't get it. Is this poster saying Cavill is too handsome and charming for Clark? He/she expected dork reporter Clark not wandering Clark?
Superman is much more of a Moses figure than he is a Christ one. I don't even see the Christ comparison.

Even Moses' nemesis, Pharoh, is bald, like Luthor. Superman and Moses are both put in "baskets" and sent away for their own safety, and in the new film Superman's birth is illegal (natural conception), much like Moses was (slaying of all the males).
I don't get it. Is this poster saying Cavill is too handsome and charming for Clark? He/she expected dork reporter Clark not wandering Clark?

Yeah, the person complained that he wasn't awkward enough as Clark :whatever:

But he/she said he was a fantastic Superman :)
I think we really have two different audiences out there for summer blockbusters right now. The crowd that wants them to be big, bright and humorous (note I didn't say "dumb" so nobody should take that as an insult) and the crowd that wants them to be serious, introspective with a bit of weight behind them.

I think if anything MOS will come the closest this summer to appeasing both sides of the fence, but it's still inevitable that it's not going to be everyone's cup of tea.
I think we really have two different audiences out there for summer blockbusters right now. The crowd that wants them to be big, bright and humorous (note I didn't say "dumb" so nobody should take that as an insult) and the crowd that wants them to be serious, introspective with a bit of weight behind them.

I think if anything MOS will come the closest this summer to appeasing both sides of the fence, but it's still inevitable that it's not going to be everyone's cup of tea.

Yes. I want them to be both, because I think that's what COMIC BOOKS are. They're grandiose and big, but can also be smaller and more personal, with top notch action (depending on the artist) and have good supporting characters (depending on the writer)
He shouldn't have expected an awkward Clark, since they are not going that route. (which I am kinda happy about to be honest. Something a little different from the comics and previous movies)
They actually set up Superman as an amalgam of different pulp and literary heroes from the day ie. Doc Samson, John Carter, etc.

Doc Savage....the guy in my avatar :woot:
Not quite, at least as far as his creators were concerned. Superman (origin and all) was almost entirely modeled after Moses. His story is largely from the old testament (Moses), not the new testament (Jesus). Over time, other adaptations have made associations between Superman and Jesus, which is quite easy and often done with any messianic character. But as far as basis, Superman was always supposed to be more of an old testament-inspired character.

I wasn't reading comics until much later, but I know the Donnerverse really hit home the Messiah theme for me. Some of Jor El's dialogue could almost come straight out of the new Testament.

Always loved the Moses angle (Baby in a basket down the nile/spaceship to earth, and bringer of the law/truth and justice), but the character lends itself better to the Christian symbolism. I'll tell you that I'm a pastor so Superman has been featured a lot in my sermons. But at the heart of Superman is that ideal person for others to aspire to. He's someone raised by humanity, but something greater and more powerful from another world. Those themes are prevalent in the Christian faith as well.

For the record, the turn the other cheek thing has been grossly misinterpreted over the years and is not actually meant to come across as "take a beating," but was actually a form of nonviolent resistance to the powers that be. For more info, a PM is probably more appropriate. But in keeping with the topic at hand, though Superman is anything but nonviolent, at his core he seeks redemption for his villains instead of execution, yet another important Christian theme. Superman Vs. The Elite would be a great basis for a sermon.

All that to say, that as a Christian, Superman screams Jesus. But it might not be that way to people of other traditions or beliefs.
Yes. I want them to be both, because I think that's what COMIC BOOKS are. They're grandiose and big, but can also be smaller and more personal, with top notch action (depending on the artist) and have good supporting characters (depending on the writer)

Superman is much more of a Moses figure than he is a Christ one. I don't even see the Christ comparison.

Even Moses' nemesis, Pharoh, is bald, like Luthor. Superman and Moses are both put in "baskets" and sent away for their own safety, and in the new film Superman's birth is illegal (natural conception), much like Moses was (slaying of all the males).

Just saw your post after I posted mine.

Definitely, Moses was a big basis for Superman's character. The creators did a beautiful job of that with the origin.

I think what brings about the Christ like angle the most is that Superman is a god like being who becomes human through Clark Kent. He's one of us, but not us at the same time and this is very much the story of Jesus. Add to this that he's raised by a family of humble means in a town out in the middle of nowhere and more comparisons can be made between Smallville/Bethlehem and Jonathan and Martha Kent/Mary and Joseph.

That's why I see more of a blending of stories and why I'm happy Goyer mentioned the Old and New Testaments for inspiration.

EDIT: Forgot to add that another interesting fact: Superman is from the House of El. El, or Elohim, in Hebrew means God.
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Yeah, the person complained that he wasn't awkward enough as Clark :whatever:

But he/she said he was a fantastic Superman :)

Sometimes I think that the biggest struggle the movie has, is the preconceptions of Superman coming fron the donnerverse. We all have opened our minds for a change, but some of this reactions are proof that the general audience is gonna need more time to adjust. Some reactions are really frustrating but what can we do.
Sometimes I think that the biggest struggle the movie has, is the preconceptions of Superman coming fron the donnerverse. We all have opened our minds for a change, but some of this reactions are proof that the general audience is gonna need more time to adjust. Some reactions are really frustrating but what can we do.

^This. Though my mind is opened up by Mark Waid's writing ;)
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