The Relationship Thread: Because Superhero Forums are Full of Sexperts! - - Part 31

25 age difference. Been through that before though.

Is it the age difference alone, or the fact that he's at a different stage of life? You mentioned he has a family. What if he didn't and he were still single and not settled down yet? Would that make any difference? Do women view that kind of thing any differently?
His nephew had to have surgery, so he watched his sister's newborn for her. The age difference isn't an issue to me. He doesn't have any kids or anything that would be hard cause I would have to win them over and not feel like I'm replacing Mom.
I've dated about three teachers and I'm done. There is seriously something wrong with them.
Well Ray and I had our first date last night. It was really nice. Too bad my work schedule is too crazy right now to do it again.
How can I invite someone out for a date-like event which wouldn't actually be a date? It would be more like I just want to go to something, but probably need a partner for it. I have several female friends I could potentially ask, but I don't want to seem like I'm initiating something, because I'm not. It's purely just a matter of wanting someone of the opposite sex to accompany me (because it wouldn't do to be a male) so I don't have to go alone.

And I can see this has the potential to cause confusion en masse if I ask several women at once (on a first come, first served basis), especially if I need them for more than one event. Would I seem like I'm leading them on at all?

People of the opposite sex should be able to do more things together without all this drama.
BTW, would it be bad form to call up/email someone I haven't seen in 7 years to accompany me on this non date?
How can I invite someone out for a date-like event which wouldn't actually be a date? It would be more like I just want to go to something, but probably need a partner for it. I have several female friends I could potentially ask, but I don't want to seem like I'm initiating something, because I'm not. It's purely just a matter of wanting someone of the opposite sex to accompany me (because it wouldn't do to be a male) so I don't have to go alone.

And I can see this has the potential to cause confusion en masse if I ask several women at once (on a first come, first served basis), especially if I need them for more than one event. Would I seem like I'm leading them on at all?

People of the opposite sex should be able to do more things together without all this drama.

Depends on what type of female friends you have, if you have a really close one this shouldn't be an issue at all. Hey, I have this thing do you wanna go?

If all you have are acquaintances, you would have to do be more chummy with them and just ask and be honest.

BTW, would it be bad form to call up/email someone I haven't seen in 7 years to accompany me on this non date?

I've had an interesting week, in regards to relationships and attempting to ask a girl out.

For quite a long time now, I've liked this girl that works at the coffee shop I go to. There was a decent amount of time, we had little to no interaction at all. But early this year - or near the end of last - we started talking more and.. I don't know what you'd really call our relationship at that point, but it was - she was fairly "mean" to me, and I've been fairly "mean" back to her. It's clear, to us, that it was not meant in any nasty way, though.

But, for one example - margin holes in a notepad. I was doing some work, but I decided to take a break. I put the pen in one of those holes. She comes over, neither of us spoke. She whacked it once. Whacked it twice. It didn't fall over, she grunted and picked it up and threw it down. Smiles all around.

The other week, after she joked I wasn't one of her favourite customers I said I'd be nice to her. I said I may not be one of her favourite customers, but she was my favorite person there.

And her reaction was over the top. She make a fake gag/vomit sound, but soon boomeranged back asking to know why. Why her? Why her? She's always so mean to me! Why?

Why not him? Or the other guy?

It was amusing. She had to tell them what I'd said, and she got really hung up on it. A few days later she even bragged about it.

Okay. Fast forward, to cut a long story short. I made a comment to the chap that owns the coffee shop - who I'd say I'm close with - that I was going to ask her out to this event. It's at the local Theatre regarding photography. I recently found out she has done photography for two years in College and began her own business.

I thought it'd be a great idea, because it's at least something she's interested in, and it could be a neutral thing. Asking her out, but I could pretend, if it backfired, it was just something I wanted to go to with someone.

So I nabbed her one day and I began to tell her about the event.

She asked if you pay. I said yes. She asked why pay if you could go for free and take photographs?

I continued.

She asked what time it starts. I said, unfortunately, 9:45am and it's actually a 4-5 hour thing. She wasn't enthusiastic about that but continued to ask about it.

I said I'd pay, but she said no. No I wouldn't, she would pay for herself.

But she might be working, would probably be working so probably not.. But if not, maybe. I said think about it, at least. She said she will.

Now this is where I'm annoyed. Not even so much with her, really.

I looked at that as a case of the event being on a Tuesday, all day. She works on Tuesdays, and she might not be able to book the day off. If she can, maybe. But at £40 a ticket, £80 for two people - I'm thinking, though she doesn't know the prices, it's not ideal. Not for 5 hours, 9:45am.

But my family went in and had some lunch, and came away with news.

News no one told me.

It turns out someone told her I was going to ask her out. It then turns out someone else told her to tell me, definitively, she IS seeing someone and he lives with her.

When this person asked her what she told me - the girl said - "I said maybe."

The other person was in despair at that point. Because they don't want to see me get hurt, but obviously wanted things to go in the right direction.

There I was thinking I should say forget the event, lets go for a drink instead. Easier, cheaper and probably more enjoyable. And then I get this news today.

:loco: But I was also in today. And nobody told me. Nobody brought it up. Nobody mentioned a damn thing to me. No, it was told to my family who came home and told it back to me.

And I'm fine. I'm not really hurt, it's what I expected to be honest with you. I'm actually more irritated with the dishonesty.

The thing is, if this girl knew I was going to ask her out - when I said to her look, I need to ask you something if I can nab you before I go.

She should have said then. She just said "why don't you tell me now?"

And I did, and I got through the entirety of my "asking her out" with no murmur of a boyfriend. It was uncertainty because of her working and the time and ticket prices. And when I said once again I'd pay, she said no - she works for a wage for a reason, she would pay.

Do not get me wrong - I am not sat here thinking there's more to all of this than anyone is letting on. I'm actually thinking I should just back away now, and stop what was to me very flirtatious interaction between myself and her. As much as I was enjoying it, and clearly I had my own ideas of where I wanted it to go - I don't know if it's the right thing to carry it on.

All I am now is confused. There were so many times where I actually did believe she liked me. Times where a friend said the girl turned red around me. Lingering smiles and eye contact that made me wonder.

And I complimented her. I told her, when she said I'd better still go in there after ---, that if she's still there I'll still go.

When she was off sick for a couple of days, she came in and told my mother - who had coffee with me that day - that I missed her. I said no. She apparently turned back and mouthed - A lot - to my mother, who gestured with her hands - a lot.

:whatever: So all in all, I don't know. I guess I knew this would be the outcome. I'm just.. She was told to tell me, if I ask her out, that she has a boyfriend. Either she thought my invitation was not asking her to go on a date, or she.. I don't know.

Plenty of time there to say something. She was told to let me know that.

And when asked what she said, she said that she told me "maybe". Not maybe, but I meant no. Not, I should have told him ---.

Anyway. Thought I would share. Funny really, overall.

I'm at that point now where, if it even gets brought up again - by her - I'll just spill the beans and tell her I like her, and get it all out in the open and over with. Because it seems someone overheard, ballsed it all up by telling her what I planned to do, and someone else told her to tell me she has a boyfriend she lives with - and nothing has gone right.

For any of us.
Anyone here tried dating while seriously ill? Last time I was on dialysis was high school, and it really hurt my self confidence, and I didn't date till far later in college after my first transplant. Now I'm 35 and my kidney transplant has failed after 17 years and I'm back on dialysis again. Really hard to feel attractive to the opposite sex when you're like this.
:whatever: And in brief follow up.

You know when your own friends aren't helpful when they turn around and say she probably does like you, was definitely sending you those signals or acting in "that" way toward you - but may be scared, worried. If it's a long term thing she might not be happy in, but it's what she's in, she might not want to take a risk. And her not telling me was.. Whatever it was. Even though she was told directly by her boss she had to tell me what was up, but ended up giving me work as a reason she couldn't go - but if she wasn't working, maybe, but she'd be paying for herself.

And all I'm thinking is - :loco: These people are crazy. As much as I would love that to be the case, I don't believe it is. Something doesn't sit right with me still, but it's more I think to do with there being this side story that was told to my family and not me.

But my solution now is simple. I'm backing off for a few days or a week. I have exams coming up anyway, I have plans for a trip away in a year and working toward a qualification and looking toward moving out in the near future.

So I'm going to go in for coffee earlier, before she goes in for work and take that time to gather myself and my own thoughts.

And who knows. If she thinks anything of me at all, maybe she'll miss me. A bit. :whatever:
i am just wanting to know why all these people are in your business Brem? and especially her boss?
i am just wanting to know why all these people are in your business Brem? and especially her boss?

I would say I'm very close with this lady. I won't go into the details, but we have known each other for a long time - and we know each other well outside of the coffee shop she owns - so there is a friendship there between us.

So I made a comment to her - and her husband - about my intention to ask the girl to this event at the Theatre, not even going as far as explicitly stating I was asking her on a date. I thought, as she's interested in photography, she might like to go. Hey, probably shouldn't have bothered.

How anyone else knew is beyond me.

Outside of that - one friend knew I liked the girl, so we chatted about it afterward. I may have worded it poorly, sorry.

But, all in all, I shouldn't have said anything, I know. I didn't think about who might be listening, and I only mentioned it as "there's something on regarding photography, and I thought she might like to go with me -" and whoever overheard - if anyone - supposedly told me directly I was "asking her out" when it could very well have been a friendly invitation.

It doesn't matter anyway. I think the damage, if any, has been done. She has spoken to me since then - once, briefly asking where I've been and she hadn't seen me all week. Asked if I was alright the next day - and gave me the saddest sounding, quiet good morning today.

:whatever: Look, if there's anything you should ever know about me - if I can balls things up, I'll do it. I'm extremely inept.
Hey guys. Could use some advice/sounding board for my current relationship woes.

I've been with my girlfriend for three and a half years. It'll be four years in September. The last year though has not been good. I've been completely miserable. Her more selfish tendencies have really started to shine through and I've also come to the realization that she's a workaholic. We fight constantly over career stuff because mine isn't accelerating as quickly as hers and because of the toxic household she grew up in a person's worth is their career and bank account rather than the quality of their character.

She left in May for an internship at a theater in Utah. She was supposed to be gone for two months. Easy enough. Two months will go by in no time. As soon as she got there she told me they extended her contract through October. There was no discussion. She'll be gone till October. Our relationship is crumbling. She'll be gone the majority of this year and communication from her has been sparse. The only time we talk is when she calls to talk about work. Otherwise it's nothing. There's no questions about my life. I can't even get her to say I love you anymore. I know that a large part of that is how horrendous she is at talking on the phone, but how hard is it to text it? Hell, how hard is it to just say it when someone you've been with for almost four years says it to you.

I'm miserable, and I don't know if it's something I should work through with her, or if I should just get out now. I wake up every morning with the feeling that I have to make the case for why she should care about me. That's not a healthy relationship.
You need to communicate with her and try and get her to set aside some time for you to talk. Tell her you're unhappy and discuss any possible future you may or may not have.

You may have grown into 2 different people and if you have different life goals maybe you're not meant to be together. Even as a workaholic, she should be setting some time for you especially if you're doing the LD thing.

I think you should sit down and take some time to think this all out and then give her a call and have the "relationship talk".
You need to communicate with her and try and get her to set aside some time for you to talk. Tell her you're unhappy and discuss any possible future you may or may not have.

You may have grown into 2 different people and if you have different life goals maybe you're not meant to be together. Even as a workaholic, she should be setting some time for you especially if you're doing the LD thing.

I think you should sit down and take some time to think this all out and then give her a call and have the "relationship talk".

Yeah I told her to call me tonight once she gets off work.

Relationships are hard work and it's ironic that it's the only kind of work she's not addicted to.
Hey guys. Could use some advice/sounding board for my current relationship woes.

I've been with my girlfriend for three and a half years. It'll be four years in September. The last year though has not been good. I've been completely miserable. Her more selfish tendencies have really started to shine through and I've also come to the realization that she's a workaholic. We fight constantly over career stuff because mine isn't accelerating as quickly as hers and because of the toxic household she grew up in a person's worth is their career and bank account rather than the quality of their character.

She left in May for an internship at a theater in Utah. She was supposed to be gone for two months. Easy enough. Two months will go by in no time. As soon as she got there she told me they extended her contract through October. There was no discussion. She'll be gone till October. Our relationship is crumbling. She'll be gone the majority of this year and communication from her has been sparse. The only time we talk is when she calls to talk about work. Otherwise it's nothing. There's no questions about my life. I can't even get her to say I love you anymore. I know that a large part of that is how horrendous she is at talking on the phone, but how hard is it to text it? Hell, how hard is it to just say it when someone you've been with for almost four years says it to you.

I'm miserable, and I don't know if it's something I should work through with her, or if I should just get out now. I wake up every morning with the feeling that I have to make the case for why she should care about me. That's not a healthy relationship.

Sounds like it's already over to me and that you're both just waiting for the formal end. I think the time you have apart until October will be good for both of you to get perspective on what you really want, and see if you do in fact completely drift apart. It might be inevitable at this stage. Maybe she just wants someone to still be there to sound off, but isn't prepared to actually contribute anything else to the relationship. She could have the same conversation with a career guidance counsellor or her work colleagues.
i'm not sure of the situation with the work extension, but is it something yall could've talked about before she agreed to it? that's a much longer amount of time away than originally planned, and if it was a situation where she just agreed without consulting how you feel, then yall might be at a path were you part ways. if it wasn't like that, then i think you should find out either way
Could do with some advice myself.

Dated a girl 10 years younger than me a couple of years ago. I felt there was a clear difference in maturity level which is natural given the gap, and after a few dates I broke it off. I am someone who likes spending time on my own and this poor girl wanted to spend every minute with me which was something I just wasn't prepared to do.

My friend started dating her friend at the same time, and they have since become an item. My friend tells me sporadically the girl I used to date often asks how I am, I tend to just shrug it off. But lately he has been really hammering home that she still likes me a lot and constantly asks about me. He tells me she has lost weight and looks great. But her looks were never an issue anyway so that doesn't sway me either way. He also tells me she has really matured personality wise.

I have seen her out and about usually on dates and have stayed friendly and said hello. I always thought she had moved on but obviously not.

I am now in 2 minds what to do. Part of thinks give it another shot, but then another part thinks why bother when it didn't work last time. I usually have a personal rule of never going back to girls I previously dated so need some advice!
Just wondering if it's a compatibility issue? If this woman was everything you wanted, would you want to spend more time with her? I'm not sure you could or couldn't have ascertained that after just a few dates.

Everyone deserves their own me time. My wife works nights and I work days for example, she worked yesterday and today. During that time, I could go to the gym, to the movies (movies she doesn't want to see), play video games, etc. However, for the most part we still spend quite a bit of time together even if we are just at home.

I assume there's people who need more solitary time on their own, but if you're in a relationship with anyone, it's safe to say yeah they can monopolize quite a bit of time.
Just wondering if it's a compatibility issue? If this woman was everything you wanted, would you want to spend more time with her? I'm not sure you could or couldn't have ascertained that after just a few dates.

Everyone deserves their own me time. My wife works nights and I work days for example, she worked yesterday and today. During that time, I could go to the gym, to the movies (movies she doesn't want to see), play video games, etc. However, for the most part we still spend quite a bit of time together even if we are just at home.

I assume there's people who need more solitary time on their own, but if you're in a relationship with anyone, it's safe to say yeah they can monopolize quite a bit of time.

Thanks Erz

Part of the compatibility issue was the age difference IMO, she wanted to be out and about doing things and partying all the time, which I do still enjoy occasionally, but I partied like mad throughout my 20's and early 30's. It's sort of been there done that for me.

Also I was happy to spend time with her when I could, but also I have a stressful job in which case when I get home I am not always in the mood for company,of any kind not just this particular girl.

I still have quite the active social life also, so the me time is rather important to me when I can get it.

Basically last time we were dating it felt more of a chore than something I actually enjoyed. And my thinking is a change in looks and personality in this person wouldn't necessarily change that outlook for me. Does that make sense?
Thanks Erz

Part of the compatibility issue was the age difference IMO, she wanted to be out and about doing things and partying all the time, which I do still enjoy occasionally, but I partied like mad throughout my 20's and early 30's. It's sort of been there done that for me.

Also I was happy to spend time with her when I could, but also I have a stressful job in which case when I get home I am not always in the mood for company,of any kind not just this particular girl.

I still have quite the active social life also, so the me time is rather important to me when I can get it.

Basically last time we were dating it felt more of a chore than something I actually enjoyed. And my thinking is a change in looks and personality in this person wouldn't necessarily change that outlook for me. Does that make sense?

I don't think it's necessarily to do with age difference. I know people who are in their 20s who aren't out partying all the time and are quite happy to have quiet dates or stay at home simply to enjoy the other person's company, and are quite self sufficient on their own. They can also be quite understanding of others who don't always want to be out doing something. Conversely, some people in their 30s or 40s also like being out all the time. So I think it's more to do with personality and compatibility than age. You're just both different and like different things.
Thanks Erz

Part of the compatibility issue was the age difference IMO, she wanted to be out and about doing things and partying all the time, which I do still enjoy occasionally, but I partied like mad throughout my 20's and early 30's. It's sort of been there done that for me.

Also I was happy to spend time with her when I could, but also I have a stressful job in which case when I get home I am not always in the mood for company,of any kind not just this particular girl.

I still have quite the active social life also, so the me time is rather important to me when I can get it.

Basically last time we were dating it felt more of a chore than something I actually enjoyed. And my thinking is a change in looks and personality in this person wouldn't necessarily change that outlook for me. Does that make sense?

But you've had girlfriends before for an extended period of time?

So you're aware of the type of effort and time that's required. Here it just seems like you are into different things and are at different stages in your lives.

I never liked the dance/club scene when I was younger, even less so now. I do like gatherings at houses instead. However, I have friends who do like to party and it's something I have to almost "force" myself to.
Some people are never into clubbing and pubbing, even in their 20s. I think you just have different tastes, that's all. It's good to recognise when someone is too different to you that even if you like them, they simply walk a different path.
But you've had girlfriends before for an extended period of time?

So you're aware of the type of effort and time that's required. Here it just seems like you are into different things and are at different stages in your lives.

I never liked the dance/club scene when I was younger, even less so now. I do like gatherings at houses instead. However, I have friends who do like to party and it's something I have to almost "force" myself to.

In all honesty no never had a girlfriend for an extended period, I like my freedom and have a close group of friends whom I see often, women I have met never seem to like either.

Some people are never into clubbing and pubbing, even in their 20s. I think you just have different tastes, that's all. It's good to recognise when someone is too different to you that even if you like them, they simply walk a different path.

Think this is the case here
I have a friend who last time I checked was single but always puts family first, family get togethers, family vacations, even dance recitals etc. for her family's kids. We kinda remarked that how they can date especially that important "get to know each other" or compatibility stage with constant family obligations? Who knows maybe if the right person came along they'd adjust their lives.

I know it's painting in broad strokes but like I said earlier but wanting to spend more time with someone if they really clicked with you. I'm sure as you've gotten older, you've seen a few of your friends get into more significant relationships. It happens and it's common but obviously not necessarily for everyone.

I use to hang with someone a few times a month. But throw in work schedules, him moving an hour away and just regular daily lives, it's once every couple/few months.

I guess my point is finding someone who's "okay" with not spending a good amount of time with you. It's different in the dating stages. Once a week or every two weeks, but I'm not sure what type of woman would be okay with sparse dating. I'm not advising you to get with this girl because it seems you are at different points socially, but if you are really looking for a relationship, in general you will have to limit me time or even friend time. It's actually common.

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